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Gamma Coupe: fix-up mini-meet progress

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It does look gorgeous on the back of that recovery truck.

I'm beginning to suspect that's the angle Pininfarina had in mind when they sketched it.


That's how they displayed them on Lancia stands at late 70s motor shows.


It does look gorgeous on the back of that recovery truck.

That could be the best solution, don't bother getting it fixed all the time, just get a recovery truck to take you around.

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That's how they displayed them on Lancia stands at late 70s motor shows.

What, on the back of a truck, so you knew what you were getting into from the start?

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Oh dear, hope this isn't going to start a thread!





That's why they called them the 8.32. That's the time of the train you got to work when you owned one and it didn't start.

Guest Breadvan72

Oh dear, hope this isn't going to start a thread!







As reported on Retroshite, the Gamma is still broken and has now been erroneously delivered to my house rather than the Lancia specialist I'd booked it in with.


I ordered a new ignition module online, and got a message a few days later from the seller demanding photographs of my credit card and passport or driving licence.  Er, no, I don't think I'll be doing that.


Progress so far is therefore precisely zero.  Actually, no, it's less than that because the car is now hundreds of miles from where it needs to be and Green Flag have washed their hands of it.



I have no time to deal with this at the moment so I've ordered a trailer.  At some point in the future I will hopefully no longer be working 7 days a week and will be able to deliver all my non-functioning cars to where they need to go to get fixed - and then, in most some cases, sold.


Don't you think selling cars is a bit drastic?

Why not just continue having them piggybacked up and down the country or two?


'Most cases' is probably overstating it.  But I have too many cars and a lot less spare time than before, and some have to go.  They have proven resistant to being made road legal for various seemingly trivial but stubborn reasons, or they would have moved on some time ago.  A trailer will help with this.


Sad times Skizzer but I reckon a few working, useable cars is probably more conducive to your happiness and wellbeing than loads of broken ones.

Really hope you get where you need to be and if I can help with anything at all (logistics, encouragement, discouragement, kettle operating, etc) then just let me know.

  • Like 2

Thanks a lot for the offer of help (others too on PM), it's greatly appreciated and very much what's good about AS.  Fear not though, this isn't a massive crisis, just a bit of simplification.


'Most cases' is probably overstating it.  But I have too many cars and a lot less spare time than before, and some have to go.  They have proven resistant to being made road legal for various seemingly trivial but stubborn reasons, or they would have moved on some time ago.  A trailer will help with this.

I have had the same thoughts even said the same words, but when you build a fine collection like yours it only takes a bit of perseverance to get to enjoy them properly. If you let you collection go you will regret it, don't beat yourself up over what has not been achieved just enjoy what has.

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Anyway Skizzer I am relying on you as I need a Gamma buddy on here when I have my dark moments over my Gamma!


Anyway Skizzer I am relying on you as I need a Gamma buddy on here when I have my dark moments over my Gamma!


Yours is the blue and silver one, isn't it?  The chap I bought mine from briefly owned that one as well.  Just goes to show there aren't many people smart* enough to own them.


I've applied to join the Gamma Consortium forum, but have been awaiting moderator approval for about a month...


Yours is the blue and silver one, isn't it?  The chap I bought mine from briefly owned that one as well.  Just goes to show there aren't many people smart* enough to own them.


I've applied to join the Gamma Consortium forum, but have been awaiting moderator approval for about a month...

I did not buy the blue/silver one in the end, but capsuleboy's white Berlina, a Berlina is what I really wanted. Just to make it more difficult for myself this car has not been on the road for 30 years! It is going to take a while to get it sorted out and is being transported for me next week.


I have looked at the Consortium and am reserving judgement as not much seems to happen there. I have joined the FB group though.



As this seems to be the official lancia on a trailer thread, I thought I would add mine.


Today I have been mostly moving this.



Last time I towed a car reversed  on a trailer I nearly jacknifed the trailer and my Saab 900 Turbo towcar. Lesson learned, watch your noseweight!


I know what your saying. It was parked in the garage that way round and we winched it on as it didn't start. We towed it all of 3/4 of a mile.

Do you forgive me?


I know what your saying. It was parked in the garage that way round and we winched it on as it didn't start. We towed it all of 3/4 of a mile.

Do you forgive me?


I know what your saying. It was parked in the garage that way round and we winched it on as it didn't start. We towed it all of 3/4 of a mile.

Do you forgive me?


You can say that again !


I know what your saying. It was parked in the garage that way round and we winched it on as it didn't start. We towed it all of 3/4 of a mile.

Do you forgive me?

You're forgiven! Just remembering a bad experience I had when I did the same- was more than 3/4 of a mile though..


Awesome looking motor ,even on a trailer.


I don't want to read any more gibberish here.

What I want to read is that the car has been mended, together with a huge amount of accompanying photos,

and what it puked next to end up on a recovery lorry again.


This is a Lancia Gamma thread after all.


The first car I ever towed backwards on a trailer was a Citroën DS.  Similar scenario - it was parked nose in to the garage and wouldn't start.  The tow car was a 2-litre petrol Xantia.  Maximum speed before tankslappage set in was 28.  I vowed never to do it again.  Kept the vow too, until I picked up the A35 year before last - although that is smoll enough that I could have put it on the trailer fugging sideways and wouldn't have noticed the difference.

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Jumkman, Think of these interludes as a commercial break until the main programme re-starts. Or not!

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Oh, while we're on the subject, if you put an X1/9 on a trailer backwards, the roof dissapears...

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