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Upholstery Cleaner...Any recommendations??


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Hi All,


The clue's in the title...Mrs_Chegg's 307 is looking a little the worse for wear; the combination of kids, spilled drinks & leaky grandparents is taking its toll.


Any recommendations for a good upholstery cleaner??



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Brown Bros do some bloody good dilutable interior cleaner. It's about a ten spot but last for ages.

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Stardrops diluted as per label and use an old woolly jumper to rub it in, can get a bit wet but works a treat. 8)


/\This is excellent advice.


The other thing I'd recommend is Autoglym Interior Shampoo (spray)

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When the urge to cleanse an interior overwhelms me, I find that normal domestic carpet cleaner, diluted about 30:70 cleaner to warm water and a vax will shift an incredible amount of crud.

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I normally actually remove the seat covers - can be a bit of a pain in the arse on some cars but they come out virtually as new and smelling of whatever washing powder you use - as long as you refit them properly, nobody would ever know :)


If you have dirty carpets - it's amazing how good they can come up with a pressure washing session...naturally, you remove it from the car first!


I first learned this when I bought a 6 year old Hyundai Pony as a poor student back in 1991 for the princely sum of £240 from a farmers son - the car looked like he's used it to transport, sheep, logs and god knows what else...


Looked fantastic after the treatment - took a few days for the carpet to fully dry out though.

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I use some foamy spray stuff called 'Car-Pride Instant Valet' in the Volvos. I buy it from various places, including Poundland, the 99p Store and my local independent discount hardware shop. Works a treat :)

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Stardrops diluted as per label and use an old woolly jumper to rub it in, can get a bit wet but works a treat. 8)


Stardrops is GR11 stuff which has a whole world of uses. It's particularly good for removing oil, grease, Waxoyl, etc. from your hair :)

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Normally try and go for leather seats (or vinyl) as they 'wipe down'


However the carpets in the discovery were getting minging, oil + water + mud + who knows what else.


I took them all out last summer, soaked them with the hose pipe, rubbed washing liquid into them with a scrubbing brush, then jet washed it out and dried on the washing line for a day. Result: carpets come up like new, cost me nothing other than half a bottle of fairy and a weekend full of grunting removing and refitting them.


Also jetwashed all the plastic centre console which I had to remove to get the carpets out.


Not sure I'd like to try the above on seats though - maybe a vax or other carpet shampooer

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Not sure I'd like to try the above on seats though - maybe a vax or other carpet shampooer


I got this seat out of the back of a van that bad been used as a railway maintainence vehicle for 300,000 miles, and then used as a skip for 3 years. TFR and a pressure washer:




I used a wet vac to dry it out. Came up more or less like new, but took about a fortnight to dry though


another +1 for the pressure washer on the carpet game. My old 106 Rallye has the "signature" red carpet. It was absolutely filthy with the usual ground in oil, muck and mystery stains. I took it out, hung it on the wall of the house and it came up like brand new - LOADS of people asked if it was a new carpet. It was one of them plastic backed ones, so it was dry in about an hour.

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  • 3 months later...

I usually use a good glug of washing liquid (laundry) in a bucket of hot water. Sponge it on and use a soft scrubbing brush to agitate, then vacuum out.


Leaves the car smelling fresh, too.

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Don't ask Vladimir here how to clean an interior: :shock::shock::shock:


Those of a mechanically sympathetic nature should look away...


Mercedes electrics are more than capable of self destructing,without help like that !

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