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Citroen XM diesel for sale £250


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Just put the flowers in the expansion tank and bingo, 2 jobs for the price of one.

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checking ferry prices.......if collection can be put off till later in the month the Liverpool - Belfast ferry is nearly as cheap as the Dublin one, and will massively reduce the coolant roulette

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For added wifey win points, paypal John a tenner and ask him to put some flowers/a pasty on the passenger seat for when your wife picks it up! (and show her how to top it up etc)


Its probably bad that I first read that as "a nasty" and not a pasty........

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This is bargain of the century. I would have snapped it up but I already have an XM and don't need a divorce.


Oh and I forgot to add do the Belfast ferry, less hassle and they do a damn good artery clogging feed.

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My thoughts :)


I am confident that the XM will easily get to Birkenhead however I can offer no guarantee! I guess you need to weigh up this against how much trouble you would be in if the plan failed... I would be more than happy to drive the car to the port for you if I'm available. However! (and this links into the when part) I will be collecting Wuv's Primera on the 24th at which point I will need to transfer the insurance off the car. Obviously I will not be driving it anywhere after this point. In an ideal world the car would be gone before then...

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Ok...I'll go Birkenhead to Belfast for path of least resistance....it's only 10 miles


Insurance so far is working out at 300 odd which is rather good. I'll go check some ferry timetables!

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Exciting stuff :)


I love it when a plan comes together!


Right aiming for collection before the 24th then. Insurance quote obtained at an amazing £244 comprehensive. Its looking likely I will just fly over myself and collect, its just getting the timings right for best value flight / boat combination....

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Glad this has sold. If you can get a set of wobbly web alloys pony expressed up to Liverpool from here I'm happy to donate them. Wheels good, tyres less so and with the correct alloy wheel bolts.

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I like it when a plan comes together which takes none of my time or energy.


You have saved me from myself, I would love an XM but I am up to my ears in projects!


Well done and I look forward to hearing the story unfold.

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I'm just working out all the travel arrangements now, with a genius twist - I'm going to fly the kids over with me, spend the day as a family on Friday and the kids can fly home with wifey on Saturday morning while I take the car on the boat.


Looking like Saturday the 17th, or perhaps the Friday night before depending on Ferry prices. Wifey has no parking so I'll need to collect on route to the boat....


That way the car becomes a tiny aside and not the main focus of the trip. Everyone goes home happy.


I'm going to take the Birkenhead to Belfast route, my thinking is it only has to do 8 miles or so from the ferry to my house. Its all dual carriageway too so no start stop stuff.


Jonathan - if you would be so kind to fill the boot with some of those big 5ltr bottles of water you get in Tesco I'll reimburse you.


I'll PM you to sort payment and collection details probably tomorrow when I finalise all the travel stuff.



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Great stuff, excellent planning :) I have 9 litres worth of bottles I can fill up for you here and I think another couple of 5 litre containers in the garage which should be well more than enough :) 


It's a great car I will really miss it :(

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That'll work well, less than 15 miles of actual driving. Just keep the revs properly low and make sure it's full of water before you leave the boat.


Would putting the heaters on help or not? Is that just hgf or does it keep the pressure down too?

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That's the plan, crawl home :) then I can fix it at my leisure :)


What I REALLY need from you lot is a "how to own an XM for dummies"


Things like how and when to use the suspension etc

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It probably won't need any top up until its sat on the boat! Not sure that the heater will make any real difference but leaving the cap on the expansion tank loose might...

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That's the plan, crawl home :) then I can fix it at my leisure :)


What I REALLY need from you lot is a "how to own an XM for dummies"


Things like how and when to use the suspension etc

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They're usually less bother than you might imagine. There are two adjustments to the suspension which are height and firmness. You should only drive in the normal height unless you are driving through a flood or over very uneven ground and you need more ground clearance in which case you use the next click up and drive slowly and carefully! The other two height settings are low and high and are not for driving in because there is no wheel travel and the driveshafts are at an unhappy angle. 


In terms of the firmness adjuster it has two settings, normal and sport (I think). With normal the car makes use of two extra spheres as appropriate to provide a more comfortable ride but this is computer controlled and uses various sensors to determine road undulations, corners etc so it will (in micro seconds) firm the suspension for added control. The result is a car which has an excellent ride/roadholding balance. If you're going for fast driving road lots of corners you can use the sport setting which firms the ride.

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Insofar as maintenance the main think is to change the LHM fluid every year and to clean the filters in the tank. I think one of the reasons the suspension is good on this car is that because the car has been specialist owned it has had regular LHM fluid changes which many cars have neglected.

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Great stuff - I want to start as I mean to go on and keep on top of the oily bits.


I've heard people mention "citrobatics", on a car doing limited miles should the suspension be cycled occasionally?

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Yep, here it is




From a Xantia hydractive with the 2.1. Even more keen on this XM, if it fits! If it goes to anyone else on here, the pump is yours for not a lot!

Nearly forgot that bit, I would be mega grateful if you could PM me details!

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Its lovely and easy tbh. Its alot less bother to change spheres than springs and shocks!


The very very basic check is put the suspension on high, and check the lhm level. Theres a floating gauge at the top of the tank, that needs to sit above the 2 red lines iirc. Everything else is as per a normal psa car.


You'll know something isn't right as you'll feel it. I'm having mild rear height corrector issues at the moment (due to my laziness to go fix it) and the back sinks down slightly when parked in normal mode, and is slow to rise back up. This makes the rear end have 'no suspension' and bounce about when driving. A quick flock up to intermediate and back sorts it. I just put her in high when parking for more than an hour, then drop it back down whilst putting my phone on the seat and lighting a rolly etc.


Traffic lights are fun, you have to try and complete a full normal-high-low-normal before they go green! Its the citroen rule!


Never drive at full low or high, as apart from the driveshaft issues mentioned, theres no suspension, and much reduced brakes and steering. The car will always keep the brakes as long as it can in case of failure, theres a sphere or two dedicated to that.


Whwn working under it, have it up on ramps or axle stands. Whwn I did 3/4 of the job on my rear corrector, I was moving it up and down by wiggling the connector pin. If it lowers onto you, you ain't raising it back up before you die...


Get onto club-xm. Co. UK and get reading! Or ask here, plenty of us lhm lockers on here.


Judging by its history though, you can probably ignore everything bar the water leak and hp pump very happily for a fair while!


Whwn fixed, and on your test hood, put the system in sport mode (is it a hydractive?) mine was bloody epic, and felt a little odd to be taking a corner at 75 and have no body roll! Mind you it wasn't bad in normal mode either.

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Great stuff - I want to start as I mean to go on and keep on top of the oily bits.


I've heard people mention "citrobatics", on a car doing limited miles should the suspension be cycled occasionally?

Yes. I've never quite been sold myself on it, but with the aforementioned parking in high then dropping down that I do, she feels alot better! And its good fun too! Try and do a few each time as well. Otherwise the height correctors could seize with Road crap and youll have the (easily fixed) issue that I'm having atm with my xantia. All I need is to buy a decent 11mm flare spanner and a tin of brake cleaner and ill have the whole thing out and stripped and cleaned.

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As you are a Citroen virgin it's worth mentioning and apologies if you already know, NEVER GET UNDER IT UNLESS AXLE STANDS ETC, it's quite tempting to wack the suspension up and "just" have a peep at something underneath, these gallic fancies can and have killed by dropping on owners 

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