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That'll Be £4295.63 Sir!


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It's mid October 1980, there is a new wave of patriotism sweeping across the country. The Brits are poised on the White Cliffs of Dover, vanquishing the foreigners back into the sea.




You pop into your local Austin dealer, what will you buy?



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Quite frankly...nothing! I'm afraid I would have resisted all the patriotic hullabaloo and bought a Chrysler Sunbeam.


Having said that , a friend of mine had a Saturday job cleaning cars at his local Austin-Rover dealership in1980. He heard tales of grown salesmen 'openly weeping' tears of joy at the glitzy dealer launch of the Metro as it was perceived as the saviour of BL.

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Quite frankly...nothing! I'm afraid I would have resisted all the patriotic hullabaloo




I would have remained unmoved by the Metros 'charms' and bought a *anything else* instead.

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LOL @ pog.


It does have to be said that the Metro kept the company going for a good few years. I think it's agreed that the Maestro was a big of a let down after the Metro.

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The Maestro was only a let-down because of (a) the stodgy styling and (B) the damage done by rubbish like the Metro.

Maestro was a decent, conventional car, no whiney gears-in-sump or daft suspension here. Just a sensible, conventional hatchback. Every bit as good as an Escort or Astra really.

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Yeah, the mid-70s styling was the let down I was talking about.

Astra etc would have been much more appealing. Interestingly more Maestros fromt his period seem to have survived than the rivals.

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Did they make them in brown? If so that's the colour selection sorted. Other than that I'll have the 1.3 3 door with the cassette radio please

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I have the 1980 launch "optional extras" brochure - including air con (imagine that on a 998cc lump!) and elecky windows which include a little winder thing in case they phail.

Oh and cruise control!!!!

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You pop into your local Austin dealer, what will you buy?


Blimey, that really was my local dealer back then! Riddelsdell's were longstanding BL etc dealers in the village where I grew up:



Riddelsdell's Garage, Boxford, Suffolk by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr


We had an Allegro from there in the mid '70s and I got quite a few brochures from there over the years. ARG gave them the boot and they did Subaru and Isuzu instead. Good move, as they suited the rural area and the all their loyal Metro buyers went over to Justy and the like.


My formative memories of the Metro would have been from seeing them in that very showroom. As a 10-11yr old I wasn't impressed, the proportions seemed rather dumpy to me.

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...or £4917.62 if you go mad for all the wonderful options.

The Metro might have worked better, if it hadn't been painfully obvious that it was basically just a re-shelled Mini. Same 50's engines and lack of a 5th gear...it's a wonder it wasn't a complete dead duck from the off.

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1980? Let me see, that would mean this...


...as my daily, with the later addition of this...


...as a project, which never got off the ground and eventually went to scrap.


Metros aren't so bad, I had this...


...for something like 18 months, at a time when it was precisely what I didn't want to buy! 998cc and it pulled my home-built trailer too, can't ask for much more than that really.*


*Says the ex-owner of two Cadillacs and a Daimler. Oh yes I can! :mrgreen:

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Obviously the person who wandered into an Austin dealership back in 1980 to purchase this one felt that £4295.63 was a little rich, instead settling for an L. In a lovely colour.


1980 Austin miniMetro L Hatchback. by bramm77, on Flickr

But then blew all the money saved, in Halfords.

I know that BL had an issue with MCW regarding the name 'Metro', but I suppose adding 'mini' onto it just fuelled the cynics fire.

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