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Huge yank shite - odd jobs.

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I imagine that, after removing the sender unit, a good swill round with a handful of nuts and bolts and a few pints of petrol will soon remove all the shit inside. This is my plan for my spare fuel tank.

It probably will, the outside of the tank looks good for it's age. There's a dent in it at one corner but it looks ok really. My thinking was since the new tank was the last one left and only £105 (+p&p) it was worth getting.

Tbh though I'd rather have a new tank. At least then I know for sure there's virtually no chance of all this rusty mank coming back through again.


So, the plan is to get the parts then fit the new pump. I'll then run a fuel hose into a gerry can from the new pump and run the car, just to make sure. I'm paranoid with this car now after it's previous exploits not running!

Assuming that's ok I'll then fit a second fuel filter between the tank and new pump then run it again. If it's ok I'll get it down to the guys and get them to change the tank and straps, clean out the system as much as possible and while it's there I'll get them to fit the autobox gasket set to fix the oil leak, then it may aswell go for an MOT at the same time.

Then maybe it'll stop pissing me off and I can continue driving it.

I don't fancy the fuel tank change on the drive. It's big and looks heavy and awkward, I don't particularly like being under this car either. It's big and very heavy! I think to do it easily I'd need a proper ramp to get enough space. There's also now about half a tank of shitty petrol in it too.


Went for a chat with the guys today about this, and dropped off the Capri wheels with them at the same time.

They aren't busy at the moment so said if I can get it running to drop it down to them, so I went home and had a play.

I decided to drain off a bit of fuel from the pump supply hose, then I disconnected the fuel pipe and filter on the pipe into the carb, then poured the fuel directly into the filter and it's pipe. Then reconnected everything and figured that it will at least prove it will run and where the problem is.

So then I tried starting it, it fired and ran instantly! It was left running for about 10 mins and it appears to be drawing fuel now as normal.

I think the pump is just about dead as it can't suck the fuel up on it's own, filling the filter after the pump then running it seems to be siphoning the fuel up with the suction of the engine and keeping it going.


This means it's now mobile again so I drove it the 5 miles or so to the workshop, it seemed ok but there's definitely a bit of a issue now and again, almost like it's struggling for fuel occasionally. But if the pumps not working too well that's to be expected.


So it's now with the guys at Classics again, they're going to strip and clean the whole fuel system, replace the tank and pump, then clean off the leaky auto box area and sort the leak with the gasket set I've left them. Then it's going for MOT while it's there.

The tank, tank straps and pump are due for delivery on Friday so as soon as it's here I'll take it down and drop it all off.


I'm glad I managed to get it going as the thought of trying to recover it really didn't appeal. It'd need pushing up the drive to the truck and it's a big heavy lump!

  • 4 weeks later...

It's home again and running faultlessly.


I got it in with 'Classics' again who quickly pulled the old tank out which after it was drained revealed the cause of the problem. Rust! There was lots of rust flakes and fine rusty silt inside and the tank wasn't in a particularly good way so I got a new tank from the US, postage was quick but expensive! This went in but the filler neck was also rust damaged.

Oddly it was like new all the way up the bends into the tank but the first six inches or so at the fuel cap end was terrible. Looking down it in the light it looked like a collider scope! It had pin holes all over it. These filler necks aren't available new either so they got creative with a repair. It turned out the filler neck on this was the same tube diameter as an MG Midget and the fittings for the fuel cap were the same too! So a new Midget filler neck had six inches cut off it which was then seam welded to the good half of the Mecury's original neck, this was then reinforced with a sleeve of steel tube over the join which was also seam welded up then given a lick of satin black paint, new tank to filler neck rubber seal (£16 for the seal, £41 for postage from the US!) and a new seal for the fuel cap area to inner wing.

So once that was fixed the new tank was painted and installed with a new securing strap kit. Then the fuel lines were all stripped, cleaned and put back. Then the fuel pump was replaced as I managed to drain a load of rusty sludge out of the old one when I was trying to get it running before it went to have this work done. The new pump was cheap and I thought better safe than sorry.


While it was in for this work I got them to have a look at the auto box leak which has gradually gotten worse the more the cars been used.

I'd got hold of a full gasket and seal set for the Ford C6 auto box and gave them that to pick and choose what bits they needed to fix the leak. In the end it was a poor quality fibre sump gasket (new one is cork, correct for the car) and the speedo and kickdown linkages where they go through the box casing. These seals were all replaced as was the weeping dip stick tube O ring. This seems to of sorted it.


And finally they MOT'd it, which it passed with no advisories!


I went and picked it up this afternoon and drove it home the long way! It's behaving itself well now and I really do love it. I don't begrudge any of the money or time this cars cost me!

I just need to get some miles on it now.


Glad you've got it back :) Can we have some more glamour shots?

Should get some pics on the weekend if the weathers ok. I'll try to at least get a couple of pics of the new stuff that's been done but there's not really a lot to see!

  • 10 months later...

Getting on for a year now since I updated this!


The beast's been fine since the last update. I've used it a bit this year and it's still fine, runs and drives brilliantly and no signs of any trouble.

I took it out this morning for a good run, mainly as I wanted to get it nice and hot ready for its oil and filter change. It's nowhere close to being needed on mileage of course but it's due on time and I'm incredibly anal about clean oil!


36687923515_d29850c2b9_o.jpgIMG_0668 by Dan Clark, on Flickr


36549692681_0b36e2fe00_o.jpgIMG_0667 by Dan Clark, on Flickr

Genuwine Fowrd filter straight from the states! I keep a head of spares for this on the shelf at home. Things like oil filters I buy them 4 or 5 at a time whenever I need anything from the states and just keep them in stock.


35878192633_949e2328b2_o.jpgIMG_0669 by Dan Clark, on Flickr


All done in no time! Didn't even need to jack the car up to get at the sump plug either.

Old oil was brownish in colour but didn't smell particularly bad, it'd probably not made sod all difference if I'd left it twice as long but I just can't!!


Here's a few pics from afterwards if anyone's forgotten what it looks like.


35878188913_2c4cba5c7d_o.jpgIMG_0670 by Dan Clark, on Flickr


36292354430_4f5d2302fd_o.jpgIMG_0672 by Dan Clark, on Flickr


36292352020_562ce8a73d_o.jpgIMG_0673 by Dan Clark, on Flickr


Since Photobucket had their little pissy fit not long back I'll try to go back through this and update to the new Flickr pics instead.


Lovely old barge that, I'm just the same with oil and filter changes and did my yearly service on the Zodiac yesterday as I always do despite not many miles being covered between. The oil I drained out was still nice and clear...

  • Like 1

I can't read a word about this car without this song popping up in my head - from one of the first albums I ever bought. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oDC_WAiu18M

Very period correct and very appropriate for this car after the grief it gave me.



Had my money

I tell you what I'd do

I would go downtown

Buy a Mercury or two

Cause I'm crazy 'bout a Mercury

Cruise up and down this road

Up and down this road

I'm goin' to buy me a Mercury

And I'll cruise up and down this road

Up and down this road


You know that gal I love

I stole her from a friend

Fool got lucky stole her back again

Because she knowed he had a Mercury

Cruise up and down this road

Up and down this road

Well, she knowed he had a Mercury

And she cruise up and down this road


Hey now mama

Where'd you stay last night

Your hair's all down

Your clothes don't fit you right

Had my money

I tell you what I'd do

Go downtown and buy a Mercury or two

Cause I'm crazy 'bout a Mercury

And I'll cruise up and down this road

Up and down this road


I'm going to buy me a Mercury

And I'll cruise up and down this road

Up and down this road


I'm going to buy me a Mercury

Going to buy me a Mercury

Going to buy me a Mercury

Cruise, cruise up and down this road

Up and down this road


I'm going to buy me a Mercury

Buy me a Mercury

Going to buy me a Mercury

Cruise, cruise up and down this road

Up and down this road



Nowt wrong with Steve Miller.

  • Like 3


Nowt wrong with Steve Miller.




Here is the original for those out there who owns a '49!......... 



  • Like 2
  • 3 weeks later...

Had a little surprise through the post yesterday!


36854363376_7e29f088cd_o.jpgIMG_0677 by Dan Clark, on Flickr


Courtesy of a certain American barge owner on here...

Absolutely perfect for this car as I have other original docs for the car but not the range catalogue.


Got me thinking, so I dug out the other docs and had a quick read through them. Posted here for your viewing pleasure*.


36890067612_5a7f740d89_o.jpgIMG_0680 by Dan Clark, on Flickr


36253410343_f4eda91894_o.jpgIMG_0681 by Dan Clark, on Flickr


36253405783_b6794a1f67_o.jpgIMG_0682 by Dan Clark, on Flickr


36890062232_7ca68296cb_o.jpgIMG_0683 by Dan Clark, on Flickr


36253397213_033db05887_o.jpgIMG_0684 by Dan Clark, on Flickr


Here's a few original build forms and receipts etc.


36664078670_faca0585bc_o.jpgIMG_0678 by Dan Clark, on Flickr


36664077170_6016ba3b7c_o.jpgIMG_0679 by Dan Clark, on Flickr


36253393863_f5f460c9a2_o.jpgIMG_0685 by Dan Clark, on Flickr

A nicely filled list of options!


I love stuff like this! Really adds a nice touch to cars of this age I think and it's great to see what someone payed for the car and how they specced it from new.

It was quite a costly car by the look of it!

Also interesting to see the build location of St Louis and delivery method of rail from the factory. I'd love to have seen a train load of these!


The original owner was,

Morgan F Blaylock






I've found the town on google earth but no idea about the house. It looks a nice little place though, not far from the Tennessee border.

  • Like 5

Would Rt be like R.D in Aus, it's a rural drop off point as the owner lives too far out for the normal post to go to the door

  • Like 1

Would Rt be like R.D in Aus, it's a rural drop off point as the owner lives too far out for the normal post to go to the door

Most likely. Shame I can't find the exact house though.


I've found a couple of people with that name in that town/area. One is 83 and the other is 99, so it could be one of them?


Last pic... Bottom left - is that the VIN?


Can you do a build spec check on the VIN?


Of course (obvz) it is there in front of you....




  • Like 1

36890062232_7ca68296cb_o.jpgIMG_0683 by Dan Clark, on Flickr


June 1970: Someone drank tea without spilling

June 1971: Someone played a record without skipping

July 1971: Someone split a diamond

January 1972: Someone used an ink pen



That escalated quickly.


Would Rt be like R.D in Aus, it's a rural drop off point as the owner lives too far out for the normal post to go to the door

Rt will be Route, as in Route 66.  I know someone who live on a road so designated in Illinois; or at least, his mailbox is on that route, even if his house is down a neighbouring track.  Yes, the very same mailboxes on stalks, that Bandit cheerfully drives over in the first film.


  • Like 1

That escalated quickly.

No, I wouldn't say so.

It's my favourite spot for a little high explosive tinkering while on the move! If I had a penny...


They are brilliantly cheesy aren't they these old American adverts.



Took this out today since it was sunny and dry. She was on fumes so I put some gas in, £60 of regular 95 unleaded (£1.21 per L) reached just under 3/4 of a tank!

I was going to use super unleaded but they'd run out, nothing but the best for my chod!

Anyway it drove most handsomely and was great fun blasting around the back roads of Petersfield and the A272.

I found a nice quaint little village too with a nice old stone wall alongside the road. The sound of the V8 rumble bouncing off it into the open window is nothing short of orgasmic!!

Everything seems ok too so it's in for MOT Wednesday next week. I'm not expecting trouble tbh, should be an easy pass I think (touch wood!).

  • Like 4

Just been doing a little interweb digging.


The supplying dealers details return this,


36894716822_0a5e3e8d50_o.jpgIMG_0686 by Dan Clark, on Flickr


Checks out on maps etc too.

Walker county which ties in with the cars original Georgia license plate.


Prestwood Ford Sales inc.

South Main St





That pic is a bit older than my car though.

  • Like 4

Dan: don't forget to pick up CCB.  There's a pic of you in it ;)




Ahhh....  :-P





* thought that was 4-valve (like Euro Boxes..oops!)



Checks out then!

4v is the optional big carburettor, 2v being standard. There's a sticker on the air filter housing saying as much.

It's well worth having though, means you can drink twice as much fuel...



Dan: don't forget to pick up CCB.  There's a pic of you in it ;)

Is it out yet?


Morgan F Blaylock Sr., 19 Chandler Ct, Chickamauga GA.



House looks about right for the era and is the same color as the car.





(White pages for the Chickamauga Phone Co.)

  • Like 2

Isn't it strange how British names turn up Stateside. Only Prestwood I know is a tiny village near Great Missenden in Buckinghamshire.


I used to live in Southport, Lancashire. I've visited Southport NY and Southport NC, and have police-department souvenirs from both.  A heck of a lot of familiar place names turn up all over the US, and Australia.  And Canada, come to think of it.  My 1991 Chevy Lumina was from Kincardine.  That's Ontario, not Fife, but when I had it, my stepdaughter was living in Kincardine.... Fife. :)


Daddy Rocker lives in Pickering, Ontario (previously they were in Scarborough, Ontario) whereas Sis Rockers 1&2 live and work in Whitby, Ontario.   Paternal Grand-dad Rocker was a Leeds man so it keeps my father a nice connection to his home-land.   Which is I suppose how those kind of names came about, originally.

  • Like 2

Morgan F Blaylock Sr., 19 Chandler Ct, Chickamauga GA.

House looks about right for the era and is the same color as the car.


(White pages for the Chickamauga Phone Co.)

I'd love to get hold of him, assuming it is him.

It'd be nice to say that his old car is still alive and well and how much it's had done recently to keep it going. And also let him know he's got superb taste in cars!

  • Like 2

I'd love to get hold of him, assuming it is him.

It'd be nice to say that his old car is still alive and well and how much it's had done recently to keep it going. And also let him know he's got superb taste in cars!


Morgan F Blaylock, Chickamauga GA .............also known as Freddie Blaylock..............Deceased.


Morgan F Blaylock, Chickamauga GA .............also known as Freddie Blaylock..............Deceased.

If that's him then, shit! RIP.


I wonder if he's got children that might remember the car? Any of you 'across the pond' shiters fancy just nipping over?!



I can't find the dealership anymore either. I've looked on google earth and street view and it appears it's long gone. Certainly not a Ford dealer anyway.

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