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Autoshite Decals - restock *pg 11* £2.50

Jim Bell

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What have thee got left ?


Current stock is x2 Autoshite plain, 4xWBOD and 5x SVM approved.


That reminds me... will PM on Monday as Tapatalk is BOLLOCKS.


Cool fella. Just let me know.



Cheers all.

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I've just Paypalled you with £2.00 (or the equivalent in North Korean Wong) for 3 of your delightful* high quality* leather embossed* gilt edged* stickers, all of which come with a suitable epithet relevant to a division of General Motors, for which I shall remain ever grateful..


*= not guaranteed on ALL purchases; the value of these stickers may go up or down and current prices are not an indication of future value....

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  • How about "Sorry, not for sale" stickers.

To be applied to undesireable cars in an attempt at irony.

Suggest inch high white letters.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

Surprise Restock!!


Prices as below:



Large decals:

ANY 1xdecal = £2 delivered.


ANY 2xdecal = £ 3 delivered.


ANY 3xdecal = £ 4 delivered


ANY 4xdecal = £ 5 delivered


ANY 5xdecal = £5.00 delivered.





(Large) Decal Style 1:


Everyone likes Arnold Clark.  But Auto Shite R better.























Small decals:

ANY 1xdecal = £1.50 delivered.


ANY 2xdecal = £ 2.50 delivered.


ANY 3xdecal = £ 3.50 delivered


ANY 4xdecal = £ 4.50 delivered


ANY 5xdecal = £5.00 delivered.


(Small) Decal Style bleak and orange 3:








(Small) Decal Style 4 (plane oranges):







Can mix and match.

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Sorry for asking an irrelevant question, but are the Pineapple ones on a white square, or is the red circle the outer edge?

Thats pretty relevant actually.  As I understand it, all white bits are "clear" upon application. The red circle is the decal outer edge when applied.

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Damned good idea, I'll shall message Mr Shitpeas later.

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How easy is it to 'vectorise' things for sticker printing?


I acquired a few Jalopy mags the other week, and Issue 2 still has its "I <3 my Jalopy" sticker attached in decent nick for something that's 23 years old.


Dunno about interest / copyright, but can easily scan it if it'd be of any use?

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Im in the arse end of nowhere in me caravan ( dealing with a blocked drain and a wife who failed to stand aside when we fired up the cutter on a FULL pipe of shitwater - she was no best pleased to be pebble dashed).

I will PM when I get back to normality tomoz night - expect a large order of stickerz.to cheer up Mrs Womble


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Im in the arse end of nowhere in me caravan ( dealing with a blocked drain and a wife who failed to stand aside when we fired up the cutter on a FULL pipe of shitwater - she was no best pleased to be pebble dashed).

I will PM when I get back to normality tomoz night - expect a large order of stickerz.to cheer up Mrs Womble


Job done :)


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