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Hit and run car accident (victim) - advice needed!


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I've seen a few threads on here asking for advice and it seems you lot are a sensible, level-headed bunch so I thought I'd ask for some advice too!


I was the victim of a hit-and-run accident yesterday. My partner and I were in the car yesterday, travelling along a road just round the corner from home when a dark-coloured Nissan Juke travelling in the opposite direction veered across the road without warning and hit us!

I slammed on the anchors only to see in my rear-view mirror the Juke taking off. My first instinct was to try and catch them at the traffic lights they were heading towards so my partner jumped out of the car to pick up what had come off our car and I spun around.

Unfortunately the lights had turned green by that point and the other car was long gone, and there wasn't a pedestrian or motorist around where the accident had happened, just us and them. There were other cars at the lights but of course all gone too. In the shock of the moment (and assuming they would stop like any person with a conscience would) I didn't think to register the number plate but we're both sure of the first few characters)

I reported it to 101 but the traffic department is closed at the weekend(!?) so I've had to leave a voicemail message and they're going to call back tomorrow.

The damage is pretty minimal but of course I'm really really pissed and I want to try and trace them, not just for an insurance claim but for a conviction for failing to stop.


I've been back to the area today and had a look around for CCTV, there's a few cameras that might have had a view of where the car ended up going but not that I can see covering the accident itself. Is a shot of the car in the area at the time considered good enough for the police to pursue it?


Now for where things get interesting!

In a case of what I hope is purely mistaken identity on my part, this afternoon I spot a purple Juke in the same area - with damage consistent with the accident! I had my other half take a photo (not sure what good it'll go but I guessed it's better than nothing) and we've taken a note of the reg number. I guess it won't do any harm to mention it all to the police/whoever when they call back tomorrow everything that's happened. Based on experiences you guys have mentioned in the past I'm guessing the police won't be too bothered about tracing the owner of that car and making a visit? Perhaps that, coupled with CCTV (if there is any showing the car in the area at the time) would mean a better chance of things going somewhere?


Just sounding things out! This is the first time I've been involved in an accident so I'm not sure how to best go forward from here. I realise it's a pretty thin case I've got so far but thought I'd see if anyone can offer any wisdom.




UPDATE 14/6/16 Post #42

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Did you see the driver. (did both of you see the driver)

Any point residue on either car. ie your's white and the  juke is blue.White paint on the Juke, Blue on yours.....


I thought you did see the reg, but not certain as so quick.


If its the wrong car/person, easy for them to prove otherwise. no real issue.

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The police might be more interested if you tell them the vehicle belongs to a known scrote, and is likely to be uninsured with a boot full of A class.

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Did you see the driver. (did both of you see the driver)

Any point residue on either car. ie your's white and the  juke is blue.White paint on the Juke, Blue on yours.....


I thought you did see the reg, but not certain as so quick.


If its the wrong car/person, easy for them to prove otherwise. no real issue.


We didn't see the driver of the car at the time, it all happened pretty quickly. There's no paint residue on either car, just missing paint on both!

We both agreed that in the moment we caught a glimpse and were sure of the first part of the reg, and it wasn't until we saw the car today that it sort of 'clicked' - like our memory was triggered and we are both sure that it was the registration involved.

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The police might be more interested if you tell them the vehicle belongs to a known scrote, and is likely to be uninsured with a boot full of A class.

That's true but I've used the askMID system to look up their insurer and they are insured! Of course I don't think there's any point pursuing anything yet as there's not much to go on (if anything)

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Sod 101, tell the 'normal' coppers or best still try and find a traffic copper floating about. I would bet they'd be interested in it and should question the driver of the other car, he'd then have to prove where the damage to his happened..

I'm not saying you should stretch the truth, but you could say you caught the '** 11TXW' (or whatever) bit of the plate and let them speak to the driver. I'd act quick before they get it repaired and deny all knowledge to be quite honest, I expect if the number comes back as taxed, MOT'd and insured that they were pissed or something. 


FWIW I'll repeat that I wouldn't delay and get hold of the coppers immediately. Good luck, hope you get a result.

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The police might be more interested if you tell them the vehicle belongs to a known scrote, and is likely to be uninsured with a boot full of A class.

They might also like to then arrest you for lying to them :-)


Best thing to do is just wait for the Police to call you back. Make a statement and say what you've seen and the damage to a similar car in the area and if they think it's worth it then they'll go speak with the owner. Tbh though that's more than likely all they'll do and tell you to contact your insurance company.


While it is an offence not to stop after an accident it's minor damage with no injuries so they won't take it further

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We recently witnessed a guy spin out on the M42 and cause significant damage to another car. He was doing 100mph plus with several witnesses to confirm his stupidity. You would not believe how much hassle it was to get the police to attend and they didnt want to know. Based on that experience I would say good luck but be prepared to fight for it.

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Sod 101, tell the 'normal' coppers or best still try and find a traffic copper floating about. I would bet they'd be interested in it and should question the driver of the other car, he'd then have to prove where the damage to his happened..

I'm not saying you should stretch the truth, but you could say you caught the '** 11TXW' (or whatever) bit of the plate and let them speak to the driver. I'd act quick before they get it repaired and deny all knowledge to be quite honest, I expect if the number comes back as taxed, MOT'd and insured that they were pissed or something. 


FWIW I'll repeat that I wouldn't delay and get hold of the coppers immediately. Good luck, hope you get a result.


Ironically a police officer did drive past a few minutes later, after we had continued with our journey. We flagged him down but he had someone in the car (perhaps someone he had just arrested!) I explained the situation and he told me the best thing to do was to call 101 and ask to speak to someone. As I said in a previous reply having seen the car today we both were 99% sure that it was the reg we had seen but it hadn't registered at the time in the shock of the situation.


They might also like to then arrest you for lying to them :-)


Best thing to do is just wait for the Police to call you back. Make a statement and say what you've seen and the damage to a similar car in the area and if they think it's worth it then they'll go speak with the owner. Tbh though that's more than likely all they'll do and tell you to contact your insurance company.


While it is an offence not to stop after an accident it's minor damage with no injuries so they won't take it further


I hope that they are helpful but I appreciate that I won't be giving them much to go on. I'd like to think that given a reg number they can at least contact the owner of the car in question but I guess it's just crossed fingers as to whether they fess up or not - unlikely given the insurance claim let alone the law-breaking! In that situation I guess my only hope would be another witness or CCTV.


My other question is should I be reporting it to my insurer? I've read online about higher premiums and having to pay my excess just for reporting it to them and not making a claim, is this correct?

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Find out where it live and brick it.


Should be arrested for driving a Datsun joke anyhoo.


I'm not into vigilante justice, but you wouldn't believe how tempted I was to block him off when I saw the car earlier and get out looking all tough (which is difficult as a 5'8" beanpole!)



We recently witnessed a guy spin out on the M42 and cause significant damage to another car. He was doing 100mph plus with several witnesses to confirm his stupidity. You would not believe how much hassle it was to get the police to attend and they didnt want to know. Based on that experience I would say good luck but be prepared to fight for it.


I do appreciate that it wasn't anything like as bad as what you witnessed - but another six inches over with a closing speed of 60mph would have meant very different circumstances.

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Guest Lord Sward

You should have just dialled 999.  Bollocks to any other number.


Theres nothing you can do or a copper can do about this now.  Its too late.  By all means give the person who returns your call the reg number of the suspected Juke.  It they are a real copper and have nothing better to do, then they may take a wander down to that persons home.  Unless a confession is forthcoming, that'll be the end of it.


Mark it down to experience and remember, its 999 that summons the action, provided the professional on the other end of the line agrees.

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You should have just dialled 999.  Bollocks to any other number.


Theres nothing you can do or a copper can do about this now.  Its too late.  By all means give the person who returns your call the reg number of the suspected Juke.  It they are a real copper and have nothing better to do, then they may take a wander down to that persons home.  Unless a confession is forthcoming, that'll be the end of it.


Mark it down to experience and remember, its 999 that summons the action, provided the professional on the other end of the line agrees.


It's a good point and I think you're more than likely correct, but at least I'll have tried! My partner is convinced that it's not even worth pursuing. I'm not so sure that dialling 999 would have been suitable unless anyone was injured!

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You should have just dialled 999.  Bollocks to any other number.


There's nothing you can do or a copper can do about this now.  Its too late.  


You can go to the doctor about your injuries and then the police are looking for a much more worst criminal.

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If my wife's experience is anything to go by, you're screwed.


Similar circumstances, saw a car that could well have been the culprit in a car park a few days later but no one was interested. I thought about h hanging around and waiting for the driver but honestly what was going to happen?

If I confront then they will either A. Deny it. Or B. Rearrange my nose for me.


Oh and you can forget uninsured driver cover... Direct line pointed out that if we don't know who hit her, you can't say if they were insured or not.


The only upside was that there was a dent on that side which I hadn't got around to fixing.

I'd have been even more pissed if I had already done it.

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Guest Lord Sward

 I'm not so sure that dialling 999 would have been suitable unless anyone was injured!




The point of dialling 999 is to get a prompt response to the pressing issue of preserving life and/or property.  There is a whole wealth of professionals working to a strict command structure behind that call.  If you're wasting their time, they will decide that.   If you have a play park full of drunken teenagers shouting abuse at passing terrier dogs, then 101 is your best bet.  You now know the difference.  

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I've had this happen to me.

I was on a roundabout and some twat in a BMW 3 series couldn't be arsed waiting in the que in my lane so tried using the next lane to overtake everyone then cut across to take my lane/exit. She failed and wiped the rear door and quarter panel of her car down the side of the van I was driving. I stopped after the roundabout but she just took off!

Unluckily for her I got her reg number, description of the car and a full description of the driver.

I had to go to the police station, make a statement and after that the police started their investigation. They took the details of her car and went to the registered owners house where a lady matching the description was, along with the BMW with a caved in rear end! You'd think all this evidence would be enough to at least get her done for leaving the scene but a few days later I got a call from Hants police who said due to lack of evidence no further action could be taken!


Sadly in your case I fear the same outcome. The Police just aren't bothered unless there's pretty much nailed on indisputable evidence (like a dash cam).

All I came away with was the knowledge that her car was trashed and she had to pay for that, my van was almost undamaged and she had the embarrassment of having police knocking on her door!

I told the copper on the phone that I wasn't happy and this has just put me off ever bothering to report things anymore but they didn't care about that either!


It's worth a try to get them to do something but I'm almost positive your better off saving yourself the bother with this and just moving on. Doesn't make it right that cunts like this can do this sort of thing and get away with it but unfortunately it's just another sad fact of modern life in this country now!

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Guest Lord Sward

Ah, so you've been at the shitty end of these calls.  So have I.  How do you call this incident? This is how I call it from previous experience;


When you get a call from a legitimate road user stating they've been hit by another road user of out the blue (no weather or road conditions or incidents to explain the coming together) I suspect a drink-driver who's continued on their merry way. Its therefore imperative to apprehend this driver eliminate this and prevent further loss of property and/or life.  Assuming this law breaking driver makes it home unscathed, then its still wise to breathalyse and interview the driver ASAP. There has been an incident and it must be assumed they don't intend to report the incident to their local nick within 24 hrs.  


Or is RichardM1 fair game for being twitted by another road user who does off?  Is that how the system works?  Or were you just bone idle to callers?

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I've had this happen to me.

I was on a roundabout and some twat in a BMW 3 series couldn't be arsed waiting in the que in my lane so tried using the next lane to overtake everyone then cut across to take my lane/exit. She failed and wiped the rear door and quarter panel of her car down the side of the van I was driving. I stopped after the roundabout but she just took off!

Unluckily for her I got her reg number, description of the car and a full description of the driver.

I had to go to the police station, make a statement and after that the police started their investigation. They took the details of her car and went to the registered owners house where a lady matching the description was, along with the BMW with a caved in rear end! You'd think all this evidence would be enough to at least get her done for leaving the scene but a few days later I got a call from Hants police who said due to lack of evidence no further action could be taken!

Sadly in your case I fear the same outcome. The Police just aren't bothered unless there's pretty much nailed on indisputable evidence (like a dash cam).

All I came away with was the knowledge that her car was trashed and she had to pay for that, my van was almost undamaged and she had the embarrassment of having police knocking on her door!

I told the copper on the phone that I wasn't happy and this has just put me off ever bothering to report things anymore but they didn't care about that either!

It's worth a try to get them to do something but I'm almost positive your better off saving yourself the bother with this and just moving on. Doesn't make it right that cunts like this can do this sort of thing and get away with it but unfortunately it's just another sad fact of modern life in this country now!

If you don't report anything then crime figures go down, free time for coffee and doughnuts goes up, double win for pc.
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I must buy a dash cam. This sort of incident seems far more common these days and without that evidence nothing seems to get resolved.

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Guest Lord Sward

The bloke has been hit by a driver, his pride and joy is damaged and he's going to be out of pocket.  Hell he's upset enough to come on here as his Police Service and their civilian call taker has let him down.  Theres a crime been committed and theres nothing going to be done about it. Do you see?

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If you don't report anything then crime figures go down, free time for coffee and doughnuts goes up, double win for pc.

I know. But it does get you down when you do nothing wrong and one of these impatient selfish arseholes comes along, and even with a good amount of detail and reg numbers etc the police still don't care.


However, I used to get vandal problems and did keep reporting it. It has stopped for the last few years because apparently if enough complaints are made to the police they step up a visual presence in that area. It seems to have worked in that instance.


Btw, I'm not anti police. I understand they have a very tough job these days which isn't getting any easier.

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I must say a big thank you for all the useful advice (even if most of it has been correctly telling me I haven't got a chance!)


I do see both of your points of view Lord Sward and AlabamaShrimp, I feel like it's open to judgement which number you call but I tend to err on the danger to life when calling 999. It may have been that the other driver was pissed but more likely looking at their phone and not noticing the road bending slightly to the left - arguably just as dangerous as driving drunk! Perhaps if I had known the reg number at the time I would have been banging on the door of the nearest police station!


I hadn't seen the point in having a dashcam fitted before now (other than YouTube) but now I might be looking into fitting one.

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Ah, so you've been at the shitty end of these calls.  So have I.  How do you call this incident? This is how I call it from previous experience;


When you get a call from a legitimate road user stating they've been hit by another road user of out the blue (no weather or road conditions or incidents to explain the coming together) I suspect a drink-driver who's continued on their merry way. Its therefore imperative to apprehend this driver eliminate this and prevent further loss of property and/or life.  Assuming this law breaking driver makes it home unscathed, then its still wise to breathalyse and interview the driver ASAP. There has been an incident and it must be assumed they don't intend to report the incident to their local nick within 24 hrs.  


Or is RichardM1 fair game for being twitted by another road user who does off?  Is that how the system works?  Or were you just bone idle to callers?


I'm with the Lord on this.


Normal people don't drive into someone and not stop. Failing to stop suggests they're doing something else as well; drink driving, or in the process of some criminal enterprise. As such, it warrants a 999 call. The next thing they hit could have far worse consequences. 

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I must buy a dash cam. This sort of incident seems far more common these days and without that evidence nothing seems to get resolved.

Tesco have them in some petrol stations for £20. They do the job.

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what the police can do is check the anpr cameras that they have started to put up on main roads,if you can give the vehicle details rough time obviously date,if its passed through one they can chase it up,after all how many nissan jukes would pass one in say a 1 hour period,i know of an unlucky a3 driver who was recently caught this way,all they had was black a3,quick check of them got him but its all down to if its passed one or even if you have them locally.

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I told the copper on the phone that I wasn't happy and this has just put me off ever bothering to report things anymore but they didn't care about that either!



And this is the real reason crime figures are falling - no-one bothers to report half the stuff because there's no response.

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