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LightBulbFun's Invacar & general ramble thread, index on page 1, survivors lists on Pages 24/134 & AdgeCutler's Invacar Mk12 Restoration from Page 186 onwards, still harping on...


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I think I just solved another oddity with a block of Invacar Model 70's :)

said oddity being the LOO-P block, which on the face of it looks like  its LOO1P on its own then LOO142P-LOO150P

going by the September 1975 Date of registration I had wondered if it was something to do with the factory fire (as a side note, im not actually where I got in my head that September 1975 was when the first factory fire happened, I checked a couple places that mention the factory fire(s) but I dont see an exact date sadly)


however looking at things a bit closer it looks like much like the TVW-R block @quicksilver discovered

in that it was done to bring a batch up to 100 cars

because the block before is the LNO-P block but that starts at LNO914P as such its forced short at 86 cars ending with LNO999P of course

now LOO1P is out there all on its own but I suspect LOO2P LOO3P and LOO4P where all Invacars too that just simply don't show up on the DVLA anymore sadly

because that takes us to 4 cars

and then I suspect LOO151P is also an invacar as that would take LOO142-LOO150P up to 10 cars from 9 cars

which adds up to 14 cars, which then added to the 86 cars of the LNO-P batch

gives us a total of 100 cars :) (and the chassis numbers calculate correctly alongside this too)

im quite pleased to have figured this one out as its been one of those long standing oddities on here for me :)

once again I have also sent this info to Stuart as well, especially as its also something that he has not been able to figure out, until now hopefully so im curious what he thinks of my findings :) 

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so I have managed to get in touch with the owner of this Model 70 :) 



im quite happy to have finally found the owner, and also ID which one it is :)

its owned by a chap in Austria who specialises in all things Steyr puch, so naturally he got himself a Model 70 in 2003!

it was saved from a scrap yard, along with 18 Steyr puch engines from other Model 70's

most interestingly it has the registration number etched into the glass on of the doors, I have never seen that before on a Model 70!



and indeed checking KPL96P she comes back as untaxed in 2003, with an export marker!



but to throw a "spanner" into the works, the chassis number on the actual chassis is an Invacar Model 70 chassis number! I cant quite make out the last digit so Im not sure which one it is exactly

but it raises the question, was KPL96P re-chassied at some point, or is KPL96P actually an Invacar Model 70, that the approved repairer stuck KPL96P's plates onto for one reason or another at some point in time

Ill ask him to post a picture of the rear mold lines that will tell me where the rear body work is from at least hopefully!

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On 9/5/2019 at 4:32 AM, st185cs said:






Huh I just noticed on my manual the index page says that on page 10 should be battery, tyre and petrol tank info, but I dont see that on your page 10?


I wonder if there were different versions of the drivers handbook?


Side note: I updated the thread index page, with a link to the start of me discovering how to find missing blocks and me finding the H Reg Prototypes and the J reg production cars

if anyone thinks theres other moments in this big ol thread that I should link in the index page of sorts do let me know :) 

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It's a bit of a shame that pages 8 and 9 are missing from your copy of the manual as those are the ones @Mrs6C needs to give her advice on how to drive Dolly. I'm looking forward to getting a drive of that one as it sounds like it could be quite a challenge if the steering is that light and sensitive - that combined with the weird handbrake suggests Dolly's driver did indeed have weak arms. If only we could get the gears to engage - maybe she needs to report the fault to the Approved Repairer as instructed by the manual :)

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44 minutes ago, LightBulbFun said:

most interestingly it has the registration number etched into the glass on of the doors, I have never seen that before on a Model 70!

Ha, ha, the old Etch a Sketch trick. 

Back in the early 80's, with nicking cars being comparatively easy (few if any immobilisers) one of the ideas was to etch the reg number of your car into all the individual pieces of glass. That way, if stolen, it wasn't worth the thieves money to change all the glass before ringing it.

You could have it done professionally, using a small shot blasting gun, often in supermarket car parks, (amusingly my Merc has the original reg done this way), or DIY.

The DIY method was  a plastic ruler which had all the numbers and letters cut into it, and a scribe (small pen with a hardened tip).

Stick the ruler on the window seal and off you go. If you made a fuck up of the reg it was almost impossible correct, ask me how I know!

Why somebody did this to an Invacar is another question, but it's definitely got the same appearance as a couple of my attempts.

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21 hours ago, quicksilver said:

It's a bit of a shame that pages 8 and 9 are missing from your copy of the manual as those are the ones @Mrs6C needs to give her advice on how to drive Dolly. I'm looking forward to getting a drive of that one as it sounds like it could be quite a challenge if the steering is that light and sensitive - that combined with the weird handbrake suggests Dolly's driver did indeed have weak arms. If only we could get the gears to engage - maybe she needs to report the fault to the Approved Repairer as instructed by the manual :)

indeed, im quite surprised none of the hand operated steering wheel Model 70's I have come across have a steering ball fitted, as without it sounds quite tricky to drive! but like you are I am very curious to find out how a steering wheel Model 70 is to drive compared to REV and her typical handlebars setup :) 

well the gears where very much engaging on Dolly, as @Mrs6C did try and put her into gear when she was spinning down and the gearbox did go crunch which tells use that it would go into gear if we could get it to idle

we could of started it in gear but if you start a Model 70 in gear with the engine running above idle, it will cause the central fungal clutch to immediately engage and then you will just shoot off into the distance 

the only worrying thing about dolly regarding the gearbox/clutch is how she goes "CRUNCH" every time the centrifugal clutch engages and then noisily spins down that ensues when you turn the engine off


here's the trouble shooting guide for the engine in the workshop manual regarding carburetor woes (if the bloody Text editor would let me post the screen shot!)


(edit yay got it to finally take my screenshot!)

I wonder if any of it would be any help regarding getting Dolly to idle (I also wonder if it might be ignition related given the poor state one of her plug leads is in)

its also interesting to note that the workshop says the webber carb for the Model 70 is a 32ICS3, but all the Model 70's I have come across have Webber 32ICS10's...

21 hours ago, busmansholiday said:

Ha, ha, the old Etch a Sketch trick. 

Back in the early 80's, with nicking cars being comparatively easy (few if any immobilisers) one of the ideas was to etch the reg number of your car into all the individual pieces of glass. That way, if stolen, it wasn't worth the thieves money to change all the glass before ringing it.

You could have it done professionally, using a small shot blasting gun, often in supermarket car parks, (amusingly my Merc has the original reg done this way), or DIY.

The DIY method was  a plastic ruler which had all the numbers and letters cut into it, and a scribe (small pen with a hardened tip).

Stick the ruler on the window seal and off you go. If you made a fuck up of the reg it was almost impossible correct, ask me how I know!

Why somebody did this to an Invacar is another question, but it's definitely got the same appearance as a couple of my attempts.


very interesting! I knew why it was done (hence why its a bit amusing to seeing it done to a Model 70 as you say) but I never knew how they did it exactly and have wondered such, so its cool to find out :)

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13 minutes ago, busmansholiday said:

Do all the windows have it or just one. 

If one, it could have been swapped, if all of them, it's probably the real item.


im not sure I will ask (I do find it ironic that the one Model 70 with etched glass may actually be somewhat of a ringer LOL)

I actually initially dismissed it as I knew doors on Model 70's where swapped around all the time, but I decided to check KPL96P when None of the Invacar Model 70's the chassis number could be, had last tax dates from 2003 which is when he got this Model 70

I did notice in this rear facing picture that it has an Invacar style Bonnet stay complete with divot in the rear body work to stow it away when not in use (AC Model 70's have a hoop type bonnet stay without any divot in the rear body work)


so im leaning more towards "KPL96P" actually being an Invacar Model 70 thats had a trip through the London Transport overhaul system so to speak!

although the rear mould lines look more rounded the pointy, but its hard to tell from that far away picture

(but im still trying to figure out if all Invacar Model 70's had pointy rear mould lines or if only ones after a certain date)

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I have been rewatching some Project Invacar videos recently :) and I was watching the episode of project invacar where Dollywobbler is fitting TPAs original engine to TWC and he clears some crap out of the carb by revving the engine high then sticking his hand on top of the carb to create a strong vacuum in hopes it will clear the blockage

and I cant actually recall if we tried that with dolly? certainly its now on my list of things to try with her for next time at least :) 

(the only thing i'm a bit worried about is given how we fiddled with her carb quite a bit last time to try and get her to idle, that we have thrown things out spec which itself is preventing the car from idling regardless of the original issue, at least REV is right next to her so we should be able to use her carb as a rough guide for setting everything on Dollies carb back to "factory" settings)

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Never wear gloves when you do that! 

Did some tinkering with MHJ last night actually, raising the idle slightly. Another Invacar convoy today, to Haynes Motor Museum. 

Got chatting to Graham Walker, who deals in microcars, about the one he sold to Germany. Just banged some random number plates on it apparently, once had eight people in it (roof off) at an event. Confirmed it has since been painted two-tone and still lives in Germany.

Meeting an ancestor.


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5 hours ago, dollywobbler said:

Never wear gloves when you do that! 

Did some tinkering with MHJ last night actually, raising the idle slightly. Another Invacar convoy today, to Haynes Motor Museum. 

Got chatting to Graham Walker, who deals in microcars, about the one he sold to Germany. Just banged some random number plates on it apparently, once had eight people in it (roof off) at an event. Confirmed it has since been painted two-tone and still lives in Germany.

Meeting an ancestor.


Nice photo, I find it amusing that the Petite happens to be an Essex registred example like all the Invacars despite the Petite being made in Surry :) ,  to complete the missing links you should get an AC Acedes and park it next to the petite! although contrary to popular belief, looks aside the AC Acedes shares little in common with the petite


and then next to TWC you can park the AC Petite of her generation :)



(also @Ghosty I remember you mentioned seeing a KPA-K Model 70 and I said you where probably thinking of the above, well turns out there IS also a block of Model 70's in the KPA-K reg serise KPA301K-KPA500K, so I do wonder if you did actually see one of those Model 70's somewhere or if you where just thinking about the above car? I dont know of any pictures of any KPA-K Model 70's I just know they existed!)

regarding MHJ's idle, on REV I had the opposite issue where something had caused the idle to creep up, and then suddenly you couldn't  put her into gear after taking her out of gear! backing off the idle adjustment screw returned proper operation which makes me think all the hard* off roading we where doing in her caused her idle adjustment screw to slightly wind itself in somehow, its an issue to keep an eye on! (before we adjusted the idle screw, turning her off and back on again dropped the idle just that little bit so the clutch shoes did not engage and you could then put her into gear, talk about start stop technology!)

indeed I asked the walkers about info on that one, sadly they dont remember/know much about it sadly, but thank you for enquiring for me it's appreciated :)

is TWC and MHJ the only invalid vehicles there or are there more? :)

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oh @dollywobbler or @st185cs

does MHJ have a Rollover bar with head liner and larger speedo,? according to my theories being a Jan 1976 car she should not, she should have instruments as like the ones on TWC (fuel gage aside of course) from looking at things it looks like the larger speedo and rollover bar etc was introduced in March 1976, certainly that is the case for AC Model 70's it seems

but it would be interesting to confirm properly :)


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1 hour ago, Cavcraft said:

Fucking annoys me this does. Plus, advertising it as 'tax exempt' when there can't be any pissing Minors that aren't is pretty hopeless. As hopeless as making a mistake in the header saying it's M' reg.



Clearly, the only value in this is as a ringing kit.




dragging this over here for Invacar reasons :)

and uploading the V5 pic again/to autoshite because i see civcraft just copied the ebay picture link so when ebay pulls the picture (or auction!) the picture vanish otherwise



but the reason im dragging it here, is because its an example of a Early 1990s V5 thats similar in layout to the copy of the 1985 V5 I have for REV :) 

and its been quite interesting studying and comparing the 2



the couple things I noticed is 1 the Morris minor V5 does not seem to have the wheel plan listed on the V5 but it is listed as 2 axle rigid body on the DVLA checker, is this down to the fact its a PLG/Saloon so it automatically gets that put down as the wheel plan or?

second thing worth pointing out is the fact the Taxable weight on the morris minor V5 is blank, I wonder is this normal for private/normal of the time or is it supposed to have something there?

and the 3rd thing is the "4 since APR 77" Stuart mentioned that the keeper count only goes as far back as to when the DVLA computerised/centralised everything, and he said that if a vehicle was from before then that it would say " No of Former Keepers Since xxx"

and stuart did ask me if REV's V5 had that (since Invacar is not the first registered keeper for REV, when normally thats the case for Model 70's) which she does not as you can see, but it makes sense that she does not have that in her V5's in this case since REV451R was registered for the first time a good couple years after the DVLA centralised/computerised everything etc

the question I have on that regard is what does TPA or TWCs V5 say since they where both registered before the DVLA was centralised etc? do they still have the "Since xxx" thing on modern V5's for Vehicles that predate the DVLA computerisation/centralisation?

also when you buy a new Car and you pick out your reg from whatever the dealer has, and it gets registered for the first time, are you the buyer counted as the first owner or is the dealer counted as the first owner?


as a side note while thumbing through the history file on REV today, I noticed an insurance document from 2002, and on it was the then current millage of 23071 which I found rather amusing

as I got her with 23072 on the clock, clearly she had not done many miles since then!

(she is now on 23082 or thereabouts :))

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If you buy a brand new car you are the first owner. If you buy an ex demo, or one registered by the dealer to make sales figures better you will be the second owner. 

In terms of the old blue V5, if you had an old brown logbook there's a chance DVLA would actually look at it for the first date.

In my case, with the bike, I stated on the application form it was first registered in 1955. I worked that out because the reg was around 700 less than a Sheffield Corporation AEC Regent III that I knew the date of entry into service.  They put "declared" first registered on the V5.

When I finally (last year) got around to getting a V5C, they put duplicate on the front FFS.


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ahh interesting :) Im guessing with REV being a private example, Invacar just acted like a dealer in this regard then, hence why the first registered owner is not Invacar

when you say "application form" do you mean a V765 for historic vehicles that dont show up on the DVLA anymore?

or are we talking about something you did in the 1970s when they moved from the brown logbooks to V5s etc? :)

(by duplicate do you mean duplicate V5 or something else?)

those brown logbooks are called buff logbooks right? I wonder why they are called that...

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Yes there was a form to fill in, but in the early 80's it wasn't anything like as difficult as now, no doubt due to still getting used to the new computer system. Filled in a few forms for different vehicles, including a trolleybus! DVLC just accepted everything as gospel then, just to get it on the system. Probably why there's so many fuck ups with Invacar registrations.

As for the buff / brown log book, that's the actual colour they were, and printed on a thinish cardboard. 


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46 minutes ago, busmansholiday said:

Yes there was a form to fill in, but in the early 80's it wasn't anything like as difficult as now, no doubt due to still getting used to the new computer system. Filled in a few forms for different vehicles, including a trolleybus! DVLC just accepted everything as gospel then, just to get it on the system. Probably why there's so many fuck ups with Invacar registrations.

As for the buff / brown log book, that's the actual colour they were, and printed on a thinish cardboard. 


interesting :)

I never actually knew buff was the name of a colour! TIL :)

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oh quick update on "KPL96P" the owner (or owners son, im not sure which)

says that KPL96P is only marked on that left hand window and not marked anywhere else

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7 hours ago, LightBulbFun said:

oh quick update on "KPL96P" the owner (or owners son, im not sure which)

says that KPL96P is only marked on that left hand window and not marked anywhere else

Oh hum, which do you want to bet on, KPL is it's original ID, DVLA will get Egg's model 12 registered by Xmas or I'll win the lottery, buy every Invacar and put them all in your name ???

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41 minutes ago, busmansholiday said:

Oh hum, which do you want to bet on, KPL is it's original ID, DVLA will get Egg's model 12 registered by Xmas or I'll win the lottery, buy every Invacar and put them all in your name ???

haha yeah! :)

I think "KPL96P" is not its original ID going by the Invacar Chassis number on the actual chassis, and the fact it has an Invacar style bonnet stay and rear body moulding depression for one, im just waiting on a couple more things before Im confident in saying for sure what it is

the question you have to ask is if say you end up with such a vehicle is do you roll with KPL96P or do you apply for the V5 for the actual ID that it is?

I think in this case if It was to return to to the UK I would apply for its original Invacar Model 70 as the clues point to this one actually being an Invacar Model 70 and not KPL96P

(rather than it actually being KPL96P that's simply been re-chassised  at some point)


and then there's the case of TTW906R that is actually TVW4R, but Stuart did not know of the TVW-R block when he owned TVW4R, so he thought it was TTW906R, and as such it has been running around under that reg for the past 16 years or so (when Stuart got the V5 for TTW906R and saw the chassis number on the V5 was not what was on the car, he thought that a typo was made etc so he "corrected" the chassis number on TTW906Rs V5 to that of TVW4Rs Chassis number, which means currently TTW906R and TVW4R have the same chassis numbers on the DVLA database LOL, or should do in theory, im waiting to have TVW4R run by my HPI guy to check for sure)

im in contact with the current owners of "TTW906R" TVW4R, but im still thinking of how to explain the whole situation to someone who is completely unfamiliar with this sort of thing

(there's also a 3rd Model 70's whose true Identity I have been trying to work out, but its much more of a "bitsa" so i'm still trying to figure it out, that ones been a long term project of mine)


luckily the process of sorting this sort of thing out is fairly easy once you know the numbers on the paperwork side of thing as, its just a case of apply for the V5 for the actual/correct Registration number and swap the plates over

exactly like what we did with Q231PVL/MPH759P :) 

I would like to see "TTW906R"  sorted out in in the end, as I think TVW4R is the only known surviving example of such a short block and it would be a shame to hide that!


BTW to be pedantic Eggs Invacar is a Model 66 :) (a Model 12 is probably some sort of wheel chair!)

it is interesting how some Invalid vehicles became known by their MoH/DHSS names whereas others became known by their manufactures name

like the Invacar Mk12 is well known as the Invacar Mk12 and few people know its MoH/DHSS Model number (but for those wondering its MoH name was Model 66)

but the AC Acedes Mk4-12 and Mk14-15 became known by their MoH/DHSS names of Model 57 and 67 respectively 

(and then all Tippen Deltas seem to just be called TIppen deltas despite their being 8 different Marks! with the MoH/DHSS Model numbers being Model 59 and Model 69E being the Petrol and Electric versions respectively)

its worth noting that the Electric "AC Acedes" does not actually say AC Acedes anywhere on the VIN plate it just says "Model 64" which is its MoH name, which makes sense as the Electric "AC Acedes" was commissioned specifically by request from the MoH

making the Model 64 and Model 70 the only 2 invalid vehicles that im aware of whos MoH/DHSS Model numbers are also their official manufacturer name :) (although worth noting the Rebuilt Electric tippen Deltas of 1970-1976 have "69E" as part of their chassis number which is their MoH/DHSS Model number)

(and on top of that it went Model 64 Mk1-4/4A and Model 70 Mark A and Mark B )

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On 9/7/2019 at 12:06 PM, LightBulbFun said:

oh @dollywobbler or @st185cs

does MHJ have a Rollover bar with head liner and larger speedo,? according to my theories being a Jan 1976 car she should not, she should have instruments as like the ones on TWC (fuel gage aside of course) from looking at things it looks like the larger speedo and rollover bar etc was introduced in March 1976, certainly that is the case for AC Model 70's it seems

but it would be interesting to confirm properly :)


She does not. Sorry for the delay, but wasn't checking the forum much over the weekend. Good to spend some time with ST185cs though, and MHJ - had a quick spin and it drives well bar a stiff throttle due to an unusual throttle design. I prefer TWC's... MHJ also has a 1980s column stalk, more akin to a Metro or Reliant Fox.

Also met the Invacar legends Mr Cyphus and 'Big Al' which was nice, so much Invacar stuff was discussed. Then a HubNut fan who is into Haflingers gave me an exhaust silencer! Which was also nice.

Just the two Invacars, and I didn't even win the Invacar special prize! ST185cs got that, which was a control unit from an earlier type of Invacar I think.

Hopefully we can get a few more to the next one (though it is yet to be agreed).


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3 hours ago, dollywobbler said:

She does not. Sorry for the delay, but wasn't checking the forum much over the weekend. Good to spend some time with ST185cs though, and MHJ - had a quick spin and it drives well bar a stiff throttle due to an unusual throttle design. I prefer TWC's... MHJ also has a 1980s column stalk, more akin to a Metro or Reliant Fox.

Also met the Invacar legends Mr Cyphus and 'Big Al' which was nice, so much Invacar stuff was discussed. Then a HubNut fan who is into Haflingers gave me an exhaust silencer! Which was also nice.

Just the two Invacars, and I didn't even win the Invacar special prize! ST185cs got that, which was a control unit from an earlier type of Invacar I think.

Hopefully we can get a few more to the next one (though it is yet to be agreed).


very cool! really is a shame I could not make it there! 

its amusing in a frustrating way how "out of" step the Autoshite Invacar gang has been this year LOL with you being on your 2CV road trip during the FoTU and when I got REV, and then TPA being poorly so Zel could not make it to the microcar gathering and me just not having anyway to get to the Microcar gathering!

im very happy you got to meet stuart Cyphus :) id have loved to been there when all the invacar chatting happened :) im guessing @st185cs got a Siba Dynastart control unit? shame @egg was not there it would be a handy spare for his Mk12! :mrgreen:

very interesting to hear about MHJs stiff throttle, did you get some comparison pictures between TWC and MHJ? it would be interesting to see if I can use it to solve the issues with REVs throttle

I do know looking at period pictures that the throttle cable goes straight from the twist grip down the handle bars and out through the front bulk head, and as such looks like its supposed to move in and out the front bulk head as you move the handle bars

(with REV this was causing the throttle to Jam on, so me and @Mrs6C pulled the cable into the cabin and tied it in place at the bulk head so now  all the slack thats there for when you turn the handle bars is now in the cabin and I have a bad habbit of catching my foot on it LOL, but it stops the throttle from jamming on so thats good, but clearly things are not as they should be if the throttle is jamming on when the throttle cable is setup how it normally is)

also very curious to see that indicator stalk, I dont think I have seen a Model 70 with anything other the the Land Rover style indicator stalk :)


hopefully I can make it next year with REV :)

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On 9/6/2019 at 4:07 PM, quicksilver said:

- that combined with the weird handbrake suggests Dolly's driver did indeed have weak arms

I was looking at some photos which reminded me about the fact that dolly is equipped with power brakes :) 

IMG_20190811_135339 broad.jpg


note the brake booster by the engine in this photo, which backs up the theory about it being set up for someone with weak limbs :) 


its worth noting that when talking to John about it before it left for the FoD, I mentioned the Model 70 in Miami that has the booster up front under the service hatch

and John said that yeah thats the normal location for them and the fact that dolly has hers in the engine bay was rather unusual :) 

(I wonder if all steering wheel+hand control models where equipped with brake boosters or only just some? the workshop manual makes no mention of one, and if it was a common item id expect it to)



BTW @dollywobbler speaking of invacar chatter, any word on getting TWCs engine number from her original engine and a clear picture of the Lube chart/VIN plate? :) 

(Just making sure its not forgotten about before you fly to Down under!)

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13 hours ago, LightBulbFun said:

think "KPL96P" is not its original ID going by the Invacar Chassis number on the actual chassis, and the fact it has an Invacar style bonnet stay and rear body moulding depression for one, im just waiting on a couple more things before Im confident in saying for sure what it is

the question you have to ask is if say you end up with such a vehicle is do you roll with KPL96P or do you apply for the V5 for the actual ID that it is?

I think in this case if It was to return to to the UK I would apply for its original Invacar Model 70 as the clues point to this one actually being an Invacar Model 70 and not KPL96P

(rather than it actually being KPL96P that's simply been re-chassised  at some point)

My money would be on the fact that the only bit of KPL is that side screen. It's quite possible that KPL was returned to the local agent due to either the owner no longer needed it or was damaged in an accident. Either way, it was probably then used as a source of parts to keep others on the road. As a result, whatever this Invacar is then needed a replacement side screen and they simply fitted one of KPL. Doubt they would have even bothered about the reg on it.

Be interesting to know if there were any other Invacars with KPL on bits of glass.

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5 minutes ago, busmansholiday said:

My money would be on the fact that the only bit of KPL is that side screen. It's quite possible that KPL was returned to the local agent due to either the owner no longer needed it or was damaged in an accident. Either way, it was probably then used as a source of parts to keep others on the road. As a result, whatever this Invacar is then needed a replacement side screen and they simply fitted one of KPL. Doubt they would have even bothered about the reg on it.

Be interesting to know if there were any other Invacars with KPL on bits of glass.

I guess at some point maybe this Invacar lost its reg plates and someone at the repair looked at the window like "alright its KPL96P now!"

or maybe KPL96P came back damaged and they where like "there's an invacar out back with a missing door, take a door and the reg plates from KPL and send it back out"

its worth noting that it was running around as KPL96P in england before it was withdrawn from service, so again yeah Repair garage shenanigans! (at least im pretty sure it was. as KPL96P has a Last taxed date of 2003 and an export marker, if it was not wearing reg plates when it was saved then they would not have known which one to export marker)

well for all we know this could of happened when it was being saved from the garage/scrap yard, "just grab a set of plates from an already scrapped one and etch it into one of the glass windows!"

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Just had my HPI guy get back to me with some registrations including a couple examples from the PPU-K block

and indeed it looks like the PPU-K block is the first Invacar Model 70 block which means PPU521K would of been the first Invacar Model 70 off the production line, im very happy that I have been able to discover the block and as such discover the very first Invacar Model 70! (or at least first one off the production line) sadly PPU521K no longer shows up, but PPU522K does, and I had that ran :)

I also had a couple examples of the GPE-J block run and as I suspect that block it is also a Block of very early AC Model 70's :)

GPE158J is fun tho because from @egg Mk12 thread

On 2/14/2019 at 8:52 PM, anonymous user said:

Imagine the shock if it comes back on hpi showing crashed/stolen/outstanding finance

well this is what my HPI guy said about GPE158J LOL

"Gpe158j is *redacted* but this is a strange one as finance is out standing on it, and reg date is in future "

I have asked what he means by "reg date is in future" im not sure if he means like the 5th of november 2023 or if he means something else

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I'm yet to drive two Invacars with the same throttle set-up! TWC's works best, with a chunky handle and a smooth action.


MHJ has a few mods, which suggest later improvements. The indicator stalk is one, the electric screenwash another. I may have to concede that this is a better idea than the manual pump...

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2 hours ago, dollywobbler said:

I'm yet to drive two Invacars with the same throttle set-up! TWC's works best, with a chunky handle and a smooth action.


MHJ has a few mods, which suggest later improvements. The indicator stalk is one, the electric screenwash another. I may have to concede that this is a better idea than the manual pump...

Very interesting!

MHJs mods will have either been for the user specifically, or just things fitted post production as items failed, like the rear light situation, and I suspect the same with the indicator stalk, although I have a NOS indicator stalk in the spares stash and its a normal Model 70/Land Rover one, so im quite curious to see what MHJ has, defo does not sound like a production change as I know of many later Model 70's whos indicator stalks are like TWCs etc (REV451R VES108S OPH868R etc)

I have seen a couple other Model 70's fitted with a electric screenwash, VES108S being one :) 


when you say throttle setup, do you mean just the twist grip itself, or the entire setup of how the cable is run?


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4 hours ago, LightBulbFun said:

Just had my HPI guy get back to me with some registrations including a couple examples from the PPU-K block

and indeed it looks like the PPU-K block is the first Invacar Model 70 block which means PPU521K would of been the first Invacar Model 70 off the production line, im very happy that I have been able to discover the block and as such discover the very first Invacar Model 70! (or at least first one off the production line) sadly PPU521K no longer shows up, but PPU522K does, and I had that ran :)

I also had a couple examples of the GPE-J block run and as I suspect that block it is also a Block of very early AC Model 70's :)

GPE158J is fun tho because from @egg Mk12 thread

well this is what my HPI guy said about GPE158J LOL

"Gpe158j is *redacted* but this is a strange one as finance is out standing on it, and reg date is in future "

I have asked what he means by "reg date is in future" im not sure if he means like the 5th of november 2023 or if he means something else

Yes in future, it said reg date as 2021 

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