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Hmm, not very far beyond my 'shiting' budget then. I'll broach the subject (gently) with 'the management' later... the RFL is probably gonna be the deal-breaker. I'm kicking myself for turning down a tax-free Mk1 granny for cheapness a couple of months ago....The insurance quote was to include breakdown cover & zero excess, which both bump it a bit, afaik, we live in one of the best postcode categories there is. :roll:

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Ah, I do max excess (£500 IIRC) and no breakdown as I have AA cover. Have managed to wing repairs on 'old' cars with the 'very nice man' in the past, including twice in the same day on one of the Rekords :lol: You could always sell it as having plenty of room for Poglets, rear belt fitment should be straightforward I think. 'Tis a lovely motor (if I do say so myself)...Tax free Mk1 must have been a very early one. I prefer the 'sharp suited style' of the Mk2 though, always have.

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Well, looks like you may be OK - the buyer has pretty good feedback. Looking at that 240 has reminded me that I have a 245 sitting around that I really must get MoT'd and hack on the road. I also have a Saab, a Viva, a Daimler and a Mazda 323 which all need MoTing, but from what I can see the 245 should be about the easiest one to get through - I might have to "borrow" the wheels off the 164 as the fromt tyres are a bit worn on their inside edges, but apart from that the only potential failure I can see is that the brakes are a bit spongy. So hopefully I'll soon be tanking around in a tonne and three quarters of slow but invincible Swedish shite. And putting white van men firmly in their place. :D

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I think this has been through the bay a few times in the last few years.


What's the likelihood the next change of ownership will take it to Ireland?


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Heh - as soon as they see the headlamp wipers, they back off in a game of chicken. Used to happen all the time when I had my 340...

I take it you're not talking about tailgating, as then they wouldn't see the headlamp wipers?
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BEFORE you all comment adversely -thats my old FSO pickup!! Lovely it is (was) and prob sold -cos I'm getting some very nice (and a few not so nice) offers!!I'll be sad to see it go -but with a 403 Pickup, estafette pickup, 65 Transit pickup, Dattie pickup thats more than enough!!

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BEFORE you all comment adversely -thats my old FSO pickup!! Lovely it is (was) and prob sold -cos I'm getting some very nice (and a few not so nice) offers!!I'll be sad to see it go -but with a 403 Pickup, estafette pickup, 65 Transit pickup, Dattie pickup thats more than enough!!

Is that your 'one & only' I thought the one that you keep out the front on the axle stand was a greeny colour? Shame to lose it from our local 'scene'.
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Aye, that's exactly what I was thinking Fred_Bo11ox.Plus it's that ACE babypoop colour. Just like the one my dad had when I was a wee lad. Sadly he lashed it into a ditch on the way home from the boozer, circa 1980, good work dad!

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Aye Reg -tis blue, and my one/only. Marital pressure and the fact that I cant bloody move means a swop around and consolidation -so there will be a few up for grabs. Upside is that there will be a few diffrent cars outside soon- as space is sorted. Swop arouns starts shortly.......

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The Allegro seller would probably get a little more if he'd put it in Classic Cars > Austin and not the miserable little backwater that Other Cars has been since eBay gave all the marques a category.

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I particularly like the uPVC double-glazed window on the nearside...sorta camper/kebab van look.

Yes its kinda trick, in a shite way of course, wonder if the everest guarantee applies, and should you need to replace them would their 'buy one get one free' offer work?can just imagine the conversation.."erm i'd like a quote please for some windows""Ah yes, what address is it, i'll send a salesman round this evening""erm... well..""oh, and we're doing a 'showhome' offer, where you get them for free if we can show people round after""That sounds Great, sign me up, in fact I can take the home round to the people if you want....."
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Well....It finished!


Is it Norwich-bound Wuvvum? :?:

Alas no. :( Nearly was - very nearly - but then I won the Zephyr and, with the Jeep, the V90, and the Mondeo estate and Yamaha Electone organ I've also just bought, that's this month's shite budget more than used up. In fact I'm rather relying on the sale of the Rayton going ahead smoothly as things could get a little tight later this month if it doesn't...
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