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Vulgalour Arts - Commissions OPEN and a Vauxhall Tigra Prints and Original

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Autoshite, Retro Rides, Practically Classics, LeylandPrincess, Twitter, Facebook, DeviantArt and a boat forum someone put a link up on which I'm yet to sign up to.


Tumblr I was holding off on for the time being, I'm still getting my head around updating all of the above.  Oh, and then there's my blog that I need to remember the password for.


As you can imagine, it can take a while to update when I've done a piece.


That saab has come out lush. Really good proportions. If I had £50 to spend then I would buy it. 


That Saab looks really good, the earlier ones in the thread are not a patch on it in my opinion colouring wise.


Looks great - I noticed the 'steamroller' esque front wheel straight away though? Not to sound like a teacher/boss but I'd personally spend a few extra minutes adding detail to the wheels!


Noted for future reference, but I shan't be changing it now.  I used to really struggle to draw hands, but I'm good with those now.  It would seem that wheels are my new hands, if you follow.  Practice, practice, practice.


  I used to really struggle to draw hands, but I'm good with those now.  


You might want to give Jack Vetriano a call, he can't draw hands to save his life.


I'd never noticed that with his work, now it's all I can see!


Back in December 2010, my gran wanted a pic of hands praying so I did this for her.  It's not too appalling though obviously not without flaws but then I have done a lot since then so I daresay I'm even better now.




Noted for future reference, but I shan't be changing it now.  I used to really struggle to draw hands, but I'm good with those now.  It would seem that wheels are my new hands, if you follow.  Practice, practice, practice.



Yes, they can be 'wheely' hard to get right in perspective. I cheat and sometimes use a French curve.


I also use a ruler, so maybe I'm not an artist at all.


Personally, I say use the tools you have. There are plenty of straight lines and compound curves in man-made objects. Just watch for the straight lines that aren't. See: Parthenon.





Rulers and french curves and other drawing aids are perfectly allowed, I'm not snobbish about using tools to make the work easier, where's the sense in that?  Never understood the whole "I can do this the hard way, look at me" attitude, no sense in that.  No shame in using drawing tools either, not really.



So on to the biggest piece of 2014 so far, the A3 sized montage of cars from around the world.  None of these are much bigger than the palm of my hand and some are much, much smaller so you'll have to forgive some of the minor flaws here and there to the scale at which they've been drawn.  I've adapted some of the techniques from the colouring of the SAAB picture posted previously and the oldest vehicle on the sheet is a best-guess for colours since I only had a black and white reference to work from.  This was a lot of work and that's reflected in the price.


Montage - £100



The vehicles:

Hillman Husky - Great Britain

Subaru Brat - Japan

Volkswagen Beetle - Germany

Fiat X1/9 - Italy

DAF Daffodil - Holland

TATA Nano - India

Holden HQ Ute - Australia

Citroen Visa - France

Ellet Mini-El - Denmark

Pegaso Z102 - Spain

Proton Saga - Malaysia

Volvo 240 - Sweden

AMC Gremlin - America

Russo-Baltique C24-40 - Russia

Tatra 603 - Czechoslovakia

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Nice. I'm just pleased I spotted the Pegaso without reading the list below.


Looking at your rendition of that Saab and its curves got me thinking, have you ever had a crack at an Alfa 156? They have similarly curvaceous front ends and are beautiful cars, IMO at least.


Funny you should ask, I've got a 156 commission underway at the moment.


Possible diversification - put some vulgar into the vulgartpost-5582-0-36192200-1391044792_thumb.jpg

Picture courtesy of junkman

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Not my bag, but I can understand why you might suggest it.  If it helps, I could draw a Renault Kangoo with a giant cock-and-balls spray painted down the side, that's pretty vulgar.

  • Like 2

Would you ever be surprised about that...

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Classic cars and a lady person.  That's what everyone wants right?  I got this idea last night as I was about to go to bed and had to draw it today to get it out of my head, going to have fun colouring this one.  Sorry for the shittiness of the scan.




The Bubblecars picture does appear to be jolly popular, I hope I do it proud with the colouring which will be coming along before February ends, all being well.


In the meantime, here is a recently completed ink commission of an Alfa 156 at Brands Hatch.



  • Like 3

Just seen this thread for the first time. Some really excellent work here - I'm envious of your talent, VA.



Classic cars and a lady person. That's what everyone wants right? I got this idea last night as I was about to go to bed and had to draw it today to get it out of my head, going to have fun colouring this one. Sorry for the shittiness of the scan.




Ink that like Junkman's pic above and that'll be a solid gold masterpiece.]


That's pretty much the plan, ink lining will be way too harsh.


That really is some excellent stuff, and fantastic to see your talents actually making themselves useful.


I've always loved drawing, but lack the patience to draw stuff that actually exists. I prefer to make stuff up, that way nobody can say "you've got it wrong"  I did the Coventry Uni four-year Transport Design course, but mistakenly neglected to get involved with CAD to any depth, which explains why I now work in the Service department at a Mercedes dealership.


Fortunately, in between phone calls from panic-stricken punters with EML's on and an inevitable 600 mile drive the next day, I get the opportunity to doodle.


om another note, vulg would you do other things than cars? only asking because mrs fordperv would love a pencil sketch of our dog that passed away yesterday


@Fordperv:  I'm sorry to hear your dog passed away, that's always a sad thing.  You're in luck though, I can draw dogs and would be happy to do a commission for you.  Similar level of detail to the Bubblecars picture above, but with a bit extra detail because fur is complicated stuff.  Drop me an e-mail to the address on the most recent pictures above or DM me for more information.


Today I got my first spam e-mail to my new e-mail address, took a bit longer than expected.

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Sometimes when I can't sleep I draw, which does help.  That's why I'm about to hit the hay after sketching up a very 80s Capri.

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