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Warwick Retro Classic Show - 2016 pics page 2...


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Hey, if any shiters are at a loose end this Sunday you could do worse than go to this. This fella has persuaded the council to cordon off the the Market Place for the day for a random array of old tat to park up. It's free for participants and spectators; I'm sure some interesting stuff will turn up if the weather's not too bad.

I'll be there with a couple mates, plus associated wives/girlfriend, child and dog, but sadly no car as all ours are currently 'projects'.

Last year:



(Photos nicked from organiser's post on Practically Classics.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So we took a drive down to this... Mate's offered to drive so cost me zero on petrol. Result. Mrs. WorldofCeri scored a purse to match a new handbag of hers, so she was happy. (All car shows should be located near to girl-friendly shops.) WorldofCeri jnr came down with a poorly tummy, but more on that later.


My camera battery even lasted almost until I'd got bored of taking photos. I'm conscious of a tendency to only take front three-quarter views of cars when at shows, so I tried to mix it up a bit this time...


Let's kick things off with this Lovejoy spec Morris which was too shy to go to the show proper and instead parked up in the car park down the road.



I think you'll agree that this R4 is pretty sexy. I particularly enjoyed the beige interior (but not in that way.)



We spoke to the owner of this Ro80 briefly last year. He's clearly mad. But in a good way.



It was tricky at times to take photos as there were a lot of gongoozlers. So sorry if there's some worrying reflections of arses and what not coming up. Not here though, just a frickin' amazing Yank land yacht.


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I'll just post a few at a time in case I get bored and wander off.


This was brought along by the local Fiat dealer hoping to flog a new 500.



Not really sure why they'd bother really as they seem to sell themselves to people who are, like, OMG old Fiat 500s are soooo cute but, like, soooo unreliable and bad for the environment and you can't even plug your iPod in.



Dont get me wrong. I actually quite like the new ones. I didn't enter the prize draw; Perhaps I could have won one.


I had a three millisecond long chance to take this photo due to the number of spectators so I hope you're impressed.



This Bugatti was mint and appeared to not be UK registered. I'm not always sure what I'm looking at when I see properly old engines, but this one was very shiny, that's for damn sure.



A young lad (not the guy pictured) was selling this on behalf of the local garage he works for. I think they may have over-valued it slightly (they're more into newer cars) but what do I know? Apparently it's one-owner and came up in a 'barn-find' or 'house-clearance' type situation; Having been stood for a few years it just needed basic recommisioning for an MoT. I'd quite like a Dolomite for no other reason than my work address is Dolomite Avenue (being built on the site of the factory at Canley) and it would be amusuing (if only to me) to park a Dolomite on the car park at Dolomite Avenue. I'd probably take a picture of it next to the road sign for the purposes of boring people with.


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For two summers it was my job to go round every day and water the floral displays around Warwick District. FACT.



Obligatory Spittie.



I'd love to run one of these as a daily. "Alright," I hear you ask, "Why don't you then - put your shite money where your mouth is." Well, that's because if I sold our Volvo and bought a thirty year old Merc, Mrs. WorldofCeri would go MENTAL.




Kerb feelers(!) What do they do, how do they work? Why would you need them on the offside of a right hand drive car?



Come on, admit it. They are pretty cool.



Although these are about 500% cooler.



I'm a sucker for a nice rod, I really am. This guy has got the stance S.B.O. Spot Bollock On.


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This Saab looks amazing doesn't it? If I were wearing a hat I would, quite literally, take it off. I'm not sure why. Come to think of it, I'm not too sure about three-spoke alloys either.




A vision of yellow kookiness. My two companions were blown away by the switchgear. Well, not literally, but one did make a comment along the lines of "That's weird".



Hey, this Herald/Vitesse (whatever) looks like it could knock your teeth out, doesn't it? I like banded steels. Does that make me a bad man?



"Just a latté to go, ya! Oh ya, I've got the cabrio waiting outside... Ya, ya! OK, Ciao!" (In 1989.)



Oh look, it's that Sabb 99 I've got the hots for. Again.


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Moar Fiats.



The lady munching her sarnies in this Matra gave me a look as if to say "What are you taking a picture of our car for?" 'Cause you're at a car show, love.



Actually, she was probably thinking, "I bet this gurning simpleton with the camera doesn't even know what motor that HA van is running." She's right. I don't.



Saabs were out in force. I don't think I've seen a Sonnet in 'real life' before. I should have taken more time to savour the occasion.



Pipers! I prefer the look of the earlier (yellow) one. Oooh, I just noticed it's got wrong-way-round windscreen wipers. Tch! I bet that's a bind on the daily commute.



And the Citroën loveliness continues.


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Another Sonnet.



Saab bonnets = wacky.



One time, a lady complained to me that a large nettle had grown up in one of these hanging baskets and was arbitrarily stinging passers by. I reversed my van underneath and plucked the offending plant from the basket with my bare hands. That's how hard I am.



If ever a more mental car has been in series production that the Citroën SM, I am yet to be made aware of it.



These two should get together and enter the 'alternative wedding vehicle' market. They could charge nine-tenths of the price of a pair of Rollers but enjoy one-tenth of the overheads. Result: PROFIT.



These folks had the period-accessory look down to a tee.




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You may remember this from the Ebay Tat thread, possibly Ebay Bargains. Still for sale judging by the sign in the window. That's WorldofCeri junior there, by the way. Shortly after this was taken he started vomiting profusely and continued so for about 24 hours. Coincidence?



This rock hard Merc is pictured (in the background) on page 27 of this month's Pr*ct*c*l Cl*ss*cs. I bet you can't resist going to check.





I didn't really look at this apart from to take it's picture. Didn't realise it was advertising a local firm.


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Looks like a good mix of cars, thanks for sharing. The yellow Dolomite is one for the 'Bargains' thread, methinks. Oh, and the coil springs on the front of that 'Bugatti' suggest it may not be the real deal... :wink:

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Oh yeah. Like I said, I don't really know what I'm looking at.


This was highly appealing to me and had a for sale sign in the window. Pool of fluid under the sump though.



I love the rear lights on these Wyverns. Shame the indicators go and spoil it.



XR8 = GR8



One for Mr. E. Ramrod. Don't listen to T. Blitz, it does look and sound great.



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Warwickshire granny challenges Brit V8 hot rods to illegal drag race.



Not sure about the colour, but you wouldn't lose it in Tesco's car park, I guess.





If Autoshite did Ferraris?





I thought these two looked good side by side.



Yeah, I know, but it still makes me chuckle.


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Last lap now.






If this 205 was on the counter of your local newsagent, it would be a packet of Extra Strong Mints.





Now lets go through it one more time. These cars are small, but those cars are far away.



Thats all!

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Great shots! I know the owners of many of these vehicles, including the gorgeous blue GS and the lime green Saab 96. Here's a shot of the white Acadiane van earlier in the year!


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One time, a lady complained to me that a large nettle had grown up in one of these hanging baskets and was arbitrarily stinging passers by. I reversed my van underneath and plucked the offending plant from the basket with my bare hands. That's how hard I am.


:lol: Good write up, It made me chuckle it did!, That black SAAB 99 Turbo what was for sale belongs to a lad on RR, It looks pretty decent for the money.

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Nice set of photos thanks for posting :) It looks as if there is still a very active Warwick branch of SOC from the number of Saabs there; two Sonetts is too many to be a coincidence :


This looks identical to the one I owned a few years back, it wasn't KOW 296 P by any chance?:




I think that the 'Bugatti' is a replica, but a very good one possibly a Teal; I don't think that the original had hydraulic brakes and clutch, the radiator cap doesn't look very Bugatti, and the engine definitely bears more resemblance to those of Canley than Molsheim :wink:

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One for Mr. E. Ramrod. Don't listen to T. Blitz, it does look and sound great.




Oh I know! Fear not, Norm may know the model well by reputation, or even contact, but there's always an exception, as proved by the Maxis that people here keep lusting after. Euch, never again! This Dodge is a bloody lovely example, and Norm: on our side of the pond, even a low-end model like this is regarded as equivalent to a Jag, because it's just so far above the ordinary family shite we could buy. For me, the only thing that was ever against that Aspen was the colour. I hate browns.


Hairnet: that estate was a Vauxhall FB Victor. Once. I just hope it wasn't a decent one; maybe then the bodywork can be justified, however much an acquired taste it might be.

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The (ex-) Vauxhall Victor looks better in the flesh I reckon, to be fair. The colour doesn't do it any favours.


Don't know the reg of the green Saab, sorry, unless it's in the background of another shot.

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  • 9 months later...



Just found this thread about the RetroWarwick show. The date for 2012 is Sunday 12th August and its the same format again - free and just turn up and park. capacity is about 100 cars but 130 turned up last year, so get in early is my advice.


I had the black saab 99 turbo last year (with "puddle"....was a leaky thermostat gasket). I sold it to a guy in venice, Italy. Got a 67 mgbgt now.




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Just found this thread about the RetroWarwick show. The date for 2012 is Sunday 12th August and its the same format again - free and just turn up and park. capacity is about 100 cars but 130 turned up last year, so get in early is my advice.


I had the black saab 99 turbo last year (with "puddle"....was a leaky thermostat gasket). I sold it to a guy in venice, Italy. Got a 67 mgbgt now.




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