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LightBulbFun's Invacar & general ramble thread, index on page 1, survivors lists on Pages 24/134 & AdgeCutler's Invacar Mk12 Restoration from Page 186 onwards, still harping on...

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  On 24/09/2021 at 12:17, barrett said:

Congrats LBF. Here's a post-test present from the archive


A Carter, apparently. Photos I guess from the late 70s. Reg is YXU 845 I think. Not something I'm familiar with tbh, and not really 'car-like' enough for my tastes. Any info?



ooh thats very interesting as again thats one Iv known for a while, and have photos of but again one of those photos you have is one taken from an angle iv not seen before


you can see in the 5 photos they have here they dont have that fully side on one you have, its all very curious! how it seems like there a multiple pieces of the same jig saw puzzle spread around like this!

YXU842 is notable for being a very late Cater G being from 1960! (for a long time it was thought production ended in 1955! but Stuart found a listing for Carter invalid carriages as late as 1961, but not sure if that was just hand propelled machines by then or not)

and of course YXU842 could be some late registration madness (ie sat around for a while before being registered), but generally invalid carriages like this where built to order, rather then on a production line to then sit around until sold like regular cars

so its all quite interesting, id love to know what happened to it in the end sadly it does not show up on the DVLA, so it came off the road sometime before 1983

(if the quoted sections are fiddly to deal with, they are from page 131)

  On 13/04/2020 at 14:58, LightBulbFun said:

and this ones a Carter, but the interesting thing about it is YXU is a 1960 London registration, but according to Stuarts small book carter production was thought to have stopped in 1955, so Iv sent him the photograph :) its interesting to see the "no hand signals" sign given it has normal indicators, unless those where fitted after the sign was!


(iv known about this one for a little, but never actually looked up when the registration was issued, I did at the time put it through the DVLA checker of course but it does not show up sadly, then lost track of the photo for a while but having finally been reminded of it I dug it up finally and decided to see when its registration was issued!)

https://www.tate.org.uk/art/archive/tga-20129-6-7-26/von-motesiczky-photographs-of-henriette-von-motesiczkys-invalid-car I wonder what happened to it?




  On 13/04/2020 at 15:29, egg said:


  On 13/04/2020 at 15:51, LightBulbFun said:

no I dont think iv see those 2 before :) 

pretty neat!

it is interesting I have noticed, that looking at a lot of photos, that the carters invalid carriage seem to have been popular with a lot of older higher society/sort old world money type people if that makes  any sense!

even once there were better models out there, I guess its what they would of been familiar with from back in their day so to speak so thats what they bought when they needed one! but also as Iv mentioned, a lot of electric invalid carriages where used by their users much more like how a mobility scooter is used today, compared to someone with a petrol invalid carriage

so that may have been a factor in it all (much like how Ministry users of electric invalid carriages tried to hold onto the Stanley's for as long as possible!)

(keep in mind the final version of the Carter, Carters Model E F and G where introduced in 1936!)


even King George VI had a Carter's Model F! https://flic.kr/p/7Yp5aS


its fun to note that since it was owned by the King at the time, I dont think it was ever registered!




Congratulations on your test, Dez. 4 minor faults is pretty good going.

  • Like 1

Woo the Full licence photo card arrived today :) 

and everything checks out online too :) https://www.gov.uk/view-driving-licence (I guess they have still not quite yet decided when they are going to give everyone that free BE entitlement LOL)


I was surprised at how quickly it they turned it around, with the new licence card itself being date to the 23rd, I guess like online keeper changes, upgrading provisional licences to full ones is one of those things they have streamlined to the point of minimal human involvement

I will say the categories I can drive on the back look a bit barren compared to my mums licence since she passed back in 1990 and got all the Juicy entitlements LOL

  • Like 4
  On 25/09/2021 at 16:33, UltraWomble said:


I bought this and realised its utter shite, now I want my money back





its even sadder when you realise what that used to be before it was hacked up

Poor thing!

but enough of it remains that I could likely identify what Model 70 it was before it was hacked up for that!

(its still on a Model 70 chassis just narrowed somewhat!)  while I think its sadly a bit far gone for a restoration (there are much more intact but otherwise body-less Model 70's out their waiting for a body) I think, but it could still yield many parts!

  • Like 1
  On 25/09/2021 at 12:58, LightBulbFun said:

Woo the Full licence photo card arrived today :) 

and everything checks out online too :) https://www.gov.uk/view-driving-licence (I guess they have still not quite yet decided when they are going to give everyone that free BE entitlement LOL)


I was surprised at how quickly it they turned it around, with the new licence card itself being date to the 23rd, I guess like online keeper changes, upgrading provisional licences to full ones is one of those things they have streamlined to the point of minimal human involvement

I will say the categories I can drive on the back look a bit barren compared to my mums licence since she passed back in 1990 and got all the Juicy entitlements LOL


Your mum passed in 1990? Three years before me... now I feel really old!!!

  • Haha 1
  On 25/09/2021 at 18:07, LightBulbFun said:

its even sadder when you realise what that used to be before it was hacked up



I wondered what it was - I knew it wasnt a scooter or Reliant.
(Its not actually mine I was AS translating the sellers reasons for selling it

  • Like 1

still coming to terms with the fact holy shit things are finally falling into place woo! I have purchased REV a parking permit :) 

thanks to her small engine size, its only* £115 for the year! 


did have an amusing moment entering REV's details online, I did try and see if I could manually input the details but selecting "details not correct" just gave me your typical drop down list of vehicle makes, which of course did not include Invacar! so I just went with what it auto-generated as on the back end when they quarry the DVLA it will still say Invacar and show all my details!


its just the 3rd party software that handles it is a bit lazily written, when it looks up a car it just gets given a 2 digit make code and 3 digit Model code by the DVLA (unless its some obscure thing which has no DVLA codes) which is is up to the software to decode, the DVLA's make code for INVACAR is "ZA" but clearly whoever wrote this software just decided to lump it under Other British Makes, and as theres no Model codes for INVACAR so it just gets other LOL, which is also why the MOT checker always goes "INVACAR UNKNOWN" since it can decode the make code, but theres no Model code for it to decode, well there is but its just 000 so it goes UNKNOWN)

its satisfied enough that it did not ask me to supply copies of my V5c etc so good enough for me! (and its got the important details like engine size correct)

although I could see "Other British makes Other" popping up on the parking wardens hand held ANPR machine leading to fun head scratching LOL but it will still show all my details and that the vehicle has a valid permit etc so im not worried :) 


now I have just insurance to sort out (again)! im probably going to back to BikeSure, unless anyone here has any better recommendations? I am all ears :) 


Whichever insurer/s you approach, I'd suggest that you make sure your RUMCar subscription is up to date and mention that you belong to that, as well as to the ICR, as many insurers will give a discount for membership of an enthusiast club. Does the RUMCar group have a particular insurer offering services to their members?

See what difference in cost is achieved by putting your Mum on your policy as a Named Driver (not the other way round) as usually this saves a significant amount. To reduce cost, go for limited mileage cover and stick to it in your first year, then increase the limited milage amount in year two, when your age and driving experience and No Claims Bonus will start to count in your favour. I'd advocate going for an Agreed Value policy and not skimping on the value. Too low and if you get a minor bump, that will write off your car as far as insurance is concerned.  Make sure you can buy back a write-off if necessary.

Have a look around again and see who is offering what. You are now over 21 and a full licence holder, so the situation has changed quite a bit since you looked last.

  • Like 1

LBF, contact Bikesure by phone. If you haven’t already spoken to them - they’d insure this through Adrian Flux (same company) as it’s got a steering wheel rather than handle bars. (That’s literally how it’s decided on this type of vehicle) 

As they’re a specialist, even if the ABI code isn’t listed they will be able to rate it manually/the old school way.

Yes I work in the industry, no I can’t get you discount 😂

  • Like 2
  On 26/09/2021 at 23:13, JJ0063 said:

LBF, contact Bikesure by phone. If you haven’t already spoken to them - they’d insure this through Adrian Flux (same company) as it’s got a steering wheel rather than handle bars. (That’s literally how it’s decided on this type of vehicle) 

As they’re a specialist, even if the ABI code isn’t listed they will be able to rate it manually/the old school way.

Yes I work in the industry, no I can’t get you discount 😂


Thanks :) indeed BikeSure is who I had REV insured with beforehand, as you say I ended up with them after first calling Adrian Flux who upon hearing/seeing REV was a handle bars machine

(I think when they asked me if it RHD or LHD LOL Erm neither its not even got a steering wheel! LOL)

transferred me to BikeSure and we went from there,  (I really should of cancelled that policy within the 14 days but hey I have a 1 years NCB now at least LOL)

the only thing im not sure on is should I call their existing customers customer service line or their get a quote line? https://www.bikesure.co.uk/

as I already have a BikeSure account etc but no current active policies


  On 26/09/2021 at 23:02, Mrs6C said:

Whichever insurer/s you approach, I'd suggest that you make sure your RUMCar subscription is up to date and mention that you belong to that, as well as to the ICR, as many insurers will give a discount for membership of an enthusiast club. Does the RUMCar group have a particular insurer offering services to their members?

See what difference in cost is achieved by putting your Mum on your policy as a Named Driver (not the other way round) as usually this saves a significant amount. To reduce cost, go for limited mileage cover and stick to it in your first year, then increase the limited milage amount in year two, when your age and driving experience and No Claims Bonus will start to count in your favour. I'd advocate going for an Agreed Value policy and not skimping on the value. Too low and if you get a minor bump, that will write off your car as far as insurance is concerned.  Make sure you can buy back a write-off if necessary.

Have a look around again and see who is offering what. You are now over 21 and a full licence holder, so the situation has changed quite a bit since you looked last.


Oh RUMCar! thank you for reminding me I must make sure to get that done now that she is soon to be on the road once more :)

having of course found out that REV was for sale through RUMcar Im well aware of them :) but I had read something in their registration clause, something about the car being roadworthy/on the road, which had made me not register REV with them when I got her and to only do so once she is road worthy, but looking again I cant find anything like that in their clauses so no idea where I got that idea from! so I must get onto that!

but first I need to find out if REV has/is already registered with them as knowing her history I would not be surprised if she was already at some point!


and indeed I hope to be able to put mum down as a named driver, not just for the hopeful discounts, but also because, I genuinely want her to be able to use/drive REV when she wants/needs to :) 


  • Like 2
  On 21/09/2021 at 17:47, LightBulbFun said:

and I have my full licence, as long as whatever car im handed keys to is Taxed/roadworthy and has valid insurance I can get in and drive it!


Very pleased to hear about your test pass, you've worked really quite hard for it, and I know it can't have been easy, as you had a lot of things stacked against you doing so.  It is a big achievement and no mistake.

Just a moment of reality on the above statement though... Unless you have your own policy with third party extension (almost impossible at your age and driving experience level) AND are willing to accept the risk of "you bend it, you mend it" for any car your driving, or alternatively are added as a named driver on the policy for the vehicle in question (likely to be crippilingly expensive as a new driver) then I'm afraid the insurance issue is effectively going to prevent you from driving anything other than your own vehicle for quite a few years to come.

Even when I drive someone else's car these days, I have to accept the risk of if I have a fault accident, there's zero cover in place... and that extends to essentially any crash that occurs other than someone else ploughing into me and it being blatantly obviously their fault.  If I get a tyre blowout and stick a car in the ditch.. that's all on me.  Not my fault, but still my issue.  Not a risk to be taken lightly.

Just a reality check. 

  • Like 2
  On 27/09/2021 at 12:09, Talbot said:

Very pleased to hear about your test pass, you've worked really quite hard for it, and I know it can't have been easy, as you had a lot of things stacked against you doing so.  It is a big achievement and no mistake.

Just a moment of reality on the above statement though... Unless you have your own policy with third party extension (almost impossible at your age and driving experience level) AND are willing to accept the risk of "you bend it, you mend it" for any car your driving, or alternatively are added as a named driver on the policy for the vehicle in question (likely to be crippilingly expensive as a new driver) then I'm afraid the insurance issue is effectively going to prevent you from driving anything other than your own vehicle for quite a few years to come.

Even when I drive someone else's car these days, I have to accept the risk of if I have a fault accident, there's zero cover in place... and that extends to essentially any crash that occurs other than someone else ploughing into me and it being blatantly obviously their fault.  If I get a tyre blowout and stick a car in the ditch.. that's all on me.  Not my fault, but still my issue.  Not a risk to be taken lightly.

Just a reality check. 


Thanks! indeed its been a massive uphill struggle so im glad its finally over and done with! (as long as i dont get 6 points on my licence in the next 2 years LOL)

and indeed I am aware of the insurance stuff, that is what I meant by valid insurance, as im sure you know I know a car can have insurance/show on the MID but unless its arranged so, it wont just automatically be valid for me! im well aware of that :)  id as you say have to have me added to the policy or I would have to arrange my own insurance cover etc

(yay for temporary insurance things like Cuvva  I might have a chance at  being able to help out with a FoD Chippy run just yet!)

I appreciate the heads up tho :) 

  On 26/09/2021 at 16:35, LightBulbFun said:

now I have just insurance to sort out (again)! im probably going to back to BikeSure, unless anyone here has any better recommendations? I am all ears :) 


managed to sort out Insurance yesterday with BikeSure :) 


(well Monday, since im technically writing this on Wednesday LOL), twas unsurprisingly quite expensive but still a good few hundred quid cheaper then say a small late 2000s car would cost me

so ill take that! especially given I think a few people here thought I would not even be able to get insurance coverage in the first place!

Its set to start on the 1st of October which gives me a couple days to cancel or such free of charge, if anything suddenly crops up or someone suddenly comes up with a better idea/insurance quote etc

(and ill tax her then, so everything will be nicely lined up on the 1st of October LOL)

I also was able to get my mum on the policy as a named driver, but I dont think it really had any bearing on price going by what the guy said about the underwriters just being happy/willing to just go with what they quoted me back in march when my renewal came up then (however perhaps that was because I had decided to put my mum on the policey, but I have no way of knowing for sure since I did not ask him to quote without her),

but regardless of that even if it actually drove the price up a bit, I dont mind, im just glad I was able to get my mum on the policy so she can use REV when and as needed :) 


as you may have gathered by all this activity with regards to REV, she indeed will hopefully be ready soon, @adam1db has informed me that he has been given the green light to take REV over to his friends workshop ASAP, and that hopefully all going well that within 7-10 days of that, she will be ready :) 

and then it will just be a case of getting her back from Yorkshire to London! very kindly @st185cs has offered his services once more in that regard

so if all goes well in the next few weeks Ill have REV home finally after over 2 years getting her, and who knows maybe she will make home in time for her 45th Birthday which on the 5th of November :) 

that would be nice :)


Congratulations on passing your test. Been following your antics for quite some time . Hope you get REV into the big smoke soon and piss all those eco warrior people off by driving something old . Well done buddy

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  On 29/09/2021 at 01:22, LightBulbFun said:

(and ill tax her then, so everything will be nicely lined up on the 1st of October LOL)


and taxed! NIL rate FTW :) I did look at taxing her on the day I sorted out insurance, hoping it would give the option to tax her from the 1st of October but it did not back then so I was just going to wait till the 1st, but I figured id check today to see if it offered the option and it did, so I went ahead and taxed her for then :) 

my first time taxing a vehicle online so that was an interesting experience (the last time I taxed REV was at the post office back when I changed her taxation class from DISABLED to HISTORIC VEHICLE)







its not quite the 1st of October yet however REV is now showing as taxed :) got me a bonus extra day of road tax LOL (even tho its free for this vehicle anyway)


I was sort of expecting this tho as I noticed that on things slated to start at the 1st of next month tend to actually start on the last day of previous month or there abouts

  On 28/02/2021 at 00:12, LightBulbFun said:

Oi! its not March 1st yet! LOL


I Set REV to SORN on the 1st of march and when checking her out of idle curiosity I noticed she is already SORN, the dastardly DVLA robbing me out of a day or 2 of Nill Rate Tax LOL


funnily enough its not the first time I have managed to time travel into the future using the DVLA

check out the date of first registration on this Austin!


its not the first time I have noticed this particular quirk, funnily enough I notice the most with new Pre 1931 Age related registrations for some reason, and I have seen it show the next month as the date of first registration a good 2 or 3 days in advanced!




hustling Invacars by Twilight :) 




Yes REV has finally arrived at the "Ministry of Defective Invacars" and is being washed and Prepped as we speak for her recommissioning! :) 

its very exciting,  to finally see things happening! as I have had her for over 2 years now so I have been waiting for this for fair while now! and im also just glad she is getting a Wash at long last as she has been getting increasingly dirty and its been making me feel very bad!

but its all just fibreglass so it should all just wash off hopefully! 


once again I give my express thanks to @adam1db for taking REV on for me! it is seriously appreciated and takes a massive worry off my shoulders :) 

I (or Adam if he wants to) will hopefully be updating this thread over the next coming days with regular updates on REV at long last!  :) 

  On 30/09/2021 at 19:45, LightBulbFun said:



but its all just fibreglass so it should all just wash off hopefully! 


Just as I had hoped, she has cleaned up a treat :) and is looking 100x times better already! I think its the first time I have ever seen REV with an actual shine to her :) 




That's quite the transformation! Great to see Rev coming back to life again after sitting so long. 

On a different note, I spotted this old tweet from a couple of years ago. Looks like someone's got their facts mixed up! 😅

Who'd have ever guessed that the Invacar would outlast the rest of the cars in the shot (I'm assuming at least...).



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  On 30/09/2021 at 22:05, Dick Longbridge said:

That's quite the transformation! Great to see Rev coming back to life again after sitting so long. 

On a different note, I spotted this old tweet from a couple of years ago. Looks like someone's got their facts mixed up! 😅

Who'd have ever guessed that the Invacar would outlast the rest of the cars in the shot (I'm assuming at least...).




Yeah! never in a million years did I think to myself when I first saw that film 15 years ago that id be owning the Invacar from it! 

funny how life works out like that :) 

and indeed from what I understand, from that scene, REV is the only car to survive! from what I can tell the Renault 5 was lost to rust in the end 

if anyones curious back on Page 152, I went and grabbed some screenshots from the film using netflix to ensure they where of half decent quality, especially as she actually appears in the film twice!, and I could not find anything from the 2nd scene involving her so I went back and grabbed some! :)



BTW when you say someone got their facts mixed up which are you referring to? as I dont see anything in the tweet thats out of place? just curious! 


  • Like 1

I have seen Invacars/Model 70's show up as a lot of things on the Motor insurance Database, including one of my personal favourites


but I cant say I have ever had one show as "DUMP CODE MODIFIED CARS" which is what REV is showing as LOL the dump code part almost sounds like its crashed part of the database or something LOL


ill see what it shows up after I wake up when I go to sleep, just incase its the database still configuring itself or something

but if its not sorted itself out I think ill make a call to bike sure and see if I can get it sorted

which is always fun, as you have to really nail into them to them that when you say "Model 70" you dont mean Model: 70 you mean Model: Model 70 LOL, that "Model" is part of the Model name! LOL

(a lot of people dont realise this so you end up with Model 70's showing up as "AC 70" or "INVACAR 70" or just "70")


Dump code is when it’s been 0 ABI’d on the quotes system because your vehicle won’t have an ABI code. It’s an automatic thing - ignore it - makes no difference to the validity of the insurance if your certificate reads correctly 👍

  • Like 2
  On 01/10/2021 at 00:28, JJ0063 said:

Dump code is when it’s been 0 ABI’d on the quotes system because your vehicle won’t have an ABI code. It’s an automatic thing - ignore it - makes no difference to the validity of the insurance if your certificate reads correctly 👍


interesting, yeah the insurance Certificate is correct, I made sure of that the moment I could :)  I wonder why I have not seen this MID anomaly before on any other Model 70's/Invacars?

I wonder if because I think pretty much every other insured Model 70 out there is on some sort of Classic policy so I wonder if perhaps those are handled differently/manually entered into the MID?

(where as REV is just on a regular Policy, at least I get to build up some NCB LOL)

and Yeah I know what it shows up on the MID as is mostly cosmetic but its still going to bug me LOL so ill see if I can get it fixed, but im not going to fret about it either, but it would be nice to have it all correct LOL

(although I do raise an eye brow at the "modified cars" bit since she is not modified in any meaningful way!)

  On 30/09/2021 at 22:49, LightBulbFun said:

BTW when you say someone got their facts mixed up which are you referring to? as I dont see anything in the tweet thats out of place? just curious! 


I read it as the guy on Twitter thought it was Ian's car. Looking again, it highlights the fact I need to get more sleep before making judgements...

  On 01/10/2021 at 06:03, Dick Longbridge said:

I read it as the guy on Twitter thought it was Ian's car. Looking again, it highlights the fact I need to get more sleep before making judgements...


Oh yes I see how you could of read that, but yeah its just DollyWobblers Twitter handle/tag is plural :) although technically to be fair to you I think there should be a , between "hubnutvids" and "invacar spotted" to avoid exactly such confusion

(but especially back then when twitter had a 140 character limit you really had to skimp on things LOL)

  • Like 1
  On 01/10/2021 at 06:03, Dick Longbridge said:

I read it as the guy on Twitter thought it was Ian's car. Looking again, it highlights the fact I need to get more sleep before making judgements...


If it helps, that's also how I read it - so it's not just you...

But yeah, on going back I can see that it's just Ian being tagged in the tweet. Doh.

  • Like 2
  On 30/09/2021 at 23:48, LightBulbFun said:

I cant say I have ever had one show as "DUMP CODE MODIFIED CARS" which is what REV is showing as LOL the dump code part almost sounds like its crashed part of the database or something LOL


ill see what it shows up after I wake up when I go to sleep, just incase its the database still configuring itself or something

but if its not sorted itself out I think ill make a call to bike sure and see if I can get it sorted

which is always fun, as you have to really nail into them to them that when you say "Model 70" you dont mean Model: 70 you mean Model: Model 70 LOL, that "Model" is part of the Model name! LOL

(a lot of people dont realise this so you end up with Model 70's showing up as "AC 70" or "INVACAR 70" or just "70")


Further to 'Dump Code' - this was used a lot when I used to work in Halfords, and it was just a temporary generic code used whenever something wouldn't scan, or we couldn't find the proper code for an item, in order to get a sale finished and not keep customers hanging about.

We used to keep a dump code log by the till, jotting down whatever it was and what the price should have been - and then once a week I'd have to trawl through the dump code log, inputting the correct code once I'd found it on the stockfile, and cancelling off the dump codes one by one. This kept the stockfiles up to date. The store manager used to get irate if dump codes showed on the weekly figures.

Not sure if this is exactly how it works within the insurance industry, but I'd guess someone will soon have to go back in and link your policy against the correct vehicle code - which may mean having to create a brand new one, if this is the first time this insurer's had to deal with an Invacar on their books!

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Picture from Facebook, sorry if it's already been posted 


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  On 01/10/2021 at 18:49, Harriytait said:

Picture from Facebook, sorry if it's already been posted 



I had not actually gotten round to posting it but @keef had made me aware of them last night :) 

heres some higher res versions :) I appreciate the heads up tho!

Poor Mk12, it held up surprisingly well given how flimsy/lightweight they are (granted I dont know what speed they where doing!)! I wonder who was at fault...



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