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I don't think an inquest is necessary, but it is worth structuring the workings so that every possibility there is for going wrong we can think of can't now happen, or is mitigated as far as possible. That seems to have been done - and I am now considerably relieved about Autoshite's golden-brown future.


A 'group hug' is heartening to see; lets not rake over the problems - nor shoot any messengers either! Now the problem is fixed and steps to prevent a reoccurrence are in place, continuing the arguments feels to me like point scoring.


I don't think an inquest is necessary either. Slarti has already said he can't say so that's that.


It's a good lesson in keeping an open mind and not closing down people's valid concerns. Because it would appear that *perhaps* there was something in the notion that we were being held to ransom, or that one person having sole control meant that that one person could pull the plug at anytime if they so wished.


I find it quite interesting that moaning about "moaners" is right on and ok, even when it seems that the valid concerns of the so called moaners have come to pass. We can attack people for speaking up, for asking questions, for saying how much money they have put into this place or for being annoyed at losing content but we mustn't say anything about someone's apparent incompetence or uncompromising attitude. Smacks of hypocrisy to me.


Doubt this will be a popular post but that's the way I see it.

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Hey Breadvan.....


firstly, in b4 "daveB apologist, cult blah blah etc".....I am not. I am really fucking not.


Here is my suggestion. 

Why dont you sit down and have a nice warm cup of SHUT THE FUCK UP.


Seriously man. Just stop.


We get it. We heard you the first time.

But no, apparently we need dozens and dozens of posts across multiple threads over multiple forums stating the same shit over and over and over and over and over and over AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND FUCKING OVER AGAIN.


 Its some kind of obsession...you are like a 12 year old girl who has found out her My Little Pony forum might close.


So here we are now - you and a small number of vocal bell-ends respected forum users have got what you wanted, so how about showing a little bit of good grace and stop banging on about it.

You arent stating it in as many words (typical lawyer, lol etc) but you seem determined to have some kind of public shaming or witch hunt or something. 


^^I agree. Some of the moaners had a valid point, it was just how they put it across.


Anyway all working now and things like what's gone on shouldn't happen again.


Fabulous and epic job by Slarti without a doubt.


When people mention 'LiveAid', they think of that cunt Bob Geldof but forget Midge Ure was also one of the driving forces.

(Never for a single minute am I connecting or comparing Slarti with said cunt, Bob Geldof.)


Whilst in no way diminishing Slarti's now giant status amongst shiters and indeed, throughout the developed world, might I request a brief roll-call of the other contributors so that they also, may enjoy their brief moment in the sun.

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Well done to the team. Great to have you!


Other than that, I just want to say that some people here overstepped the line IMHO.

Surprisingly it's not the original 'moaners' or what I call them people with legitimate concerns. It's sad to see that.

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^^I agree. Some of the moaners had a valid point, it was just how they put it across.


To be fair I don't think any way of putting it across was going to be met with any form of agreement. The daveainers were always going to jump up and defend him while throwing more money at some bloke they met online and the daviteers were always going to argue that he was taking the mick.


I liked dave as a webmaster and moderator. He'd let anyone speak with whatever language they wanted and (as far as i know) didn't ban or threaten to ban anyone. The problem is though that despite his continual reassurances of his solid expertise, things continued to go shit on us. Everything from database corruption to being hacked and when he got it all back online folks would start saying "right on old chap, good show, here's a few notes".


Now the site going down isn't a good thing so i could never understand why people would suddenly commend him and start sending in cash - but if thats what they choose to do then that is their choice and i can respect that.


The problem however is that it could POTENTIALLY be leaving the door wide open for that to be a "nice little earner" for someone in the position to be able to "achieve" that effect again. I'm not saying he did, I'm not saying he didn't. All I'm saying is that you have to see how it looks - profitable - irrespective of whether he did or didn't, he's left himself wide open to attack.


I don't know what happened in the last few days of his webmastership but from the comments i've read it looks like someone somewhere went too far and pissed him off and he's thrown a wobbler of some sort. When that kind of behaviour is demonstrated it doesn't do his character any favours.

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Thanks to the new team for all the work that has gone on behind the scenes. Thanks also to those who kept asking the awkward questions that brought the situation to a head and led to this new, improved team, despite the vocal bell ends who kept shouting you down.


If he did cause the recent outage, then it's absolutely pathetic.


There are no heroes (except for Bartislfast and Stanky) here. Nobody's really covered themselves in glory, but continuing to carp to the extent where even the bloody update thread had to be locked (not by me, incidentally) isn't doing anyone any favours.

Ref the 'nice little earner' bit, you are of course right that it might happen again, but with the current set up then hopefully it's pretty unlikely as if nothing else, the financial running of the board is out in the open now. It's hard to trust if you think you've been kicked in the teeth previously, but I suppose trust is what we have to have or this whole site is knackered. Easier said than done, I'd imagine.


What I can't understand is why that which the new team did so effectively and promptly yesterday wasn't done at least a week earlier?


Had "Dave" not previously indicated that he'd paid until the end of May?


Did he not appear the other day to day that, "Nothing has been transferred away from my server yet."?


Given his previous,I'd have taken as much out of his control as quickly as possible.


However, it's done now. Onwards and upwards.


I disagree back.


Yes, if the outage was a deliberate action caused by somebody throwing their toys out of the pram then it was extremely childish and petulant.  But what, exactly, would be gained by finding out (apart from allowing some people to feel smug and say "I told you so")?  The site is back, it's working and Slarti is doing a superb job in getting everything sorted - and that, I an confident, is all that the vast majority of people on here really give a shit about.  We've had enough disharmony on here in the last few weeks to last a lifetime.


I back disagree back.


Nothing is more rewarding than a healthy dose of blamestorming.


What I can't understand is why that which the new team did so effectively and promptly yesterday wasn't done at least a week earlier?


Had "Dave" not previously indicated that he'd paid until the end of May?


Did he not appear the other day to day that, "Nothing has been transferred away from my server yet."?


Given his previous,I'd have taken as much out of his control as quickly as possible.


However, it's done now. Onwards and upwards.

For the sake of transparency I'll be doing a full "What we did and why" summary of the migration fairly soon, which should answer this question hopefully to everyone's satisfaction.



Thanks to shartyblast and skanky for everything. Genuinely.


Neck winding mechanism still not fixed.


There are some things which can be fixed, and other things which should just be taken straight to the bridge.


For the sake of transparency I'll be doing a full "What we did and why" summary of the migration fairly soon, which should answer this question hopefully to everyone's satisfaction.

It doesn't need answered. It's done. That's all that matters.

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It doesn't need answered. It's done. That's all that matters.

Correct. No need.


Want on the other hand...

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Am I a vocal bell-end?



Well, if the cap fits...


Correct. No need.


Want on the other hand...


That's right, you just keep picking at that scab. Thing is, the more you carry on, the more you'll find that no-one's interested in reading anything you post. Anyway, I thought you'd left already? Twice?




For the sake of transparency I'll be doing a full "What we did and why" summary of the migration fairly soon, which should answer this question hopefully to everyone's satisfaction.

Thanks. That's all I'm looking for.

Guest Breadvan72

The intolerance of discussion and disagreement expressed by some here is striking, albeit somewhat typical of net fora other than (usually) this one.   For those who find words upsetting, there is always the option of not reading things that make you miffed.  No one gets conscripted to read every post.   Freedom to speak does not import an obligation to listen, but the answer to stuff that you disagree with is rarely if ever "shut up".  

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I think it's mostly that this conversation topic is getting a bit boring now. Too boring for me and I'm not easily bored by the most boring things.

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I'd like to suggest now everything's all stable and lovely that we have one of those motivational site safety signs which says something like "Autoshite has run nicely for XX days without horse/train picture being posted"

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Ref the 'nice little earner' bit, you are of course right that it might happen again


I wasn't talking about in the future with the current team. Sorry for the confusion.


I try not to. However given this is a status update thread, it's hard to know if an unread post is another site update status or not.


I wasn't talking about in the future with the current team. Sorry for the confusion.


No worries, chief I read it wrong and I apologise.


The intolerance of discussion and disagreement expressed by some here is striking, albeit somewhat typical of net fora other than (usually) this one. For those who find words upsetting, there is always the option of not reading things that make you miffed. No one gets conscripted to read every post. Freedom to speak does not import an obligation to listen, but the answer to stuff that you disagree with is rarely if ever "shut up".



I completely agree with you regarding the old regime, transparency, incompetence, suspicious outages etc. etc. but even as a Dave Doubter, you're boring the tits off me now.


It's done, finished, completed.


Everything in the garden is rosy.


We have competent people running things.


They've proved their competence.


Dave is out.


Financial transparency is promised.




Leave it be. For fuck's sake.


How about blaming Breadvan for everything?

I mean, he is as good a scapegoat as any, so let's start picking on him no holds barred!


Everyone who has ever painted anything knows that watching paint dry is the most exciting thing there is in the universe.

This thread doesn't even come close, for all I care.


But if Dave shut down the forum once again just in time for Shitefest - and you will have to agree that every fucking thing points into that direction - then this would have constituted the lowest of the low.

So for the sake of Autoshite history, did he, or did he not?

It's none of my business, but I want to know despite. If he did, or not, it would at least teach me a valuable lesson where to put my money in future.


And there is one thing you can take for granted:


The way I was treated when I revealed my payments towards dinglebrain Dave's forum, I will pay fuck all towards this one unless I receive a formal apology from the race management.


I am certainly not blaming Breadvan, nor picking on him - I said clearly that I agree with him.


Your position is completely understandable.








When I put down figures, I did it because I still wanted to save Dave.

Money talks, bullshit walks.

I talked money, now I want to see bullshit walk.


Alternatively an apology.

Guest Breadvan72

As I mentioned, not reading a post is always an option.  If you are reading a post, at least read it properly and don't misinterpret what's being said.  I am not going on about whatever happened under the reign of Dave, as that is all old hat now.   I am commenting on the "shoot the messenger" intolerance of some here.   Some may just dislike dissent.   Others may feel a bit embarrassed because it turned out that Cassandra had a point.   A hint, however -  if you would like people to shut up, yelling "shut up"  at them is rarely effective.  


No worries, chief I read it wrong and I apologise.

THAT SAID - It can't have escaped everybody's notice that Billy seems to have bought some half decent cars in the last few weeks instead of the usual dreadful shit.



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