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Scooter advice

taxi paul

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Well for me looks like a lexmoto Milan. Copy vespa and very cheap when new with warranty for a couple of years. So will now just wait and see who puts a 0% finance deal first. Never use your own money and all that jazz. Purists don't like the plastic panels. I do it means no rust. I believe the chrome bits can be a bit crap. So big tin of wd40 will be needed.

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I love my LML and had a ropey Vespa PX before that.


Like PBK and Cav have said, the 2 strokes are 99# identical to PX’s and many say that the actual metalwork is better on the LML.


I rag it about for 20 miles through London every day, and have done many longer trips as well. It’s slower noisier and far more faff than a twist and go, and sometimes when I’m tired I get jealous of the twist n go’s effortlessly beating me away from the lights, but ultimately I know I’m having way more fun- it’s just so great pinging through the gears and even wringing it’s little neck on the dual carriageways WOT at 55mph, they just lap it up.


I’ve done about 15,000 miles in 2 years on mine and when it finally goes pop after being ragged to death day in, day out, there’s so many tuning options that I can’t wait to build an engine with twice the power and do it all again.


You’ll get bored of a twist and go 4 stroke way quicker, I garuantee it.


The other great thing for me about the LML is that before I binned the smog reducing stuff it was Euro 3 compliant which means no ULEZ charge- just watch the values of LML’s soar as London trendies hunt down a manual scooter with euro 3 status.


Here’s my half arsed thread if you’re curious:



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I mentioned on the news thread that my moped is probably now dead, having probably snapped the drive belt. To be honest, it already had a backfire due to a broken exhaust stud, bald tyre and discoloured rear light, none of which are particularly serious or expensive, but on an 8 year old Peugeot Vclic, probably not really worth fixing. The dealer said he had never heard of a V clic lasting so long and it was practically a miracle!


 While respecting the discussion above, and hoping that nobody minds me hijacking it a bit, I have been recommended to buy a Peugeot Kisbee to replace it, has anybody used one? I was thinking of doing CBT, but the company I contacted have not bothered to respond, and as I only have a 2.6 mile commute (each way) I think I can cope with the lack of power (I do also have a 2cv remember!)   While it is not a desperate rush I do need to at least be seen to be doing something in the next week or two. 


    I am aware that I could walk that distance, and have done it many times in ice or snow or when without a functioning bike. As I start at 7:45am and work until 17:45, this would add at least an hour on to my day and is not an attractive prospect.  I went through the family museum  of broken pushbikes yesterday, trying to make a good one, but have been unsuccessful and it may well kill me if I do get one on the road!

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I'm slightly out of the loop as far as CBT regulations go (and I'm half cut) but are you restricted to 50cc without a CBT?

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I'm slightly out of the loop as far as CBT regulations go (and I'm half cut) but are you restricted to 50cc without a CBT?

Yes - you do CBT and then you have a two year cert so you can go on and do a test. In theory you then need to rinse and repeat to keep on riding up to 125cc with a KW power limit - although I wonder how many people bother.

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Thanks Mr Rebel- The goalposts seems forever changing these days with bike licence catagories.

Chris, is it not worth having a look at the belt/variator? Might be a cheap fix?

For such a small commute I'd be going for a bit of a lash up to save pennies, but if you can afford to, those Kisbee things look like you'd get a few years of cheap motoring-you'd only need to put petrol in it 4 or 5 times a year!

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Thanks for the replies. I have got a mechanic looking at it, but to be honest am just thinking it is best to get it working and get shot as I think it is about 80 in moped years! At least then I can hopefully sell it instead of it living in the garage for ever. My dad suggested I trade it in. To the garage where they said it was a miracle it had lasted this long. How much are they really likely to give me for a broken 8 year old moped!


  I am a bit confused about CBT, following some earlier conversations, I was up for it, as I could then get a 125 (currently ride on a driving licence passed 1997) but the two year life puts me off as I am lazy and unlikely to get a test done in that time. I read somewhere that it did not expire for pre 2001 licences, but cannot seem to confirm or deny this conclusively. There is also the fact that I have been quoted £600 and 6 days to do a test when I get 28 days holiday a year, could do the money (not willingly) but not the time. I know I should just spend the money and do the test, but as I am currently squinting at the screen due to putting off an eye test for about 15 years(!) this is unlikely to happen unless I really have to, so the simplest option is another moped. 


 While not rich (despite the 3 cars and moped) I could run to the £1700 for a new one as I have spent very little on the current one over the last few years. It owes me nothing really, and has been a good moped on the whole. 

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I`m not really a biker, but I've decided I`m going to get a 50cc http://www.mashmotorcycles.co.uk to run around on in the near future, only about £1600 brand new.

The only thing is, I hate wearing a helmet on bkes, & need to look into the legality of old skool pudding basin helmets that don't cover my ears.

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Thanks for the replies. I have got a mechanic looking at it, but to be honest am just thinking it is best to get it working and get shot as I think it is about 80 in moped years! At least then I can hopefully sell it instead of it living in the garage for ever. My dad suggested I trade it in. To the garage where they said it was a miracle it had lasted this long. How much are they really likely to give me for a broken 8 year old moped!


  I am a bit confused about CBT, following some earlier conversations, I was up for it, as I could then get a 125 (currently ride on a driving licence passed 1997) but the two year life puts me off as I am lazy and unlikely to get a test done in that time. I read somewhere that it did not expire for pre 2001 licences, but cannot seem to confirm or deny this conclusively. There is also the fact that I have been quoted £600 and 6 days to do a test when I get 28 days holiday a year, could do the money (not willingly) but not the time. I know I should just spend the money and do the test, but as I am currently squinting at the screen due to putting off an eye test for about 15 years(!) this is unlikely to happen unless I really have to, so the simplest option is another moped. 


 While not rich (despite the 3 cars and moped) I could run to the £1700 for a new one as I have spent very little on the current one over the last few years. It owes me nothing really, and has been a good moped on the whole. 


The licence path is:


50cc: can ride indefinitely without CBT if pre-2001 car licence, also don't need L-plates and can take pillion passengers (basically a full moped licence) otherwise same as 125.

125cc: need a CBT, which lasts 2 years. Must display L-plates and no passengers.

A1 licence: this is a full licence for up to 125cc. Need a CBT, theory test, off road module 1 practical test and on-road module 2 test. No L-plates, never expires. J2S did this on his LML without any training except road experience. Test fees for this are about £120 in total (or approx 1 CBT)

A2: as A1 but a bigger bike (35kW / 0.2kW/kg)

A: anything you like, test must be done on a 650cc or bigger and you must be over 24. 


I did my direct access a few years ago, cost about £500 because North and I did it in 4 days including the tests. Well worth it, at £100 or so for a CBT you're money up after just* 10 years. 


Also, my SV650 cost £750 which would get a pretty bob 125 as they are disproportionately expensive due to the clusterfuck that is getting a bike licence in this country.

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The licence thing confuses me. I passed my car test in 1986. I have an AM and an A till 2034. I was under the impression that I could get a 125 throw L plates on forever . So no need to do CBT. obviously things have changed . So what can I ride with L plates for a while and do I need to do CBT?

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I thought the same thing & was going to buy a mates (aurally beautiful) 1984 Honda CD125 Benly 125cc twin, but the government put pay to that idea (as I don't want to do a CBT every other year), the bastards..

The licence thing confuses me. I passed my car test in 1986. I have an AM and an A till 2034. I was under the impression that I could get a 125 throw L plates on forever . So no need to do CBT. obviously things have changed . So what can I ride with L plates for a while and do I need to do CBT?

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Is one of those yours? Blue one a TS1?

Yup, mine's the blue SX150. It's got an Imola 186 kit and a few other bits to give it a decent power curve.

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Well for me looks like a lexmoto Milan. Copy vespa and very cheap when new with warranty for a couple of years. So will now just wait and see who puts a 0% finance deal first. 


Midlands Scooters in Nottingham are worth a try, they usually seem to have a few deals on the go and are good to deal with.


Yup, mine's the blue SX150. It's got an Imola 186 kit and a few other bits to give it a decent power curve.


That's an absolute belter, love the look of that.

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There is a piagio zip 50cc on eBay local. It's a 53 plate and done under 700 miles. Chap says it has been mot'd every year, which is true and mileage matches. So thus may suit for now and then later do CTB and such. So I am assuming at 15 yrs old this would need a service and probably tyres . He has it up for £450.00 . Thus seems nice and affordable to give it a wirl. So go and look or runaway.

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The big thing with buying 'peds, probably more than anything else is the seller. They seem to get a dog's life with some owners, hammered about, dropped, pushed or ridden into tight spaces (thus scraping/breaking/cracking the plastics) and stolen recovered. Obviously condition is the big thing, but I'd humbly suggest running a mile if the owner is giving you bad vibes.


*Edit: just looked at the one you mentioned on eBay. Doesn't seem too bad (from the pictures and description) so as long as it's not held together with Sellotape and wood screws, it'd probably be grand to kick about on. Get a really good lock and keep it secure though, little scrote bastards the length of this land love to steal scooters.

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I've just bought a Vespa PX200 but I can't really compare it to my Lambretta as it needs some re-commissioning before I can ride it, but I agree with everything Cavcraft said, Lambretta's look & sound better but a Vespa is more reliable and easier to live with. I've had my Lambretta over a year and I only got it running right a couple of weeks ago.

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The licence path is:


50cc: can ride indefinitely without CBT if pre-2001 car licence, also don't need L-plates and can take pillion passengers (basically a full moped licence) otherwise same as 125.

125cc: need a CBT, which lasts 2 years. Must display L-plates and no passengers.

A1 licence: this is a full licence for up to 125cc. Need a CBT, theory test, off road module 1 practical test and on-road module 2 test. No L-plates, never expires. J2S did this on his LML without any training except road experience. Test fees for this are about £120 in total (or approx 1 CBT)

A2: as A1 but a bigger bike (35kW / 0.2kW/kg)

A: anything you like, test must be done on a 650cc or bigger and you must be over 24.


I did my direct access a few years ago, cost about £500 because North and I did it in 4 days including the tests. Well worth it, at £100 or so for a CBT you're money up after just* 10 years.


Also, my SV650 cost £750 which would get a pretty bob 125 as they are disproportionately expensive due to the clusterfuck that is getting a bike licence in this country.

I've been looking into doing my motorbike test, but as it stands I can only do A2 direct access because I'm 22. Part of me thinks wait till I'm 23, do CBT and buy a cheap 125 to plod about on for a year then do the full A test. That means I can buy something big and shiny without worrying about having to restrict it.

My only concern is that most 125s seem to be fairly small, and I'm very tall. Also going from a 125 to an 800 or something sounds like a possibly bad idea.


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There is a piagio zip 50cc on eBay local. It's a 53 plate and done under 700 miles. Chap says it has been mot'd every year, which is true and mileage matches. So thus may suit for now and then later do CTB and such. So I am assuming at 15 yrs old this would need a service and probably tyres . He has it up for £450.00 . Thus seems nice and affordable to give it a wirl. So go and look or runaway.

Zips are pretty cool, they are quite small though, I look comical on them as I'm fairly tall.


One thing to be aware of is there is a 2 stroke and a 4 stroke zip 50, obviously the 2 stroke is the one you want and has decent performance for a 50, especially if its had the obligatory derestrict and sports pipe.


The 4 stroke on the other hand, even derestricted is so slow as to be dangerous. Rice pudding skins have no need to fear.


They normally have 2t or 4t on the model sticker, if not you can tell by the engine case, the 4 stroke has an oil filler on the LHS of the engine case and a little sump.


So in conclusion, avoid the 4 stroke. I bought an MOTd one for something like £150 the other year thinking it would be OK for popping to work and back, but it really wasnt.

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I doubt many 125 riders bother to renew their CBT every two years.  It's an idiotic rule.



That was my suspicion too - I actually did my CBT about 2.5 years ago (it's expired now) but I haven't ridden since - keep meaning to do my DA.


Back in the day I actully took my moped test at 16 for all the good it did - still got stopped every 10 seconds (there were a lot more Police then) by loudmouth know-all Coppers who demanded to know where my L plates were and point blank refused to accept I could be legal.  As I passed my car test in 1980 I got automatic full moped licence anyway but I don't think I'd fancy riding one now - I looked fucking ridiculous then (I was already over 6' tall at 16) and that was before I was fat too.

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Thanks for the replies. I appreciate the useful answer on the licence laws. I would like to get a 125 but most people seem to agree that my short journeys make it a little pointless. I just wonder how long my commute will take to justify C£3,000 - 125cc bike plus training, as opposed to C£1600 for a new 50cc. Working in the motor trade, who knows how secure the future is, as we have closed 3 of our 8 branches in the last couple of years! If I had a longer commute at a theoretical future job, then I have 3 cars sitting around that could start earning their keep! 


  I dare say that I could better the £600 quoted for the test, and do not have to do this instantly, but the lack of response from the school does not inspire great confidence. I am also concerned about having a more desirable bike, as my brother's 125 was stolen  after about 2 hours of ownership, last year. I don't think anyone would have stolen Junior, even when it was working!


 On the size thing, prior to Junior (the Vclic) I had Pedward (an MBK Ovetto which was a Yahama Neos built under licence) which seemed to be a bit bigger despite still being (legally) a 50cc. I found that when I changed to Junior, I had to ride with my arms tucked in, in order to see in the mirrors! Obviously this was only for filtering as I would never be able to overtake anyone who was moving!


I do like the look of the Lambrettas and Vespas, but am likely to stick with what I know, the Vclic has mostly been pretty reliable and has had a hard life of short journeys and lack of maintenance. I am not proud of this, but this is the way it is.  

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It seems that reports of Junior's death were somewhat premature!


I dropped him at the workshop Saturday lunchtime, and told the owner that I was away Monday until Wednesday as i had to go for training in Watford. This was not entirely true, as I was going Monday afternoon, back this evening, but didn't want him to feel rushed, and would not be needing it during this time anyway. I got a message this afternoon to say it was fixed (phone on silent) so texted my Dad and asked him to ring the workshop (as they are rather hard to get hold of and I only had a couple of minutes) and say that I would ring them tomorrow (Wednesday)


For some reason he took that to mean ask them to leave it outside the shop in a dark area behind the shops, with the keys in the unlocked box of the bike next to it! When I left Watford it was nearly 6, I live in Bromley, and had just got his message to say that my bike was basically unsecured behind the shop! I joined the M25 which warned of 30 minute delays. Sat nav claimed to know a better way, which turned out to be via Earls Court and Streatham!  While not a terrible route, it was 8:30 when I got home (32 miles)


  My Dad and I then went to collect it, seeing two blokes loitering near the bike which seemed a bit dodgy, but then I suppose two blokes pulling up in a car, one of whom grabs keys from a random bike and rides off on another one looked a tad shifty too!


Which is a rather long way of saying, that they changed the drive belt and now it works again! Apparently the mechanic reckoned it was a great little bike, so now I am very confused what to do next. 

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I've been looking into doing my motorbike test, but as it stands I can only do A2 direct access because I'm 22. Part of me thinks wait till I'm 23, do CBT and buy a cheap 125 to plod about on for a year then do the full A test. That means I can buy something big and shiny without worrying about having to restrict it.

My only concern is that most 125s seem to be fairly small, and I'm very tall. Also going from a 125 to an 800 or something sounds like a possibly bad idea.


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Get yourself over the bikeshite thread where others will offer an opinion. When I did my das last year of the people training I came across only one lad was doing a2. It's a stupid system but if depending on where and how much you want to ride two years on a 250 / 500 might be worth the extra effort compared to two years on a 125.

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