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gm's unhealthy obsession with mx5s - Exo on taxi duty


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The yellow key is for a 27 year old ignition, the red for a £1.99 eBay petrol filler cap - both are about as loose as you would expect, they tested just fine :) 

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this week, I have mostly been titting about with tinting film

normal mx5


yellow tint


smoke tint



switchback drl leds fitted - these are quite clever, illuminate white but mute the white and flash orange for indicators



maybe I should straighten that wonky number plate ? its been like that since June

I have a spare set of rear lights so why not have a go here too ?

smoke tint looks ok


red tint looks utterly shit (and was a sod to apply)


the reason for all this titting about with tints is the back end of the Exo is a bit of a mess, lighting wise - a bit of subtly applied smoke and / or red tint should tidy this up a bit


and the headlights will be going yellow


but mostly, as I've had a buggered back, I've not been able to do any real work :) 


I visited the Exo stand at the NEC classics show at the weekend and have regained my motivation - I'll get that bloody test booked...soon !


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  • gm changed the title to gm's unhealthy obsession with mx5s - titting about with tinting film
57 minutes ago, gm said:

this week, I have mostly been titting about with tinting film

normal mx5


yellow tint


smoke tint



switchback drl leds fitted - these are quite clever, illuminate white but mute the white and flash orange for indicators



maybe I should straighten that wonky number plate ? its been like that since June

I have a spare set of rear lights so why not have a go here too ?

smoke tint looks ok


red tint looks utterly shit (and was a sod to apply)


the reason for all this titting about with tints is the back end of the Exo is a bit of a mess, lighting wise - a bit of subtly applied smoke and / or red tint should tidy this up a bit


and the headlights will be going yellow


but mostly, as I've had a buggered back, I've not been able to do any real work :) 


I visited the Exo stand at the NEC classics show at the weekend and have regained my motivation - I'll get that bloody test booked...soon !


Stick with white and get the headlamp and bonnet sorted.

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  • 4 months later...

right then, it's only been four months, might be time for a quick update

so, what's been happening ? truth is, not a lot :( 

I made a list


 I made a bonnet prop 


I wrapped the fuel lines in protective wrap


I painted the backs of the seats




I spent twenty quid on a fancy vin plate


and did a bit of riveting


piss poor reflectors were acquired


and fitted


I did a noise test


buggering hell, the limit is 99dB


I fannied about calibrating the fuel gauge




only one thing left to do then


better book the test !


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  • gm changed the title to gm's unhealthy obsession with mx5s - call that an update ? what a load of pish !

so I booked the test 

and put it on the calendar

better check the weather forecast to see what I'll be up against


hmm, not so good then, is that rain or snow ?

don't worry, they're not accurate, get some sleep


aaargh ! what the fuck ? wake up you sleepy bastard !


yes, todays the day !


I dimly recall something about the weather , better check again


100% chance of snow ? I don't fucking think so !

better check again


nah, can't be right

I know, have a look out of the window ?


oh, for fucks fucking sake !

calm down, man, get some breakfast and have a think


channelling the Blues Brothers "it's twenty miles to my destination, I'm on semi slick trackday tyres, I don't have doors, a roof or a windscreen, and it's fucking snowing"

big boy pants on (and many other layers)


hello EXO


fuck it, what's the worst that can happen ?





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I live on a hill, we get snow when the rest of the town doesn't - all I need to do is get down from the hill and we're all sorted....

holy shit, this is so sketchy


the back end is all over the place but I've been waiting for this day for two years 

let's go !


20mph, note the angle I am steering just to keep a straight line :)

sat nat wants me to jump straight on the A1, I'm thinking that a three lane motorway might not be the best choice today

I plotted an alternative route and nervously made my way north, at around ten miles in, I found a convenient lay-by to pull over and check the car


couldn't resist a photo opportunity


'twas fucking cold


I crossed the Tyne Bridge



and made my way through Newcastle to Gosforth,

and my nemesis





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yes I bloody can ! :) 

































no photos in the test centre (not allowed) but I was there for four hours while the tester, who was a really sound guy, had a jolly good poke around my little EXO


within five minutes, he'd found a problem :( 

loose wiring in the engine bay, a quick cable tie and we're good to go

a brake flexi rubbing on the chassis, no problem, a bit of fuel hose can protect that

pop the wiring tray open and let's see what's going on here

hmm, all those relays need to be fixed in place by brackets, cable ties are just no good :(

how about those steering rack bolts ? are they loctited ? 

and the engine mounts ? loctited ?

and the seat mounts ?

and the harness mounts ?

and the calliper mounts ?

and everything fucking else ?

ok, not looking much like a pass today


I'd been concerned about things I couldn't test at home so was pleased when the brake test went well, noise was passed at only 90dB, emissions should pass as long as I can prove the age of the engine (the v5 has it as 1999, the date of import, but the donor was built in 1992), headlight aim and beam pattern was a joke which really pissed me off as the lights are supplied as part of the kit, alternative plans are afoot.


the tester took it outside and had a wee drive around, officially testing the steering but I think he just wanted to have a blast around the car park :)


so the official verdict was a "not a pass"


disappointing, but not many kit cars do pass first time. I've got a list of remedial which wont take long and a retest will be booked


but, getting a fail didn't make the day a disaster - far from it, I learned a lot and had the chance to DRIVE FORTY MILES IN A CAR I'D BUILT MYSELF IN MY BLOODY GARAGE ! 


and, I'll tell you what, it's a whole lot of fun !


I came back through the "Oggy Oggy Oggy" tunnels


and made a vido (four minutes of Bambi on ice then proper roads on the way back, a moderate quantity of beans were given)

so , watch this space, EXO fans !



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  • gm changed the title to gm's unhealthy obsession with mx5s - call that an update ? what a load of pish ! ok then, here's a proper update FRIKKIN ROADTEST ! WITH VIDO !

You much have bollox like an elephant- Brave man. I'd have been bricking it without the snow, I honestly can't believe you went ahead rather than re-scheduling!

All of the problems seem like they should be simple to remedy at least, and the weather can only get better eh?

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you can only reschedule up to three days in advance of the test date,  leave it to the last minute and you forfeit the (not insignificant) test fee ! 

but i did question my sanity several times on that journey :) 

it was worth it 

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  • 2 weeks later...

right then, let's have a list made and get started 


the headlights provided with the kit are notoriously poor so I wasn't particularly surprised that I had problems with them

they do look a bit goofy too


looking around for a solution that was not hideously expensive (most of them are) I remembered that I still had the 7" headlights form the donor mx5 

dodgy beam from the Exo headlights (this is the better of the two , the other side was just a fuzzy blob :( )


much better beam from the mx5 headlights


a bit of ebaying and a cheap set of bowls arrived

hells bells, they're massive !


I fixed one in place


and gave it a wee tweak to adjust the alignment

bugger !


ok, not to worry, I need longer backets anyway as the bonnet wouldn't fit with the larger units there 

chop, bend, weld, drill,  etc


sturdy enough, just needs tidying


so now I have a matching pair of even goofier headlights


which will be coming off the day after the test


now then, what next ?

the tester did comment about how feeble my horn was (?) not a fail point but an excuse to upgrade




he wasn't happy with loose relays in the wiring tray - brackets were made and fitted







the intake manifold is touching the brake lines at the master cylinder - not good



solution - remove the bracket


drill a wee hole


and move the proportioning valve down.

for good measure, I knocked up a heatshield








I covered up a LETHAL looking bolt on the front wishbone mount




@DVee8 kindly dropped off a giant bottle of loctite which I applied to various nuts and bolts


and that is the front end pretty much done. 





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headlight wiring the other night


done under the influence of Elvis Juice - i hope they work :) 


turns out i didn’t have a pair of matching sidelight bulbs 


yes, definitely goofy


but should pass the test easily 

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i’m about half way through the snagging, should manage to get it done in a couple of weeks hopefully. 

i spent yesterday giving the mx5 a quick service and fitted new brakes ready for mondays trackday down at teeside 

@DVee8 and son will be joining me this time, should be a whole lot of fun :) 

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the tester wasn’t happy that the top of the speedo was obscured by the steering wheel


so the instrument cluster had to be lowered by a couple of cm


much better (although completely pointless if the driver happens to be taller than me)

anyway, another tick on the list 


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a letter arrived this morning


a very important letter


which means i can now prove the age of the engine and take the correct emissions test (and have a chance of passing) 

top marks to mazda ! what a great bunch of lads :) 

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