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Just had a few days in Budapest. Thought I'd share a few holiday snaps. It's not quite Argentina and there are no longer hordes of communist stuff around, but there are a few. Still plenty of 90s stuff about though.


First thing I noticed was there's loads of these about:










Mk1 Swifts.






Some even have boots.





And some are gold!




Seeing one of these over here now is a rarity but they're so common over there I almost stopped noticing. I'm wondering if they had a local factory. I could Google it but I bet someone on here already knows.


It's too late to do a full report, there's plenty out there, so this is just a teaser. More to follow tomorrow (or later today technically.)

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Yes, as you surmise they've been making Swifts in Hungary for years, I Googled it after a visit last year.

I too was disappointed by the lack of Ladas, rear engined Skodas etc, although I did see one Wartburg on the way in from the airport, have you noticed the ancient Astra Police cars? They certainly don't waste taxpayers money on shiny new patrol cars.

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The weather wasn't great as you can tell. Wednesday rained all day and night apart from an hour or so at breakfast when it turned to heavy snow. Apparently we were lucky as to the east of us was snow all day. Even in the evening we saw cars with thick snow on their roofs.


After visiting several indoor attractions (including a fabulous model railway that had several of Budapests attractions modelled before going out into the country to a model of Gyór station and town hall. Then you went round the corner and you were in Austria and Germany) we retired to a pub and drank cocktails. It was from here I took the following plus the Omega above.





I like these, they look quite dramatic but were taken from the comfort of a bar sipping iced White Russians*



*That's a Marillion reference, I know we have a broad church here but that might be a little obscure.

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Guest Breadvan72

I once saw a picture of Fish in his kecks, and that explains a great deal about my multi-layered psychiatric challenges.

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I was drinking a White Russian in Gibraltar only three days ago.  On top of beer with lunch and followed by a banana daiquiri.


Got the bus back - thought it best not to try walking across the runway... 


:all_coholic:  :happydance:  

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I spent a Misplaced Childhood listening to Marillion.


Also, I absolutely loved Budapest - especially the rusting mid-70s Russian underground trains that shuddered noisily as they drew to a halt.


I didn't do a shite thread on here, but here are my highlights from Prague, Vienna and Budapest.


Nice thread. Funnily enough that Swift you posted was also spotted here in fine, and contrasting, company.




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So after a few cocktails (a Ladykiller and a Mai Tai followed the White Russian) I convinced the wife we should get on a bus into the suburbs. I found a route that finished at a tram terminus so we could get the tram back. It was still pissing down and as this was a dry option so she agreed.


This was great for spotting but not pictures as the windows kept steaming up. We went through a estate of Soviet looking flats and there were three Favorits in one car park. Had I been on my own I would probably have got off but that wasn't an option with Lorraine. Never mind, transfering from bus to tram at Kelenfold I was rewarded with this.







This is a Felicia Mystery special edition. Front fogs, colour coded mirrors, alloys and a VERY subtle roof spoiler. It should have a rather impractical coloured interior like this too.




But there was someone sat inside so I couldn't really look. I couldn't really go up to him and say 'I like your Felicia'. Even if he did understand he might have thought I was weird.

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Surprised to see any Rovers but there were a fair few.



Saw half a dozen 75s and even a ZT but this was the only one I got close to. Odd spec. Front fogs and chrome mirrors but steel wheels with crappy trims.





Mildly Barried 25 snapped from the train somewhere on the way to Gyór.



And pick of the bunch.


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There's two Ladas in this shot but the camera decided to focus on the bus seat.



Favorit cube van!







More Fellys. Second one has non Å koda wheels.




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And lastly tonight another quiz. Three things I couldn't tell you what they are.


This says it's a Nissan Maxima. Is this just a QX with a different boot or something else entirely.




This has a Fiat badge on it but I'm none the wiser.



You tell me.


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IS that a Fiat IDEA  Siena? Can't remember. Think the last one, the grey car, is a version of a Suzuki Alto, like the one Trigger had.

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The Fiat looks like a hatchback so that'll make it a Fiat Palio. Siena was the saloon.


Grey Suzuki Alto lookylikey i'm fairly sure is a Maruti 800 which apparently was a model sold in Hungary brand new.

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I like Budapest. First visited in 1999-2000, spent Milemnimimium eve there. Pre digital camera so I'll have to have a look for my photos and scan them.


Then went back 5 years later with work and papped this beauty:




and this localised outbreak of c*nty parking:




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Okay, last lot. A few random ones.


They have Clios with boots.post-20743-0-28978000-1493062906_thumb.jpg




Most of these were taken around the hotel. Had an hour to myself when wife went to hotel gym.






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For some reason this came out sideways on the tablet but right way round when using the phone. So here it is in right way round. I like the backdrop to this, proper eastern European look about it.


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So it is! I'm going to see him in December. He's doing all of Clutching At Straws to mark 30 years since its release. I also saw him first tour he did solo. That was 29 years ago. Not sure where the time went.

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Are Trabbies still dirt cheap over there?

No idea, didn't see any for sale. Did see a yard full of them on the bus between Kobanya Kispest and the airport if you want to go and ask!

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