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Dollywobbler's Bluebird - Buy an award winner! £SOLD


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Nissan-specific, though I suspect a generic one would do the trick, if it had 7mm inlet/outlet. Hopefully the one I've ordered will show up soon.


Had a drive in this today, but it just confirmed that it's time to move on. Would consider a ROFFLE, but it'd be tenner a ticket, and that might make people run for the hills. You can buy two Proton tickets for that...

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Could you make an 8mm generic one work?


Probably, but the correct one is now on the way. I did ask about generic filters at Andrew Page, but the bloke looked at me like I was mad and went back to staring at his computer screen...

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I've just cleared the Bluebird out, for it is off to a new home. More details to be revealed this weekend!



Thank fuck for that.


Now don't do it again!  :-D

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I have replaced two cars with one that is almost as big as two cars.
But here is the final report on the Bluebird. This was meant to be in the original Lexus video, but I waffled on for too long. Contains BEIGE CARDIGAN.

FFS. What is it with this bloody forum? Sometimes video links work, often they do not. Sodding thing.
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