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Scrapyard Frolicking


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Popped along to Albert Looms today, what a beautiful place! In a world of health and safety, their only concession is that there's a chap with a bin full of high-vis vests who chucks you one as you walk in, and a sign saying "Are you wearing appropriate footwear?".


Everything is on the floor, where it belongs - in a mix of oil, mud, broken glass and floor mats (which seem to be pressed into use as knee protectors). Nothing is in any order so you have to walk up and down the rows - or rather, you don't stand out if you just want to wander around and not buy much. Blokes just wandering up and down with toolkits in one hand and booty in the other.


Only downside is that because I was there at half twelve, and they shut at one, they'd already turned all the computers off and shut the stores so I couldn't pay on card - which is a bit twattish of me, what type of middle class twerp turns up to a greasy field full of cars and expects to pay by Visa? Maybe I'll offer bitcoins or Paypal next time. So I've left my starter motor (removal time from an obvious OMGHGFMGZR donor - 3 minutes tops, quite proud of myself for that) and my battery at the gate, and I'll collect in the week. 



This wasn't in the yard to break, it was towards the cars for sale but had no price. Last taxed 1995.



SVM, turn away now. Let it go. You can't save them all.



Yeah, Mwah indeed. Someone had given this a proper kiss, up the front with a truck by the looks of it.




Plenty of older stuff, which is nice - a lot of scrappies are crushing anything more than 10-15 years old because the market is so limited.



Engineless Saff



This is why Looms is an autoshite friendly scrapyard - couple of Kettles, a Fellatio and a complex French barge.



Gee-El-Ess, the crowd say "Electric front windows, electric aerial and 14" wheels instead of 13" Seleeeectaaaa.

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Looms is five mins from me and is ace, often gives me freebies if they aint worth much. As in little swtches, bits of trim. This works well for repeat custom on my part as its the only scrappy I know. Also the for sale cars are always worth a view.

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often gives me freebies if they aint worth much. As in little swtches, bits of trim. 


The concept of attempting to buy bits that are small enough to fit in my pocket is alien to me.

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There was a good old skool scrappy in Sankey near Warrington, had all sorts in there, fair prices too - alas it's a housing estate now  :-(

Yep - BHL (Barrow Hall Lane).


Got a door for my first SD1 from there, along with many other bits.

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Bollx, I know you're not far away in the grand scheme of things but I am going back for the bits I had to leave behind - I can either grab the lamp for you, or I can at least see if it's still on the car if you want? Some stuff is pretty knackered, they seem to leave it open to pickings until it's completely bare so the website can be a bit optimistic and get your hopes up.


There's a closed off part too, cars look more complete in there so I wonder if they move them out to the main yard once they've ebayed the really valuable bits. It's a shame the gate was locked, as there appeared to be an old Yugo tucked away which isn't on their list.

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Great pictures. :)


Yugo will be this one. Spotted by a Looms regular who posts on the Fiat Forum...underside of rear sills are weetabix apparently... :(






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Yeah, that's the Yugo since it's not moved at all - I just forgot to grab a photo on the way out through the fence.


Is the Piazza HBL still there?


No Piazza on the website, and if it was in the yard I didn't see it in half an hour of wandering up and down.

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This is Albert Looms in Derby, just off the A52


No more Landy pics yet, there were big scary looking blokes pretty close by and I can't be that stealthy.

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Went back for the battery with cold hard cash, they've moved some stuff too...










Can't think why a K-Series driver would need a bottle of water in the boot.....



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Yo, AS Midlands Massiv - shall we go here instead of the auctions?  Just for a change, like?  Pillock, is there a decent* breakfast destination nearby?

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I don't know if there is anywhere breakfasty as I don't "do" derby often but Bub2006 did say he's quite close so might know.

Or, I'll just go to Derby at the weekend and try out every cafe in a twelve mile radius.

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I'm getting the horn for a nice early Mondeo ghia right now. They seem to have improved with age... And also I've now not seen one for ages


That one in the pics would have been lovely, pre date-with-death...  Subtle RS kit on it.

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There is a macdonalds and KFC on pride parkway 5 mins away and there used to be a really nice cob van down in Alvaston about 10 mins away. Don't know if it's thete or not now though.

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That one in the pics would have been lovely, pre date-with-death...  Subtle RS kit on it.


T'was a V6 too. Well, it still is - engine looks intact.



Oooh derby that's not that far away from me, i may have to pop up and pick at the carcass of that sierra


It has no engine but otherwise looks OK



WAIT A SECOND!! I've got a great idea....

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You'd just need a getrag box of a 3.0 s type jag, a sump and pickup from the jag, to make the engine suitable for rwd, the same idea has already gone through my head in the past

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