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Cholmondeley - Sunday 3rd September 2017


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Have some pics.


Estate of the Nation (of Autoshite) first thing this morning.



Early birds at Cholmondeley.



Exceedingly stylish second row later on.



Bluebird fails to win an award. The Senator came third in the 1980s category.



All of the Autoshite cars got pretty much ignored, bar Efion's 205 van in the light commercial section. Compere spent most of the day telling folk off for not taking part in the displays. Funnily enough, that didn't seem to encourage them to take part.

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He also told them off for leaving early, please stay for the best of show, it's only 30 minutes as the display park carried on emptying, I know the weather was awful but I don't think I've ever been to such a poorly attended show by the public , most of the people wandering about were displaying cars 

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A shame, it's usually by far the best show of the year and heaving. The compere twat always does that about going into the arena, it's like he is on commission or something. 

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Typically when a doughnut opportunity arose, we hesitated and then the area in front of the stand became populated by nuns and kittens.


A good-ish day, some nice stuff, but the weather was pants, and I foolishly believed the weather forecast and didn't bring a coat. I R DUMMY.


Good to see you all and peace out brothers (MIC DROP)

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I like this picture.



One of the most entertaining moments is when the 'Fords and Friends' stand next door invited us to pick our favourite from their assembled motors. It quickly got VERY serious.



Eventually, after managing not to kill each other, this minty fresh XR4i was chosen. Yes, we did NOT pick the Sierra L with BROWN bumpers. The power went to our heads.


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Despite my silly joke about the Scottish shiters going home burnt even in this weather, I've arrived back with what looks like sunburn myself!

However it's likely because I had the heater on full whack all the way home to keep the engine temp just below the red - I think the 'stat is stuck near closed. The rad was nearly cold and the fan didn't kick in, but the heater is roasting hot.



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So the bastard M6 was fucking shut between arsing J33 Galgate and cunting J34 Lancaster North.


I'm only 5 minutes in the door after driving via the M65, A672 and A65 (basically most of the road from Burnley to Kendal via Settle) to avoid the enormous tail back. Oh and before someone suggests I should have used the A6 from Preston - it was ronnied as well 'cos the M6 was shut. All barring a pee stop at Charnock and a 10 min sat nav consultation at Lymm (Hi Joe!), I didn't stop.

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He also told them off for leaving early, please stay for the best of show, it's only 30 minutes as the display park carried on emptying, I know the weather was awful but I don't think I've ever been to such a poorly attended show by the public , most of the people wandering about were displaying cars 


That's the first one I've been to, and I thought the show itself was a bit wank TBH. Loads of generic Proper Classics, no decent tat stalls and an MC with all the charm, warmth and charisma of genital warts. There was an Alpine Renault and a few other genuinely cool offerings, but the car I most wanted to take home I got to drive into the show ring, and it was one of ours (Chris 6-cyl's diesel soft-top Visa)!


Forcing the judges to ignore our cars was great fun, though, and the Shitefest-style road testing, sitting around in the tent freezing our extremities off, talking bollocks and drinking tea I could definitely do again. Next year, then? :D

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ha, the forecast!! It changed everyday over the last 3/4 days and pretty much every 10 minutes today - that ain't a forecast!



I want a job where you earn a lot of money, get it wrong 60% of the time and don't get the sack, the other 40% is covered by the words changeable / sunny with showers

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He also told them off for leaving early, please stay for the best of show, it's only 30 minutes as the display park carried on emptying,


Thats when I decided to get off home 

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I want a job where you earn a lot of money, get it wrong 60% of the time and don't get the sack, the other 40% is covered by the words changeable / sunny with showers


drives me round the twist Darren, millions of pounds of taxpayers money every year for a guess but that's for the grumpyoldman thread :) 

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Wonderful day, I always like this show, frankly it's better if there's no public interfering with nano-shitefest. Thanks again to everyone who let me lap the field in their car. Oh, and those who supplied the invaluable tea, hob, gazebo and folding chairs.


Here, have a mid '70s BL brochure shot:




The Rover's running problem got worse on the way back, so that's a fun SU strip down to look forward to.


If there was anyone left who didn't get a chance to pay me for the ticket, my PayPal is here: https://www.paypal.me/conelrad although I've lost track of who paid me what now so it's not like I'm going to chase you down.

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Another good fun day out! Sorry I had to nip off early. I enjoyed meeting some if you again, and some for the first time.




My own highlights were... hearing the judges dismiss my MX5 in 5 seconds with the words'it's a bit rusty



Eifion being interviewed in the ring and being called Adrian throughout by the twit commentator.


Being the one who got to hold the clipboard as we judged the cars on the neighbouring stand.... And coming to a democratic decision with the other 'judges' (David Fowler, Heidel kakao , ghosty, Dollywobbler and... what's the other chaps forum name? I never asked!)


And of course the sight of a man in a cloak watching cricket.... "It's just not quiditch"




Despite the weather I still had fun! Thanks to the bringer of the shelter and the bringer of tea and coffee making facilities too! Already looking forward to next year!

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I enjoyed the cricket. The element of danger when one bloke started hitting boundaries was amusing. Far more amusing than the show in fact.


That said, forum folk made it an enjoyable day nonetheless.

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I got there very late so parked in the convertibles section in a MX5 , when I went back it was the pre something convertibles which probably explained the looks I got from the Midget driver to my R and the stag to the L


I'm probably on report somewhere

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Another cracking day out! Even when Chumley is crap it's good.


Much thanks to everyone that it made it possible from arranging the tickets, providing tea making facilities, shelter in the form of a Gazebo etc etc. Also thanks to everyone brave enough to let others drive their motors, I have now ticked a Rover P6 and BX off the list. 


Count me in for next year, Chumley is now pretty much a fixture on the Autoshite calender in my opinion.

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I overheard a couple as they walked past our section;

she "are these display cars too?"

him "I dont know - they look like they have sneaked in"

him "there is nothing really much.......???"

she "hmm yeah lets walk back "

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I overheard a couple as they walked past our section;

she "are these display cars too?"

him "I dont know - they look like they have sneaked in"

him "there is nothing really much.......???"

she "hmm yeah lets walk back "


On the other hand, one old bloke came up and said "I love your group's name!"

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