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My 1973 Cadillac, Huggy Bear


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So I have to drive down to Portsmouth on the 27th with no indication of what's happening nor time and hope I see you guys? Sounds a good idea to get me divorced I suppose!

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So I have to drive down to Portsmouth on the 27th with no indication of what's happening nor time and hope I see you guys? Sounds a good idea to get me divorced I suppose!

Yes! If all the planets align, I ll be there too. It's called working for yourself. Screw chasing the money, every now and again, having a bit of a laugh is the best thing you can do.

I won't mention hovercraft though.

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Yes! If all the planets align, I ll be there too. It's called working for yourself. Screw chasing the money, every now and again, having a bit of a laugh is the best thing you can do.

I won't mention hovercraft though.

I'm trying to work for myself, not working out yet though!
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I will say this: it's a weekday, Friday Jan 27th.  And you won't be able to miss the core of the gathering, the two big Land Yachts!

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Yes it is. You've just got to the early stages, that's all. A long time ago, I realised that working for yourself means doing what yo u fancy and seeing what came of it. Spreading your wings helps as people find out that you will go further afield. I go to France, Portugal, Spain. Not for any reason as it gives notice to folks that you are not afraid to go wherever to get the work,

Plus you get experience. That's the best bit, you can write about it.

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I'm trying to drag in a bloke from Facebook too, who has a Grand Marquis.... also a Lincoln and a Thunderbird, so it should be a lot of fun!

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More expense coming up... the speedo cable appears to have failed, as it no longer registers speed or distance.  While I'm just knocking around town it doesn't matter but I will need it done before I go to Portsmouth at the end of January.  Bugger.



get them to send this to hotel in ny mid jan i bring back if ups charge trumps bar bill


interim solution sorted :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I took it in yesterday for Martin to have a look and let me know what exactly I needed to order.




Seems the cable from the gearbox goes to some kind of junction under the bonnet, and had just popped out, so he put it back.  It works.  That's what I call a fix! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...


Not sure if I posted this before, but it cropped up again on Facebook so here's the link.... a video, shot from a Lincoln, of Huggy cruising the mean streets of Barrow!


Meanwhile, all the bookings have been made, the dog's in the kennels, I've finished work.... so we are ON for the Friday meetup!  There's also a meet at Port Solent on Sunday morning...

Overnight stops at Banbury (Wednesday, going) and Walsall (Monday, coming back), at the Premier Inns beside the motorway.

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Well we've arrived.  We are now installed at Premier Inn North Harbour, after a cruise round town looking at some of the breakfast suggestions.  Since leaving home yesterday: 360 miles (give or take a couple) on 87 litres of finest unleaded.  I filled up just now at the neighbouring Tesco and on the way out, spotted a red 924 on an A plate.  Gave him a wave in case it was one of us.

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