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Korean Cortina - MOT day


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Probably very right about the wing! But it just seemed like fate that I have one spare...


I'm missing all but one of the wheel centre caps, and initially wondered about getting some moulded up, after a suggestion from Skizzer.




But I've persuaded Mrs_the_cat to model one up for me, with the plan to get a set 3D printed. Handy being married to a CAD designer!






If you're not already sorted - or, indeed, don't mind sharing - please could I have those files to test a machine with.

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I don't see a problem with the file - she's modelled it in Inventor so at the moment it's a .ipt file. There's a 3D printer at her work, but as I understand it the format needs changing to .stp or .igs for the printer to use. Once we have something I know which works, I'll let you know.

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Well, that was an eventful day! I'd planned a bit of a drive today, just for fun. One of the front wheel bearings had a touch of play (despite only having covered 2k miles) so last night I thought I'd better strip it down, check for damage etc. Nothing was evident so I assume I just didn't torque it properly in the rebuild :oops: Re-greased it and reassembled, and all seemed well...


Until a mile or so into the journey to work this morning. It sounded like it had broken up completely, with a rapidly worsening grinding noise. I turned round and headed for home but it got so bad I had to pull over. At which point I realised that the front wheel was very loose :oops :oops: Normally I leave the wheel brace on one of the nuts when I lower it from the jack, to remind me to properly tighten them. But in this case I was tight on space, so didn't. Plus it was getting late so I guess tiredness was a factor. Anyway, an easy fix and I made it in on time.


Afterwards I had a fun drive around Oswestry and Lake Vyrnwy, and was returning home via Dolgellau. Coming along at round 50 mph in a procession of traffic, there was a car in the central hatched area wanting to turn right across my path. Unbelievably he went for it in front of me! I braked hard, locked up briefly, braked again and yet again locked the wheels. It was at this point I was certain I was going to hit, but somehow he got out of my path before contact.


I drove on a short while before stopping, and when I did I was literally shaking. I've never been so close to an accident before :-( Would have made good dashcam footage, but I never want to experience that feeling again! I can't understand it - he was stationary before turning, so can only assume he saw the slightly bigger gap in front of me in the line of cars, and went for it. Or saw an old car and assumed I'd be pottering along. I seem to get a lot more people pulling out on me behind the wheel of the Stellar than anything else!

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That's right, nipped up is what I meant. Although actually there is a torque figure in the manual of something like 2 lb ft I've always done it by feel.

For them to be OK for the first few thousand miles I must have done them right, so maybe they are crap. At the time I bought them (maybe 12 years ago) I hadn't yet been bitten by poor quality parts so bought purely on price...

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Are the front wheel bearings on that not a taper roller setup ? And just nipped up rather than torqued ?

Savvy has a pair of opposed cones, in the rear drum.


Factory has a torque setting. I had my rears replaced twice under warranty - rollers cracked in two.


When I took responsibility for servicing [tf] & the drums came off for brake checks, I whapped on a fresh set of 'no name' Chinese brgs.- nipped tight & next nearest splitpin hole.


End Of Problems.... ;)




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  • 2 weeks later...

The wheel bearings still seem OK after another 500 miles or so, but will keep a close eye on things.


The update on the wheel centre caps is that nothing much has happened yet (the printer at my wife's work has been flat out), so I started investigating professional companies who could produce them. Shapeways seemed like the best bet - the whole process looks quite slick - just upload the file and you get a choice of materials with prices, including a polished option to take off the edges from the visible resolution of the printing process. Around $19 for them to be made out of a tough plastic (in a range of colours) but I was very intrigued in some of the other materials available! I guess they often do jewellery, as quite a few precious metals were listed. At $91,000 for a set in platinum though, I will probably stick to plastic...


As it happens though, there's a gap in production tonight at my her work so they've left the printer doing a cap for me. Just one initially to check the fit/finish. I'll post up a photo of the results!

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The finished article! 




Needs a minor redesign though, just a lip adding to hold it more securely to the wheel. Hopefully I'll be able to get them done next week. I'm hoping that a few coats of paint, rubbed down, will fill some of the surface imperfections.

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I don't want to get too excited just yet, but I think I've found the missing sill trim over in Korea. Certainly they've replied to my email and said they have one in stock, although I don't know for sure whether it's just a case of 'computer says we have one'... I'll be a little bit more confident when I get the shipping confirmation!


It costs the equivalent of £9.29 - considerably better than the £90-something the dealer wanted if it hadn't been NLA. Although part of the saving has been wiped out by a £45 delivery charge, but hey, I'm not complaining!

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I've finally got around to putting some stonechip paint onto the sills this evening!




I went for some that is overpaintable, so if I decide not to stick with black (body colour was how it was done originally), I can just go over with silver. However I think that black looks neater, at least once the trim is fitted.




I've left a strip uncoated at the top where the trim will sit, as I'm not sure how well it would bond to the stonechip.

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The next exciting instalment is the tow bar...more specifically how to make it look better!




The easy solution would be to take it off, but I do use it for a small trailer (plus I have a project in mind building a towable camping pod) and for mounting a bike rack. A couple of years ago I bought a rack which mounts on the ball itself, so I could at least do away with the plate.




Not sure whether it looks better with the cover or without! Maybe one of those chrome flip-up covers would be an improvement?

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Good luck with the sill trims.  I found that some UK Hyundai dealers used small screen computers which cut the pages until scrolled right.....where it said 'obsolete:no stock:unobtainable.'  They ordered parts, special order from Korea, who told them  'obsolete:no stock:unobtainable.'  This frustrating cycle consumed weeks.  Did you see that a cheap Stellar was mentioned in the ebay tat thread a day or two ago?  Not sure whether it has the trim you want though.

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Thanks Ray, I hadn't spotted the one on the tat thread...not ideal in terms of location though as the only road legal tow vehicle is the van, so the LEZ £100 charge is needed. I am sorely tempted though, and if I hadn't found somewhere claiming to supply the trim I would probably get it without hesitation (you can just make it out at the bottom of the doors, although appears painted).


No shipping confirmation as yet, so looking slightly less hopeful. I'm well aware of the special order parts never appearing, although didn't know why...


If this Stellar seller is a banger racer and uses the car in a race, I might be able to buy the trim off them so will probably contact them anyway. Could be a useful source of parts!

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The next exciting instalment is the tow bar...more specifically how to make it look better!


You know you're finally on top of your resto project when you get down to improving the aesthetics of the towbar  :-D


Time for a new project?  ;-)

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Time for a new project?   ;-)


Probably got my work cut out just maintaining the fleet! It would be nice to use the BX more, as I've done very few miles in it this year. The banger Stellar won't be raced apparently - the event it was destined for has been and gone. It would have to be scrap or export though - no chance of getting it back on the road. I've said that if it doesn't sell complete, I'd go down and strip it before scrapping, but I can't realistically justify the whole car :-(


The rest of the wheel centre caps are being printed this week, but I've sprayed the one I have in the meantime:



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I picked up the remainder of the caps on Friday, and managed to spray them yesterday after we got back from Anglesey. Quick wash before setting off:




That was followed by an enjoyable drive, although a sticky starter solenoid has reared its head :-(


I took a back road over the moors on the way back, and parked up by a deserted house for a photo:



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Save a Stellar from the banger track? Asking price £250  Charlton SE77RX .07808001550



Thanks to Lankytim for the post, and RayMK for the heads up I've arranged a deal with the seller. It will be raced after all, but I can go down this Friday and remove anything not needed before it's stripped. I've a list of bits, but if the other (three?) Stellar owners on here are after anything, let me know and I'll see what I can do...

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Enjoyable though the weekend was, I became aware of a major mechanical malfunction whilst at the show. I was asked to demonstrate the headlamp washers, which I did only to find screenwash pouring out of a damaged hose on the passenger side :-( And hence no pressure to the opposite jet.


Completely ignoring the iffy starter, this was my number one priority to sort (non-essential jobs are always more fun...) The hose is a bit perished but as I didn't have enough 4 mm hose in stock, I've done a patch repair for now and simply spliced in a length of brake pipe.



Believe it or not, this is the first time in my ownership that I've actually seen the washers in action!

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I'm glad I'm not the only one, I might have stuck a camera in front of the 940 after fixing the washer jets (leaking valve) - bonus headlamp wipers on that, too.  Made me strangely happy.


The Stellar is looking fantastic, shame not to get to the show last weekend, I was looking forward to seeing it after its respray.

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I note the blue one near my old gaff in London is still sat there with its mate, the Mazda 626 - Wonder if anyone has tried acquiring them, or if they're too far gone?



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I'm surprised you didn't edit that given the limitations of your broadband. ;)


I would have trimmed it if I'd had suitable software, as that short clip took around 45 minutes to upload. But the only means I have is the YouTube video editor, and by that point it kind of defeats the object... 

Fortunately downloading is faster, although any video of reasonable quality requires buffering :-(

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^^ as above,although Martin did have a certain fascination about the tow ball......



For more WIN! a black Bradley Flipper is what you need...




But Martin suggested that the 'naked' look (not his exact words...) looked tidy. And who am I to argue matters of style with someone owning a Renault 16, an SD1, an XJ6 and a Lancia Dedra?! Actually, for anyone remotely interested in towball matters, I have bought something, but I'm reserving judgement until it arrives. It's a bit cheaper than a flipper though  :shock:

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Thanks to Lankytim for the post, and RayMK for the heads up I've arranged a deal with the seller. It will be raced after all, but I can go down this Friday and remove anything not needed before it's stripped. I've a list of bits, but if the other (three?) Stellar owners on here are after anything, let me know and I'll see what I can do...


Thanks for the 'see what I can do.'   The only item that would be nice to have is a replacement front offside overrider, but I've lived with my split one for several years,  so it's hardly urgent.  If it is available, easy to remove and you have the time after getting your bits, I would be pleased to give you some £s for the part and your trouble. 


Regarding the headlight washers, I have never used mine.  I don't even recall seeing a switch or button to operate them. 


Your Stellar does look good and sound wonderful.  Meanwhile, mine is looking increasingly untidy around the rear wheel arches.  Korean rust seems to laugh off all the rust treatments I've tried so far, though to be fair Dynax has preserved everywhere else very well.  When the house central heating boiler has been fixed, rotting windows attended to, chimney repointed and a tree removed before it disrupts next door's driveway, I'll consider getting the arches done :-D .

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Not sure which car to take on the trip tomorrow - on one hand the Kangoo makes more sense, getting around twice the mpg on cheaper fuel, with AC for when I get stuck in Friday afternoon London traffic, no mileage limit on the insurance, can get more parts in it and have less of a worry about getting it pranged.


So why is it I'm even considering taking a thirsty, hot, saloon car with a dodgy starter motor, and with brakes that are very easy to lock up in the wet?

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So why is it I’m even considering taking a thirsty, hot, saloon car with a dodgy starter motor, and with brakes that are very easy to lock up in the wet?


Because you have a soul! A V8 makes everything better.

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