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Six Cylinders Motoring Notes - Anybody going to The Stony Stratford Classic car meet tomorrow (Sunday)?

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I think you could be right as the speedo is KPH.


If it's the same as the one a friend had some years ago, the odo will be km's. (So about 12K miles here).


Today I gave the Xantia a workout. And where were all the volunteer digger drivers when you need one!





Erm... undo the ratchet straps first before trying to lift the load off :)


Erm... undo the ratchet straps first before trying to lift the load off :)

Position the digger forks to steady the roll before releasing the straps!


And take photo while out of cab.

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Quite sensible, you wouldn't want to damage the five star holiday home :)

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My favourite garage called me last week to say I needed new headlights for our MG Metro Mk1 because the glass had fallen off one and the reflector was corroded on the other one. They had seen just what I needed on ebay, a brand new pair of Lucas headlights for £25 delivered to me. I bought them immediately and they arrived yesterday so I took them over today.


Great guys just two of them, today's work was a clutch on a current shape Fiesta and dashboard out of a 1963 Corvette!


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note to self put headlights in visa (ffs)

Now winter is coming!


I put my 2CV away today as the roof is slit, great drive so I took the long route to the barn.



I collected my V70 XC from MOT today, it had broken a front spring and was not cheap because of being a relative rare jacked up 4x4. All sorted now and and drives very well with no warning lights at last.


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This weekend I have been to Wales To Mrs 6C parents home in our grey 740 GLE Auto, where the Volvo 740 GLE Mrs 6C bought in Feb 2004 rests. Her farther and other members of the family have used it, but now it will not start so I ordered a fuel pump relay last Monday with delivery forecast for Wednesday. It did not arrive in time for Saturday so no progress was made. The grey car has done nearly 500 miles this weekend and ran perfectly all weekend.


As both 740 GLEs were together I thought I should take a few pictures of the two together. Yes there is a Ford that serves Mrs 6C parents and two neighbours houses. This is not the first time we have had two Volvo 740s but in the past it has been one saloon one estate Twice!








I was hoping we were going to have a lot of progress on the LNA today as I have a new alternator, inner drive shaft boot, fuel filter, electric engine fan and gasket paper to fix the sump leak.


Nothing goes to plan:

• My mechanic could only give me two hours today.

• Headlight bulb gone.

• Bumper ends too broken to refit as they are.

• Washer bottle has a hole in it.

• Plastic panel surround for front of radiator warped.

• One of the new headlight panels has a seized bolt.

• Bracket we made for electric fan need modifying to clear bonnet cable.


So not much progress, but we did get the front lights in place and working minus the blown bulb.


Anybody got a washer bottle for a Citroen LNA!





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Try welding up the split in the washer bottle with a soldering iron. It should last until you source a replacement.

EDIT: ah, just noticed the hole in the other pic :(


Just now I have Tiger sealed a piece of plastic over the hole and slits so we will see if that does the trick for now.


Messy stuff!



But very very good! Waterproofed my last 2 citroens! Need to get some more for some little jobs I have to do


There is always a little car stuff going on here and today a little more bodywork on the BiTurbo, I collected the refurbished wheels for our MG Metro, received the fuel pump relay for the Volvo 740 in Wales, ordered a rear exhaust box and 4 spring for our BMW E30.



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Wow your Biturbo looks almost identical to mine now. I've been working on mine actually - painted the footwells, repaired the gear lever and reassembled it and the centre console, and fitted 2 replacement secondhand front struts. Next we're bleeding the brakes and refitting the seats and carpets. Also new turbo hoses on order.


Wow your Biturbo looks almost identical to mine now. I've been working on mine actually - painted the footwells, repaired the gear lever and reassembled it and the centre console, and fitted 2 replacement secondhand front struts. Next we're bleeding the brakes and refitting the seats and carpets. Also new turbo hoses on order.

Good to here you are still moving forward with yours, spring 2017 for the photo shoot?


Ours was fully working, MOTed to May 2017 but there was a flaky spot on the drivers sill so I thought I would have that checked out before we put the car away for the winter!


Wow your Biturbo looks almost identical to mine now. I've been working on mine actually - painted the footwells, repaired the gear lever and reassembled it and the centre console, and fitted 2 replacement secondhand front struts. Next we're bleeding the brakes and refitting the seats and carpets. Also new turbo hoses on order.

Glad to hear that its nearing completion, it was May 2012 that I took this pic


Maserati Biturbo by Jean-Pierre Declemy, on Flickr

How time flies! :)

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I collected my V70 XC from MOT today, it had broken a front spring and was not cheap because of being a relative rare jacked up 4x4. All sorted now and and drives very well with no warning lights at last.


How do you find your XC? I'm in the market for one, after running a lovely regular V70 for the past year. Any weak spots to look out for?

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How do you find your XC? I'm in the market for one, after running a lovely regular V70 for the past year. Any weak spots to look out for?

I like the model, smooth, quite, comfortable, fast enough. Just pulling off wet grass which I do fairly regularly the 4 wheel drive makes it a no fuss job and I find getting in and out just that bit easier with the extra height but no climbing like a Range Rover.


Mine is a 2.3 petrol low pressure turbo 200 bhp and is rather thirsty 24 mpg. I have battled with mine for the 2 years I have owned it, an oil leak that turned out to be a blocked breather, which I had done when I first got the car so I did not think it was that until a second garage sorted it. It has put up some warnings and still sometimes tells me the alarm needs servicing. I was also surprised when I went to play in a ford that I wetted the gear selector module and it was lost until it dried out. While it drives very well, has no warning lights on and a fresh MOT I am going to sell it.


I have seen a number for sale with faulty gearboxes so that seems to be a weak point for the model.



It lives, yes a new battery, plug lead and petrol and the Peugeot Elyseo 50 runs and rides. I am not sure about the electric starter, it did not turn over, then it did, now it won’t but we got it going with the kick start. I think the new battery may now be flat.




I think that last pic redefines cool for the new milenium, move over Audrey Hepburn.

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I think that last pic redefines cool for the new milenium, move over Audrey Hepburn.

Are you taking the piss out of me!


After my second test run I came to a stop got my foot hooked under a bramble and fell over onto a stack of timber, lucky the photographer was too busy helping me up to take a photo!


It lives, yes a new battery, plug lead and petrol and the Peugeot Elyseo 50 runs and rides. I am not sure about the electric starter, it did not turn over, then it did, now it won’t but we got it going with the kick start. I think the new battery may now be flat.

m9 phil daniels sez are you avail 4 quadraphenia 2

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Citroen LNA has had new drive shaft oil seals today and no longer drips oil. Next exciting instalment Friday!


I have put the Cadillac away for the winter now and got the BMW 735i out that is already rusty!





I didn't realise your fleet, and your grounds, were so extensive!  I'm almost jealous now.



I didn't realise your fleet, and your grounds, were so extensive!  I'm almost jealous now.

You should have come to Shitefest 2016 somebody parked a bus there!


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