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LightBulbFun's Invacar & general ramble thread, index on page 1, survivors lists on Pages 24/134 & AdgeCutler's Invacar Mk12 Restoration from Page 186 onwards, still harping on...


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twas doing some more sleuthing and I realised this is TLX322! I had come across TLX322 before but at the time I thought it was in the UK but had wondered why its reg plate pulled up nothing on the DVLA (well at the time I could of sworn it did not, but looking it up now, it pulls up a 1957 Reliant Robin?! showing Export marker=Yes, so guessing this was some sort of elaborate ringing job)




(wonder how much it would cost to ship it back home, or drive it back  :mrgreen: )


Buy the LDV, put Invacar in back, drive home.

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Ha! (I was thinking that I could always store my future Invacar / AC model 70 in the back of a van if people tipping it over really is a problem LOL)


I do wonder what the logistics/cost of getting the model 70 back to the UK from Sweden would be...

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I've been thinking about these being recalled and destroyed.


Must have been absolutely heartbreaking for the "owners". I guess some people could have had the car in their possession for 20+ years? To be told that not only do they have to hand it back but also that the cars will be destroyed must have been very upsetting for a lot of people. Guess thats the problem with not actually owning the car.


It must have been tempting to just hide it away and hope the authorities forgot about it. And I suppose some people did just that.


Do we know if anyone that used an Invacar through motability has been reunited with it?

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indeed its been mentioned by DW and others how heartbreaking it was for the owners to have their invacars of 30 years to be suddenly taken away from them


and apparently so many people where distraught with their cars being taken away that from what I understand in TWCs case (and her stable mates) it emotionally wrecked the guy who was tasked with taking the cars away from said people, that he just ended up dumping them all in the field where they sat for 14 years until being rescued (every cloud has a silver lining as they say :) )


I too have also wondered if anyone who was leased an invacar ever stashed theres away on hearing about the recall, but from what I understand the recall happened on very short notice and quite quickly, to the point where TWC was found with still a shopping list sitting inside of her...


its all very sad just writing/thinking about it, and keep in mind these people where keeping their invacars out of choice they could of moved to the motability scheme years ago if they wanted too (keep in mind AFAIK 1978 or so was when the invacar program ended for new applicants and the motability scheme started, so even the youngest would of had their invacar for at least 25 years by 2003), I know DW has expressed great interest in tracking down TWCs last "owner" I wonder if the invalid carriage register would have details of that person since they have details of every invalid carriage pretty much. 


it makes me wonder about the Model 70 I remember back in 2003...

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Ah yes, I remember DW saying something along those lines now you mention it.


And, of course, Motability was separate to the Invacars. I'd got it in my head that the Invacars were given out as an early part of the scheme for some reason.


There must be one or two lurking in the garage of someone's house somewhere. What a find that would be!

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thats another thing lots of people overlook, the fact invacars where completely free for the person they where issued too, invalid carriages where treated as if they where just a prothetic limb or a zimmer frame or such, if you needed one you got issued one, you even got an allowance towards paying for fuel too IIRC


"There must be one or two lurking in the garage of someone's house somewhere. What a find that would be!" one can be hopeful :)

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one for anyone in Northern Ireland, apparently this model 70 is in the Ulster Transport Museum I wonder whats with the reg plate and also the Badge has gone missing, but going by the lack of a rear hard top gasket id say this is an Invacar one :) (Zel is going to have a fun time driving his model 70 to see this one  :mrgreen: )





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interesting :)


im sure it was well* planed* out on the government side, but where the disabled people actually given any forewarning? ie in 1997 when they decided on the 2003 date, did they let invacar uses know about that?


from what I understand most users where not give much warning just a "we are taking your invalid carriage away kthxbye"

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I wonder if you could do some kind of Freedom of Information request to see (a) who the disposal was sub-contracted to around the country (b ) which cars were accounted for and which weren't.


Probably won't get you anywhere, but maybe worth a try.

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its really cool to hear what actually happened


still goes to show how badly some people wanted to keep their invacars. if they where given a forewarning and where still distraught to be losing their invalid carriage. (they should of just let people keep them, or at least sold them on rather then destroy them...)


BTW whatever happened to those Model 70 blueprints that where discovered? id love to have a browse through them :) (plus they would be very handy for people with incomplete model 70s like Zel and Oli's Model 70



Indeed, but does Mr Lightbulb have it :-)



That info is already known ;-)


im all ears :mrgreen: , and speaking of back in October you mentioned that I should contact the ICR if I really want a invacar, is there a specfic email or such I should fire off a request too?


I figured its worth bringing that back up now my Model 70 Slush fund is actually going somewhere :)



If you make contact with the invalid carriage register,you could find one available within days.a mk12 has just sold,and I know of someone else that would part with one,but won't be peanuts.

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ok this ones been bugging me for a while 


does anyone have any info on this Model 70? I have come across it a few times, but the pictures never have any information to go with them, I noticed the front light arrangement is non standard and just now I manage to track down a picture of the rear...




which is definitely non standard, the Spare tire makes me laugh considering this was a car desgined for disabled people, who I imagine would have a difficult time changing a wheel... (not to mention it blocks the "hood scoop" )



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This one is in America,hence all the odd bits that have been added.The largest private collection of invacars resides in the states,owned by Ian Hellings,he's got over 20 of them,inc around 3-4 model 70s


ah cool thanks for the info its been bugging me for a while :)  I think I read about 2 of his Model 70s he is in New York isn't he? (on one he painted the roof white...) yep here we go https://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/06/automobiles/collectibles/06INVACAR.html


(I was wondering if that was a US plate over the rear UK plate but I couldn't recall if US plates where so reflective. I think most US plates are pressed steel things?)

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It is probably a small US motorcycle plate, as trikes are considered motorcycles in some states (see - US Bond Bug with motorycle plate).

Modern US number plates are pressed metal items with a reflective coating, the same as Australian ones in construction.


Edit: Some US plates are just flat pieces of aluminium with all the digits and text printed on the reflective coating.

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I remember seeing it but I dont recall ever seeing its reg plate in the scene (however its been about 13 years since I last saw Ali G, :) )


but looking here https://www.imcdb.org/v023199.html someone says the reg plate is REV451R which does show as SORN so you may be onto something there :) being its SORN theres a good chance it is squirrelled away somewhere


sadly I dont even know where to start when it comes to chasing movie props like this,


(tbh im surprised they managed to get ahold of one considering government property etc, I would of figured they may of just asked a disabled guy with an invalid carriage if he could cameo for the scene or if they could borrow the car for the scene rather then acquire one out right)


(side note I find it funny that REV440R was an invacar reg, i wonder how much a 440 V8 owner would pay for that LOL)

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I can remember when I was a high school in mid 1990s getting on a leyland national bus driving down Barnsley Road in Darfield there was one parked on a drive and used pretty much the 5 years I was at the school. That's the onlt one I can vividly remember seeing

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I do hope at least one Invacar has a silly turbocharged motorbike engine powering it.  I need to see such a vehicle go to the cleanest poshest BMW garage that offers servicing, and do donuts in their parking lot.


id like to see someone try and do doughnuts in a stock Model 70  :mrgreen:


I think the closest currently an invacar has gotten to what you describe is the 500cc kubota diesel engine that was fitted to a Model 70 (although IIRC thats being reverted back to stock thankfully) (reg MPD553P which has since gained a private plate but I need to find the photo again to see what it was)


have to admit I dont like the idea of modifying an invacar just on the fact of how so few examples are left.


but if I was to engine swap a Model 70 (or ended up with a Model 70 with no engine), id probably/be tempted to go with the 650cc version of the 500cc steyr puch engine Model 70s came with, that would keep things looking/sounding mostly stock while giving it a nice little* boost I imagine :)


but if I lived in a GTA world where I could spawn in any vehicle, if i was to engine swap a Silly turbocharged motorbike engine into an invalid carriage, it would have to be one of the early little-more-than-a-3-wheeled-motorbike ones For maximum death wish/LOL points  :mrgreen:


speaking of engine swaps and early invalid carriages this 1953 invacar comes back as having a 900cc engine oddly enough... (im pretty sure its supposed to have a 197cc engine)



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who knew invacars can regenerate... I think ill name this one christine  :mrgreen:






going by the scarf I wonder if it can time travel too...


number plate does not show anything on the DVLA however, so i wonder if someone saw the above photo of the Burning invacar and made up the plate for their invacar to confuse people like me at shows n what not? 


(iv seen the burning invacar picture a good few times but I only just came across the second picture and thought that plate looked awfully like what i remember the burning invacar having so I pulled up the picture and indeed its the same plate LOL)

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Well I managed to inadvertently get impressive wheelspin on our driveway in KP at one point - though that was with tyres which were more plastic than rubber!


I'm surprised that I never stumbled across the diesel one given that most photos I've seen of it were at the annual classic car show at Fyvie Castle - which used to be my local show that I more or less religiously got to every year before I moved south (aside from one year it was cancelled due to the car park being flooded and one when I was abroad when it happened). Though having said that, I might well have walked right past it and never even clocked what it was given that I didn't really clock the existence of the Invacar until DW got his pair and started writing about it here.


Given the layout of the engine bay and design of the hubs, they've got to be one of the easier vehicles to put an alternative power plant in without making irreversible mods to the vehicle itself.


If I'd had more space and time I really did like the idea of doing something mad with KP and making a replica 30s hot-rod but at 2/3rds scale effectively. Given how hacked about the body already was I wouldn't have felt too guilty modifying it - though I didn't have the resources to do that - and of course she's been given a second (third?) chance now anyway...

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I'd love to have a drive of that one just to see how it compares. I really do think there's something very badly wrong with mine. Must try and find out what that is. The transmission sounds bloody awful.


Would the Register have any info about mine? I've not had much luck trying to speak to Stuart or Simon. Very sporadic at actually replying (mostly not).

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thats the one that was offered to me when i put up my wanted ad on the RUMCar forums :) sadly thats about £4K more then I can "afford" (I dont quite have a grand yet but thats my target) I do appreciate the seller giving me "first refusal" however :) and thank you for keeping me in the Loop and notifying me of it :)


I know a shiny example is going to demand more then I could hope to afford hence why im looking/asking for and would be perfectly happy with a Model 70 in a TPA/TWC like condition (ie working oily bits and a good body)


one can always dream... :)


I'd love to have a drive of that one just to see how it compares. I really do think there's something very badly wrong with mine. Must try and find out what that is. The transmission sounds bloody awful.


Would the Register have any info about mine? I've not had much luck trying to speak to Stuart or Simon. Very sporadic at actually replying (mostly not).


TPA would make for a fun comparison not least the flipped controls, She does not have much left to do to get it MOT ready, I think the last main thing on TPA is the last of the brake system :)


it would make for a very cool video of TPA and TWC on the road together rolling together on the 2 lanes of a dual carriage way like some sort of Biker gang  :mrgreen:

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Well one of the first long distance runs TP will be making will be over to DW's place to get a photoshoot of them together again. There's a bunch of really photogenic locations out that way to snap the pair together in so makes sense.

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BTW, DW I wonder if its worth contacting the guy selling ATW722L about doing a video on her before she sells?


during my brief email exchange with him he seemed like a nice enough chap so might be worth a shot :)

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Need engine? a Good friend in the US sent me a link to this video after I went off the invacar deep end on him :)



they even have a Model 70 there :)


imagine fitting that 650TR Race engine to a Model 70, 55 horse power I think the guy in the video says, that would be fun  :mrgreen:

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looks like ATW722L has already sold did not take long at all...


not sure what to think about that, I was expecting for it to hang around for a while longer


I wonder who the new owner is :)

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question for the more seasoned invalid carriage lickers,


while im mostly a Model 70 guy im curious does anyone have any detailed (interior) shots of a Model 67? 


im quite curious to see how they compared to Model 70s seeing how they share mostly the same body mouldings/shape


I know of course the drivelines (and rear lights) are completely different but im curious what else is different or the same :)

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Look similar to a model 70 with tiller controls,and a gear lever on the right


as in all Model 67s where all 1 handed tiller control? im curious how they did the clutch :)


(I have noticed unlike most model 70s which are bicycle controls most older Pre Model 70 invalid carriages from other companies seem to all be tiller control for 1 handed use, i dont think iv seen many with Handle bar controls or any with steering wheel controls for that matter)


side note im curious where this picture is from, because its the Same model 70 st185cs has as his profile picture, and that was seen in the "model 70 field of dreams" where TWC came from if I had to guess id say it was taken in the same field however in DW video it was in a different position)


I personally found the picture in a wanted advert on gumtree...



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The handlebar control only came out with the model 70.all the villiers powered machines generally had a right hand tiller,or could be on the left depending on the individual.controls were the same as a motorcycle,clutch lever and twist grip throttle,back and forth to steer,push down to brake,and a 4 speed sequential gearbox.


very interesting, I appreciate the information  :)


must of been quite scary for someone especially if they could still use both of their hands, im guessing thats why the Handle bar controls where introduced on the model 70, as im guessing the majority of people getting invalid carriages had more leg/walking related issues rather then missing hands/arms

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So, Lightbulb, I've been thinking about your plight. This thread frustrates me, so I feel the need to offer some help.

Before I go further, I am aware that opinions are like arseholes, and that everyone has one. You may wish to completely ignore my suggestions. However maybe my observations could be of help. Either way, here they are:


1. You're obsessed with these things, but can't realistically afford one.


2. You don't appear to be working, so I'm assuming that the spend pot won't have a realistic total any time soon.


3. You live in a flat up several flights of stairs, so a restoration project isn't a realistic proposition.


4. You don't appear to have driven an Invacar before, so potentially have no idea what they drive like.


Solution one.

Drive an Invacar, and put yourself right off/continue to want one.


Solution two.

I REALLY hate to use the C word, as I don't usually agree with the principles. However, I genuinely think you're in an ideal situation.

Write a persuasive case to back things up, run it by a few that have done it themselves, and get a crowdfunding page out on social media.

Seriously, if you pitch it right, I reckon you could pull together enough groats to buy a tidy one. I'm sure you'd need to post regular updates to your supporters about how things are going, but that'd be a small price to pay.

It could work, right?

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