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"Scene" twats.


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There is a scene establishing itself in the ex-Soviet countries including East Germany, which will slowly but steadily take care of what little is left of East-chod.
So everybody who is into such stuff, please look away now.
It's called Comecon-Tuning, or rather the German equivalent "RGW-Tuning" if you want to google it.



























The really sad news is, that meanwhile even a few Tatras got this treatment.









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is it me or is 'scene' something akin to banger racing? Decent cars get loads of time/money spent on em to get trashed and end up over the bridge.....

oh and some of the pics in this thread have literally made me laugh out loud. Not in a good way.

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Black ones OK ish , the rest look hideous



Didn't that have some sort of twatting great engine and running gear fitted?

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I saw the red car in the first page and thought 'OK, fair play to him, that looks pretty smart.' Then I skipped a few pages in and saw this...




Could someone who's into this kind of thing please explain why this isn't illegal, unroadworthy and MOT-able? I'm genuinely interested to hear from any of the forum's MOT testers to understand how on earth something like that gets a ticket.

  Unfortunately there's nothing specific in the MOT testers manual about stretched tyres.  As a tester I would look at the sidewall instructions on the tyre and if it says mount on a 6" rim, I would get the tape measure from the approved MOT testing tools standard issue tool board and measure the rim width on the car.  If it's over 6" I'd fail it on section 4:1:F


f. a tyre not fitted in compliance with the manufacturers sidewall instruction, e.g. ·    a tyre marked ‘NHS’, ‘Not for Highway use’ or similar ·    an asymmetric with a sidewall marked ‘outer’ fitted with the marking to the inner side of the wheel.


And I'd do the same for tubes fitted in tubeless tyres as you can tell from the valve stem if it's a tube.

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I placed a second Autoshite sticker at a jaunty angle on my windscreen.


perhaps we could get a take on these stickers made in beige that says ohsoshite



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Drifting. What's the opinion? Second one below is so funny.


Maybe its just me but I don't 'get' drifting at all and yet I enjoy most motorsport. Also, judging from that, safety is a little lax at some drift venues.

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The bit where the man is in an empty car park and still crashes into a lamp post.


That would be my signature manouvre if I was to rearsteer.


I "get" drifting. Its not a race,  Its competitive car control, judged on form rather than who crosses the line first.


Figure skating as opposed to speed skating.


I'm sure drifters wont appreciate that analogy though.

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Drifting is to motorsport what dressage is to competitive riding... To do it well it requires skill and the right equipment but at the end of the day, IMHO, it isn't quite as "sporty" as other similar sports. It does also give us some truly mental motors, see exhibit 1:


On top of that, they generally leave the "Proper" shite alone, so no real harm done to us.

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Real drifting is impressive to watch, but sadly it now seems that any half decent rwd car is being bought and ruined. Someone on my facebook just bought a tidy looking Nissan Laurel, and all the comments were that he should drift it

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I do admire the skills of the "pros",  and at least it keeps the fibreglass industry in business.


Also, drifting seems to have  become the next thing after car cruising.

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