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Project P38 with added Jag..


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@N Dentressangle Don't know if you're still having issues with your window.. 

Just to add some infro, in the window rail that the glass slides up/down there are plastic guides which do wear out and cause the window to either tilt or judder as it is moving, you can just about make out the part here quite simple to change thankfully.. ;)


Upper right corner of the pic. 




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Oh ans tidied the wiring in my door it was banging around and the last time I used the window the window mechanism got in a tango with the wires!! ;)

Not ideal/ 

Just ziptied out of the way, ;)



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On 4/2/2022 at 5:54 PM, warren t claim said:

I wish I was brave enough to buy a V8 on LPG.

No reason not to ;) 

Well apart from the V8's issues, which are relatively easy to fix, ;)

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Thanks. I did check those but they were unworn.

I ended up drilling a slightly lower hole for the upper RH pivot attachment, which has fixed it.

Don't hate me.

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27 minutes ago, N Dentressangle said:

Thanks. I did check those but they were unworn.

I ended up drilling a slightly lower hole for the upper RH pivot attachment, which has fixed it.

Don't hate me.

Well if mine ever goes all crooked I'll know who to ask ;)



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20 hours ago, Cooper1 said:

No reason not to ;) 

Well apart from the V8's issues, which are relatively easy to fix, ;)

I'd Google Range Rover P38 V8 common faults on my phone but alas I've only got a 10gb a month mobile data allowance. Best connect to wi-fi first.

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3 hours ago, warren t claim said:

I'd Google Range Rover P38 V8 common faults on my phone but alas I've only got a 10gb a month mobile data allowance. Best connect to wi-fi first.

1) Slipped liners.  "not at all common"

2) Headgasket 

3) Camshaft wear "common"

4) fuel economy LOL  "terrible"

5 Oil leaks "standard"

All standard stuff really 4) is what most people get hung up on, i'm doing 21mpg out of mine being the Bosch motronic injection it is a tad more advanced than the Lucarse sagem system on the Gems cars which struggles past 16mpg. ;)

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Getting there.. 

Mounting surfaces cleaned up and valley gasket and lower intake refitted. 



Front accessory bracket fitted along with the belt tensioner along with the other rocker cover ;)



Only issue I encountered is in my haste to remove the fuel rail I bust one of the injectors!! 

2nd hand unit is in the post, hopefully I'll have this thing buttoned up tomorra!!


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32 minutes ago, N Dentressangle said:

Very nice.

I need to do the RH exhaust manifold gaskets on mine, plus the brake accumulator - bits are on the way!

Heatshields are a pain in the ring to remove, i'd heatwrap them to aid in refitting/removal in the future. the studs that connect the mani to the cats can shear.. 

Brake accumulator is an easy job, just make sure you depressurise the system before fitting, just pump the brakes a few times with the key off to remove any excess pressure. :)

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Waved to a light metallic green P38 coming the other way today. 

I first thought "is that @Minimad5" before realising he's sold it... To me... And I was driving it at the time...



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7 minutes ago, warren t claim said:

Waved to a light metallic green P38 coming the other way today. 

I first thought "is that @Minimad5" before realising he's sold it... To me... And I was driving it at the time...



Bloke at Happy Als has one the same colour 😎👍

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The old beast is back together,  the hardest part of the entire job was feeding the LPG injector lines through the upper intake.. ;) 


After she was all back together, she fired up first time and ran a treat, very happy with that!! ;) 

The only issue was coolant was still pouring out!!! :( 

It turned out that the coolant pipe that runs from the intake to the upper rad hose, which is steel had a pin hole leak in it and it was squirting coolant out at quite the rate!!! 




So on to ebay I go and 2nd hand they want £140 for a pipe that looks just as shit!! 

So armed with some reinforced rad hose and a few hose clamps I fixed it! ;) :)

Attacking the upper pipe with the angle grinder rendered it cut in half, I removed the bracket and slipped some hose over it joining the two pieces together. 



Hard too see but she went back together! 



At her natural habitat



No more coolant leaks now, which is nice!

Even added a chrome parking sensor cover ;) 


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Hmm seem to be getting better than average MPG out of the old bus recently. ;)


New fangled electric cars are no match for the efficiency of the old Rover V8 ;) LOL :)

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3 hours ago, Cooper1 said:

Hmm seem to be getting better than average MPG out of the old bus recently. ;)


New fangled electric cars are no match for the efficiency of the old Rover V8 ;) LOL :)

Obviously, being a poor begsy, my P38 isn't fitted with such luxuries as a trip computer. Unnecessary on a farmer spec diesel as Farmer Palmer knows how much cherry he's put into the tank at any one time.

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18 hours ago, Cooper1 said:

Hmm seem to be getting better than average MPG out of the old bus recently. ;)


New fangled electric cars are no match for the efficiency of the old Rover V8 ;) LOL :)

Admit it.

You've been pushing it.

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  • 6 months later...

Hmm been a few months between updates on this old bus. 

Main reason is a few months ago she came off the road because I needed a more economical steed for work, but I'm not making the mistake of selling it ;) 

Anyway some catch up updates just before she came off the road the Crank position sensor failed in the most convenient place ever..... 



A common Thor V8 foible it was getting on 22yrs old and decided to shit the bed, luckily as with most fails once the motor cooled off she fired first go!! ;) 

que a hasty retreat home!! ;)

and with a new sensor ordered up the offending article was replaced.. :) 

The sensor lives on the bell housing under a cover..... 


Old sensor out, nowt special to remove it just two 8mm nuts. :) 



Very easy to to the connector on the back of the cylinder head was a right pain in the ballcock, but got there in the end... :)

Once fitted she fired up just fine and needing no excuse to go for a run I took her out for some pez, filled the tank at the local pump and got the same comment I do everytime "leave some for us" etc etc £150 down the V8 drain. 


Never ceased to amaze me how much fun it is/was driving it managed to burn through a fair bit of fuel on that run so called it a day before I had to fill up again!! 15mpg!! lol 


Next up on the list was removal of the old LPG tank, its been taking up the space where the spare goes since 2003 and with Autogas nearing its demise it seemed stupid to keep it in there, so out with the sockets and 10mins later we have a tank which is very corroded as it turns out ;) 


And the absurdly heavy spare wheel back where it belongs. :)




Oh and I also fitted a new O2 sensor but didn't take any pics unfortunately!! ;) 

And as a parting post as the old bus is going to be out of commission for a good while yet I thought it prudent to clean everything the best I could to negate any mould growing etc etc :) 








Thanks for reading folks! :) 



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  • 8 months later...

Right it has been 9 months since the last update.. 

Old P38 has been off the road for a long while a leaking headgasket, which is allowing coolant to leak out at a rather alarming rate that being her current bug bear, to be honest its an easy fix but with the weather being either way too bloody hot or like today too damn cold i've been trying to clear out some old sheds to put her in so i can take my time and do it properly


First up leaky engine or not she had to drag out an old caravan.. 😈



Good looking motor the old P38! ;) 

Concrete floor cleared off and she's finally sat under cover.. :) 



Bit more tidying up to do, notably moving the old cement mixer and hanging some shelves etc etc. 

Plan is to do a full top end overhaul on the engine, complete the list of problems HVAC and audio system to name  a few neither of which work properly or at all.  And then compound/polish the living daylights out of it..  :)




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36 minutes ago, timolloyd said:

Me too! Glad you’re still about and taking care of this thing.

Thanks, the old girl is a keeper. :) 

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39 minutes ago, Matty said:

Weirdly I was thinking about these the other day and wondering if you still had yours! Good to see it still feeling the love

Cheers, the old P38 has put up with a lot over the past 2yrs, just needs some love ;) :)

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Mine died nearly exactly a year ago - utter geysering HGF - so I replaced with Old Nasty, in a similar shade of dirty red:


I don't miss the bongs of doom or general under-developedness. But the waftiness was unmatched.

The vultures are feasting on its corpse somewhere in Wales these days.

I lost a mere £100 on the thing from purchase to sale, give and take a few bits.


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3 hours ago, N Dentressangle said:

Mine died nearly exactly a year ago - utter geysering HGF - so I replaced with Old Nasty, in a similar shade of dirty red:


I don't miss the bongs of doom or general under-developedness. But the waftiness was unmatched.

The vultures are feasting on its corpse somewhere in Wales these days.

I lost a mere £100 on the thing from purchase to sale, give and take a few bits.


Sad to hear about the old P38 but it does happen, I did enjoy reading your old Green? RRC thread you had on here a while ago a nice motor that was, as for your current steed, I like it.. 

Seldom see MOT'able offroad prepared RRC's these days, :)

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Small alteration to her new dwelling.............. 








Stabbed a bulb in a 40yr old lamp and flicked the switch... 

Now I can work in to the night without issue, gonna be a godsend when the winter comes with the miserable early darkness. ;) 


Oh and for old times sake, dads old RR parked in front of this same shed 30yrs ago.. 




Amazing really. 



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Spent 30mins after work having a go removing a few things. 

Managed to loosen off the dreaded heatshields, for those aren't aware it usually takes longer to remove them than anything else. 

Next down the line was the manifold Y pipe bolts which are notorious for either snapping or stripping the studs in the manifold, luckily with a good douse with GT85 and my dewalt impact they came out ok, the passenger side needed a 14mm socket hammer on them but other than that it went well. :)

The gaskets proved to be completely knackered, that'll explain the ticking sound under load. :) 






The nuts are on there loosley at the moment becuase the rear crossmemeber needs to come off to allow the cats to drop off, so they're taking the weight while that happens. :) 


Got the G box supported in preparation for the crossmember to be removed. 



More later when I have time LOL :) :) 



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