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They came down our road last week in a car (can't recall what) with a weird periscope like contraption on the roof. We were out yakking by our car so might be visible in the photos!

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They've been using left-hooker Opel Astras, basically when they finished doing france they just shipped the cars over here for a drive around.I'd have loved to have had the job of just driving around, at the moment I'm mapping my town for openstreetmap which gives me plenty of shite-spotting time but to actually get paid for it, wow!I had a googlecruise around Nottingham, gonna work out the best way of posting pictures from it and show you some shite :)

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This is interesting stuff.


(Though ultimately this kind of tech will make me redundant forever)


My 'hood isn't on there yet, so I had a sniff round some of London. I found these two old pieces of major-league chod though :wink:


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Am I the only one that's thinking this is a really bad idea from the point of security and a huge invasion of privacy? After all it's not like CCTV that supposedly for our security is it? This is just a stalker's best friend. And don't get me on the cars that might disappear. And we worry about posting a pic of some random tat in Asda's car park :roll:

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Regrettably they haven't done Wakefield and the surrounding area, they've done Leeds though. The funny thing is if they do it now, none of my cars will be in the street, but there's an enormous oil puddle outside my house so you'll know the one.


I went on Leeds, looked at a Pound shop and left it at that.


Going round incredibly rough areas of LA is more exciting for tat-spotting though:

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Also round the corner somewhere is a tramp going through the bins and another tramp with a shopping trolley with a load of bin bags tied to it.

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I think if we are going to post stuff from this it's deffo prudent to disguise locations etc, as per my example. :?

Isn't that a bit fruitless seeing as Google has already seen to it that anybody can find out that information if they want to find it?!
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It's only a snapshot of a particular moment in time though, isn't it? I'm willing to bet a sizeable amount of money* that the blue Capri in the Edinburgh screenshot is no longer parked there.


*Payable in old bits of Ford Fiesta interior trim.

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Well a few of mine pictured aren't, but most of em are, and i have had new arrivals since then, I think about June judging by the road works in my street.

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The thing is as well, whilst someone could scour Google Streetview looking for cars to nick, they'd probably have a much higher success rate if they just drove around instead of slowly looking at photos which are months old.

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It IS quite addictive though. I've navigated half the north circular this morning.

Including the funny old ex-ARG garage near the Ace? I even caught a glimpse of that on BBC4 the other night.Norwich is on, but not Ipswich. I think it might be sometime before my ‘street’ is on there...
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The thing is as well, whilst someone could scour Google Streetview looking for cars to nick, they'd probably have a much higher success rate if they just drove around instead of slowly looking at photos which are months old.

You get seen doing that though don't you? If you see a car that doesn't look like it moves, or more than one, there is a good chance it will still be there.
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Hey this is great! I can do desktop tat-spotting of all the motors I failed to snap for whatever reason...



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Efforts are continuing to see if two Talbot Horizons are still where I saw them... :)

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Er, sorry all - how is dems doin da screen grab thing?I just copied their URL from GMSV and pasted hoping it would be clickable - it was very late when I posted :oops: It's not even a great picture but the Slugmobile VI is clearly visible.Will try again..

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