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Autoshite Ratted MG Focus!?!

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Saw this come round the roundabout in fromt of me and couldnt beleive my eyes! neither could the traffic cops in the layby 50 yards up the road, needless to say they were right out and behind him! managed a sneaky pic tho :)




What do ya think?


Not sure about the Focus but the best thing that could happen to that car is if the Tesco lorry driver took the side rails off his trailer and the cock rocket MG owner drove into it flat out.




What a piece of crap. Needs setting fire to.


Out if interest, will a car pass its MOT with all those stickers in the back window? Cant help with the view and if a car is meant to have a rear window I would have thought you would have to be able to see out of it. :?

Not sure about the Focus but the best thing that could happen to that car is if the Tesco lorry driver took the side rails off his trailer and the cock rocket MG owner drove into it flat out.


Nah, I'd leave the opposite side-rail on for extra comedy value.


Also, can I be the first to make a pointless negative reference to OMGRETRORIDEZ? Thanks.








Haha! Quality stuff :)


How did you find that! He lives where i was born it seems too

There is in fact a build thread for this car:



Some good stuff on page 23, excellent look at the interior on page 24.



I love the way that cars like this have 'build' threads, with no apparent irony attached. Surely it should be a 'perversion' thread, or maybe a 'vomit' thread?


Sadly, I do actually quite like seeing deliberate, or forced, patina, in certain circumstances. I even enjoy seeing cars modified in a daft way, just to make the owner smile. And I've never really been bothered about modern MGs. But despite my normally open-minded view of such things, I still want to stab that MG's owner repeatedly with a rusty knitting needle.


I'd love to take that car and turn it back to absolute stock, factory standard, chucking all the OMgZ "RaT" shit in the bin.


That adapter socket thing on the left is funny, I've not seen that done before, but there's no coil of rope or rusty suitcase.


It's not the cars themselves that piss me off (although that was probably a perfectly ok R3) it's the twat owners who think they're being funny, right-on and cool.


Just last night some wee lad in a ratted and slammed Polo 6n was coming towards us on the main road into town. Helen saw him first and said "FUCKING HELL! Look at the state of that!"


This thing was clearly riding on the bump-stops, and the front end was literally banging up and down as it went along, admittedly quite slowly. Helen clocked the reg, and I reported it to the Peelers when we got to my parents' house. Ratlook fair enough, but this Polo was dangerous, I don't care how cool someone thinks that only 5 millimetres of ground clearance looks. It's also not the first car I've seen like that in recent weeks. If you're gonna cut your coil springs in half then your suspension geometry won't work as intended. But of course, Barry knows better than VAG.


WOW - Check out teh hotties! :shock::shock::shock::lol:








If you were to kick one of the headlights in would the owner hate you or love you?


The blonde one on the right is okay but that is maybe only relative to the girls she is photographed with?


Anyhow back to the cars. They guy also seems to own the red one too:




And it did look like a piece of shit to begin with:



So maybe not 100% chump then. It was a piece of crap car that he is having some fun with. He has probably extended the life expectancy of this particular car as it looks like it was not a long way from scrap fodder. Not how I would go about it but each to their own.


I also like the 'HGF FTW' plate on the bonnet......


Studebaker - you do know I cannot UNSEE that, don't you?


And NO I haven't shagged worse before any of you lot ask :D

Some of you will know that an epic oil spill last May resulted in me taking a pretty severe allergic reaction to the fumes, which in turn led to chronic laryngitis and me being unable to speak for literally two months, so expect me to lose the ability to speak by the weekend :roll:

Wonder what reaction he'd have to a bottle of T-Cut??


I was expecting something like this:




Hey Billy, you're gonna have to hide if things go the right way in Laaaandon on Saturday!


Hide? If things go the right way I shall be borrowing one of the works vans and driving round site all morning visiting all my LFC supporting mates!

Chubby one on the left for me,sorry chaps!


Jeez. Looks like we need to start a LadyShite forum. Actually, it's probably not a good idea to google that...

Chubby one on the left for me,sorry chaps!


+1. Simply because the rest look like they would 'cut you up' soon as look at you.


Had worse etc.


And the cars not nice either.




Photoshop surely, the one second from left looks like she has someone else's head.


Looks like it was already well on its way to ratlook before that cretin bought it




Read the thread

Still really dont "get" it at all.

Still think it looks like a pile of horse dung.

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