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Warren T Claim Vs Christian Fundamentalists

warren t claim

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I'm off working for a few day for a company run by Quakers/Mormons/Snake Handlers or some other suspect branch of Christianity and their belief is that radios are the instrument that the Devil uses to broadcast his evil propaganda to the unenlightened masses.


Trucks run on a 24v system for their main electrics so I was wondering if putting a 12v car radio in temporarily would do any harm to the vehicle? I was hoping that they have some sort of step down device to enable a normal car radio to be fitted.


Obviously my soul is a lost cause and beyond salvation.

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Do it anyway. If the truck bursts into flames, claim you heard the voice of God speaking to you as you watched from the hard shoulder.

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Some trucks will have a 12v supply so you can use items intended for cars.


Oh, and don't forget - change gear, change gear, change gear, murder a prostitute, change gear. :D

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I'm off working for a few day for a company run by Quakers/Mormons/Snake Handlers or some other suspect branch of Christianity and their belief is that radios are the instrument that the Devil uses to broadcast his evil propaganda to the unenlightened masses.


Trucks run on a 24v system for their main electrics so I was wondering if putting a 12v car radio in temporarily would do any harm to the vehicle?


I would check first, they may also believe that the internal combustion engine is an instrument of the Devil and you could find yourself driving a horse and buggy, in which case radio compatibility would be the least of your troubles :wink:

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I would check first, they may also believe that the internal combustion engine is an instrument of the Devil and you could find yourself driving a horse and buggy, in which case radio compatibility would be the least of your troubles :wink:


When it comes to diesel engines, they're quite right!


As for the 12v feed, take a multimeter and have a ferret a out where the radio should be, there is normally a 12v feed.

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Option 1: Just stick Radio 1 on for about seven minutes in the morning. You'll be so cheesed off with fat arse blabbering away you'll never want to listen to the radio again.


Option 2: Pray you get an Iveco. That way when it catches fire they won't expect any foul play.

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I worked for the Plymouth Brethren for years , no computers , no radios , no TV , Women were never to cut their hair , must wear a scarf and general other shit

Mad people :roll:

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I worked for the Plymouth Brethren for years , no computers , no radios , no TV , Women were never to cut their hair , must wear a scarf and general other shit

Mad people :roll:


i think the brotherhood are an offshoot of the plymouth brethren





bloody splitters

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In a few years, the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster will have gained enough ground to get rid of those luddites. The only expectation they'll have from their employees would be the consumption of noodles with meatballs.

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Could this bandwagon of knocking those who have found faith pause for a moment, I'd just like to mention that I have known / worked with quite a few Christians, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and it's only fair to point out that this whole thing of lumping them all into one group, to dismiss them as somehow strange, unintelligent, and all the vicious ridiculing that amounts to little more than bullying is absolutely spot on. Brainwashed vacuous fuckwits deserve a good shoeing, the lot of them.

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sounds like the "christian brotherhood" - they are a bit amish in their ideas


they dont like mobile phones either................


there goes the iveco......... it's a pony and trap for you :lol:

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Could this bandwagon of knocking those who have found faith pause for a moment, I'd just like to mention that I have known / worked with quite a few Christians, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and it's only fair to point out that this whole thing of lumping them all into one group, to dismiss them as somehow strange, unintelligent, and all the vicious ridiculing that amounts to little more than bullying is absolutely spot on. Brainwashed vacuous fuckwits deserve a good shoeing, the lot of them.


Well thanks for that, there was me thinking that Autoshite was a tolerant place where the love of old cars was one thing we all had in common!!


Fundamentalist (bible bashing) Christians are in my opinion a constant source of embarrassement and I do disagree with most of their views, I think they do more harm than good to Christians, most church goers however are nothing like this and are caring, tolerant and fun people.


I do however consider myself to be a liberal Christian and keep my faith private unless someone specifically wants to talk to me about it. I don't do anyone any harm, at least I don't believe I do.


However if "bullying" people because they are a little different is acceptable around here then I realise then this is not the place for me!

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dont take it personally


millions of deluded fools believe what they read and hear without question, and often declare war on 'unbelievers' while claiming to be working on behalf of 'god' - the whole situation is a medieval throwback


the bible is the life story and legend of alexander the great


i challenge ANYONE to prove a single fact written in ANY religious text

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I don't 'do' religion, but if it helps some people to deal with life then I don't have a major issue with it.


All religions basically say "Be nice to each other" and "Be good" so that much I agree with. People should be nice and be good.


It's just the mad ones who take it to extremes that cause the problems.


There are Jews in the world.

There are Buddhists.

There are Hindus and Mormons, and then

There are those that follow Mohammed, but

I've never been one of them.

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I do however consider myself to be a liberal Christian and keep my faith private unless someone specifically wants to talk to me about it. I don't do anyone any harm, at least I don't believe I do.


However if "bullying" people because they are a little different is acceptable around here then I realise then this is not the place for me!


I take a slightly different view.


If the aim of this site was to bully people then I would not have anything to do with it either, however (I believe) that the aim of this site is to talk about old cars. There is no reason for a Christian to not talk about old cars, though in my case I have to be careful about 1 John 5v21 and Matthew 6v9-24.


If bullying or whatever does occur and you have nothing to do with it, or even put your hand up to object as you have then there is no moral reason that you have to stay away (in my opinion). We have to live within society in general and that includes websites / clubs whatever such as this that are made up of general society.


For example the same problem exists with the Internet in general. I personally want nothing to do with the pornagraphy industry (without judging anyone who does I hope) but of course every Internet provider carries porn on in its pipes. Does that mean I can't work for an Internet provider? It's not the primary purpose of the Internet so therefore the answer is yes you can. In my case my employer knows that if there is some porn specific project then not to involve me because I won't have anything to do with it. I think I have stood up and been counted and made my beliefs known so that's good enough.


If people want to have a bash at my beliefs then that's fine, doesn't bother me. Points make prizes Matthew 5v10-12. But then I probably am a "Christian Fundamentalist", not that it's a well defined term.

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I don't 'do' religion, but if it helps some people to deal with life then I don't have a major issue with it.


All religions basically say "Be nice to each other" and "Be good" so that much I agree with. People should be nice and be good.


It's just the mad ones who take it to extremes that cause the problems.


There are Jews in the world.

There are Buddhists.

There are Hindus and Mormons, and then

There are those that follow Mohammed, but

I've never been one of them.



Absolutely bang on. I'm excatly the same, don't class myself as religious but have no problem with people who are religious. I bet you could very easily find fault with any religion in the world if you really wanted to, but unless it personally effects you what's the point?

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I don't 'do' religion, but if it helps some people to deal with life then I don't have a major issue with it.



Same here, each to their own. Faith can be a comfort to people in troubled times, so I'm all for that aspect of it. Of course, you can have faith without being assigned to a religion, I like the idea of that better personally.


I believe in shite but try not to force my faith in the virtues of slightly shonky 80s tat on to others, however much I'd like to :)

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Well maybe I over reacted and for that I apologise!


There seems to be a lot of "Christian" bashing lately, especially on the internet. Having a faith does not make you an unthinking, dogmatic, zealot. I have thought long and hard about it, maybe I am an idiot but that is my right!!. Most of my friends are non-believers and they respect my faith and I respect their lack of faith!


imagine how popular I am then. Christian Fundamentialist and rusty crap parked on the drive.


Yes my neighbours are getting a bit irritated with my Allegro with its drivers window covered in blue polythene, especially as one of my next door neighbours is trying to sell her house!!


I believe in shite but try not to force my faith in the virtues of slightly shonky 80s tat on to others, however much I'd like to :)


Amen to that!!

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*As long as they don't play organs of course. They're a right bleeding bunch that lot :lol:

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*As long as they don't play organs of course. They're a right bleeding bunch that lot :lol:


:D Too right, there are some very strange organists around!!


This very cute Catholic woman came into church one day and commented to me how much bigger Anglican Organs were to Catholic ones!! I am afraid I was unable to stifle my laughter but I am not sure she got the joke!

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I guess I'm a bible-bashing freak as well then, not that it's anyone else's concern. Unless I'm bashing them of course, but they only have to scream a few obscenities/threats of violence at me and I'll leave them alone. I will admit that several of my compadres are a bit strange in the head, but they were like that anyway, don't blame the faith for it.


In fairness, however unworldly my lot might be, they usually have the good sense to look at my choice of cars with all the condescension and pity that's deserved :lol:


Oh, and get this totally crazy and incomprehensible concept: I believe in the bible and scientific progress, too!!! :shock::shock: I know, schizo or what!!!


Have a picture of an awesome pope-mobile:


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Faith and religion have always been two separate things.

Spot on. And that's something a lot of people don't seem to get. I have no issues whatsoever with faith - in fact I do actually believe in God. I do, however, have a variety of issues with organised religion - particularly that most of them seem to have lost sight of what they are supposed to be based on and are instead concentrating on fighting over silly little dogmatic differences. Religion is getting a lot of bashing at the moment as Theo R. Ganist mentioned (although a lot of it seems to be from moronic "u r so stupid there is no god lolz" types), but at least some of it is self-inflicted. I cringe when I see a video on Youtube about religious issues - you just know it's going to degenerate into a slanging match between the above-mentioned morons and evangelical Christians quoting passages from the King James Bible which mean nothing to most people today, with the odd bit of input from someone who's read Dawkins and therefore considers themselves an expert. The thing that annoys me is that recently the atheist crowd seems to have become just as intolerant as the religious fundamentalists they so despise. I don't understand quite why they get so worked up over something they don't believe in... :?

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