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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread

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It is actually a Gibson, apparently only produced for one year (1977). I'll post a better pic of the effcts switches in a mo, but I half-broke the ON switch during a particularly energetic performance of "Seek and Destroy". It still works, but you have to be careful moving it. I am currently pursuing a new switch, but so far they appear to be made of pur gold unobtanium as it's a Di Marzio "3 and a half contact" switch


Here's a closeup


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If everything is turned on and the WHIRLWIND is at 2/3, even using a bass or clear amp gives the same sound effect as Led Zeppelin's "Rock n Roll" How Autoshite is that?!?!


Fuzzbox FTW!


That LP looks fun, and the headstock on the Strat is a bit odd. Forget the paint man - road-worn is the look right now!


These made me grin when I finally got them back from whoever I'd lent them to:


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GR8 for lower back problems.

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I love that bloody thing


I'd love to hear what that LP sounds like with its switches and knobs - any chance of a Youtube demo?


OOOFFFF! Outdone I am!


The headstock on the Strat is the way it was bought for my 16th birthday, back in 1989. To be honest, I fucked about with it in my youth and probably didn't give it the rrrrrespect it deserves.


As far as a demo of the LP goes, I'll have to (a) wait for the valvestate to arrive, and more importantly (B) get some practice in.


Love your pics.


I'd give my right bollock for cases like that. I can just imagine those in a mark 1, gold Ford Transit V6 with Judas Priest


I would seriously hold onto that LP, it WILL become valuable. I remember lusting after one when I was younger. It is a Japanese made Kay, and these are developing quite a following now as many of today's (and indeed yesterday's) famous/popular/always on tele and in magazines guitarists started out playing Kay guitars. Keep it in good nick, (the wiring diagrams are available on-line with fixes for noise/buzz) and although it will never be silly money, I guarantee it'll be worth much much more than you paid for it.


My Twin-neck is not a Gibson either - it is a CSL, a Tokai copy exclusively imported to Charles Summerfield Ltd in Newcastle. Described as a "plank" by the chap that recently recommissioned it, it doesn't feel quite as good as a Gibson!


Somewhere I have the first leccy guitar I ever had - a Satellite. 3/4 scale. Pure Guitar-shite in the best possible way - the guitar equivalent of the Yugo Sana.


KAY - by George he's got it! Thank you Tom!! I will now have to have a lie down as I remember all the stuff from the early 90s. Fatha Ash (he of the S type R) was sure the Gibby was the fucked black one, and not the goldtop.


Tom=legend, many thanks. I forget most of that stuff


Yugo Sana FTMFW.


Hah, not quite!


I have also been reminiscing about the late 80’s early 90’s and the music I used to play back then. That Hohner in the second photo reminds me jamming along to “Big Area†by “Then Jerichoâ€Â, also the 7,800 Fahrenheit album by Bon Jovi – note the stars on the fretboard and how similar they are to the “proper†guitars played by Richie Sambora at the time (http://www.guitar-museum.com/uploads/gu ... 8079-1.jpg). Happy days. Lugging this around in my Father's Sierra GLS.


Having spent all my money on leccy guitars and trading most of my effects pedals in for a rack-mounted job, the Hothouse Flowers came along and took me down the acoustic road. This also reminds me of “Bourgeois Tagg†and “I don’t mind at all†– anyone know where I can get this now as my 7†single has long vanished. This all happened in a ceramic bue Escort 1.3 Base without folding rear seats, hence the upgrade to an Escort 1.4LX.


Today, I just jam along to King of Hill scene changes with the Telecaster, the Fender amp and a Boss Tremolo pedal. I hear the pub-bands playing on a Saturday night from my garden and every time I hear the intro to Hotel California played with a Squier Strat and an Octave pedal, I have a huge urge to burst into the pub with the Twinny and re-live my youth. Although in reality, my guitar would be a semi-tone out of tune with the others and therefore disappoint and the 20 minutes required to re-tune 18 strings will be the cause of the inevitable fight.


I can't find any Youtube demos of your LP - I think you should do one.


They had ' A Question of Motorsport' with some BTCC drivers at the local Honda dealer last night, it was free to go so I went a long for a look.


Out of the big crowd hardy anyone was that fussed about talking to the drivers so I had a good chat with Tim Harvey and Matt Neal, got some photos and autographs too. Oh, and Beth Tweddle was there as the mystery guest.



Tim Harvey, Gordon Shedden, me, Matt Neal:

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Paul O'Neal, me:

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Shedden, Beth Tweddle, Neal


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Beth Tweddle is or was seeing the landlord of a local pub's son. I know you wanted to know that.


Can I just say, Marshall are shite. They have been making amps for decades and every single one of them I've owned has blown it's components. I've heard the same off other people as well, they're just really 'breakable'.


I had this when I was younger:


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And then got racks years after as I was sick of carrying around a 20 kilo head:


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I pushed the boat out and bought a Mesa Triaxis and a Peavey EVH Woldgang, but sold them as they never got used. I haven't played for about a year, I used to be good, but all the 'talent' has gone!

(BTW, the two Marshall racks blew, as well as the two Marshall heads).


Fletch - have ever worked as a john barrowman lookalike?

Nope, no one has ever said I look like John Barrowman. Quite a few used to say Mike Myers (when I had longer straight hair) and a couple have said a cross between Mike Myers & Tom Cruise! :lol:


It's funny what other people see.


Just saw about 10 very early Series 1 Land Rovers in a convey driving up my road, All looked they they had never seen mud though!.


Can I just say, Marshall are shite. They have been making amps for decades and every single one of them I've owned has blown it's components. I've heard the same off other people as well, they're just really 'breakable'.



Agree. We hired a Marshall set-up for a gig and it blew, as did the replacement.


This makes me grin too:


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Still have that axe somewhere. Lost its pickguard though and better looking for it. 80's reactorlight lenses FTW


Drove past the scrap merchants yard along the road from work and saw a dead Gatso camera poking out the ferrous mountain at a jaunty angle... 8)


That's amazing! Although I never need to see anyone type 'LMAO' ever again.


ChinaTom, do you have a more recent photo* to compare yourself with? I'd like to think you are still rockin' the same look but somehow I doubt it



*can't guarantee that a hundred people won't photoshop you riding a giant penis, though


Answer the man, do they have wine in Scotland? Do they?


MHOC "Gee that's swell, I'm Scottish too."

Me " where were you born?"




Did you ask 'what the hell are you's two talking about?'

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