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Identify Me - NEW on p8

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Doing some reference admin and I've got a folder full of stuff I can't identify so I'm turning to the Nerdorium for help.  I've numbered them so you don't have to quote the images, just write the number and what you reckon it is.  Some of these are going to be lots easier than others.
Ideally, I'd like to know the make and model.  Year isn't so important, but bonus internet points to anyone that can do that too.
1 - Ferves Ranger (cheers RoadworkUK)
2 - Porsche Type 64 (cheers garethj)
3 - 1939 Chrysler according to DVLA database.  That doesn't seem to match this front end, so I'm still in the dark on this one.
- 1938 Plymouth P6 (cheers @mrjaydeeem over on Twitter)
4 - 1937 AC Greyhound (top marks to Junkman)
5 - Toyopet Masterline (cheers Mercrocker for the jumping-off point)
6 - 1938 Oldsmobile C-131 (cheers MorrisItalSLX and Junkman) Possibly special-order local cab.
7 - 1953/4 Chevrolet 210 (cheers @mrjaydeeem over on Twitter and Junkman here for further refinement of details)
8 - 1930s Ford V8 (cheers Jon)
9 - Dodge/Chrysler Neon with Mk4 Golf front (cheers everyone, I'm going to go with the common consensus on this one rather than hoping for a Verona/Apollo sort of a deal)
10 - 1929 Dodge Roadster (cheers Junkman) and the Hot Rod article here: http://www.hotrod.com/articles/25-dodge-roadster/

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11 - RAF 977 (cheers Steve79)
12 - probably a Jag or a Bentley.  I feel a bit stupid for not knowing this one.
- Jaguar Mk7 or 8 (cheers brownnova)or a 9 (cheers Dollywobbler).
13 - this one bugs me because I can visualise the car the interior is from, just not the name.
Docker Daimler. Hideously wonderful. (cheers to @mrjaydeeem over on Twitter)
1955 Daimler DK400 "Golden Zebra", to be exact.
14 - Trojan (cheers Eddie Honda).  Photo by Martin Parr, 1978.
15 - Ford Model T, probably (cheers Eddyramrod)
16 - Honda T880 concept (cheers Castros_bro)
17 - Sandman?  Holden?  Something like that I reckon.
- Chrysler Valiant van (cheers Dodgerover)
18 - Mazda 1200 (cheers chaseracer)
19 - Ford?
- 1932 Ford Coupe (cheers @mrjaydeeem from Twitter)
20 - I know it says Freightliner on it, but I don't know if that's the make or model or trim designation or what.
- 70s Freightliner (cheers Clanger and Eddyramrod, any further info on the model welcome on this one)
- Freightliner FL86 (cheers 320touring and AlabamaShrimp) of late seventies vintage.


2nd to last (of the first post) hideous looking thing seems to be a Chrysler Neon with a Golf front end.


21 - Chevy Caprice?  Ford LTD?  Again, can't seem to decide with myself on this one.  One of the Massive Massif will know, no doubt.  These pictures might even be from here, vague recollection of a Junkman connection.
- 1979 Chevrolet Caprice seems likely (cheers Parky)
22 - MAZ-200 (cheers castros_bro)
23 - Ford Econoline (cheers Parky)
24 - Reckon I got this one from on here and then failed to save any info.  I think it was based on something like an Allard and shipped out/used in Spain, but I don't know for certain.  It's a fire tender, of all things.
- 1941 Horch 853 Sport Cabriolet converted around 1945 into a fire truck. (cheers Steve79) Info here: https://bangshift.com/general-news/car-features/the-wtf-files-the-horch-853-sport-cabriolet-fire-truck-conversion/
25 - Reynolds Boughton (cheers sierraman)
26 - SHERP ATV (cheers squirrel2 and castros_bro)
27 - it's just saved as 'toaster car', which is apt but I'm thinking incorrect.
- 1946 Hewson Rocket (cheers Eddie Honda), with info here: https://www.lanemotormuseum.org/collection/cars/item/hewson-rocket-1946
28 - 1947 De Soto Suburban (cheers mercrocker)
29 - Crucifier, built by Joe Cruces from steel, not fibreglass (cheers Junkman).  Genuinely surprised this one got ID'd.
30 - 71/72 Dodge Demon with a 340 six pack (cheers Clanger)


31 - IFA Framo V901 with Deutz stationary engine (cheers Junkman, top of the class for figuring that one out!)



32 - 1958 Buick (cheers chaseracer)



33 - 1962 Chevrolet C10 (cheers Eddyramrod for the jumping off point)



34 - 1950 Chevrolet Bel Air (cheers brownnova)



35 - 1930/1/2 Ford 5-window Coupe (cheers Eddyramrod and Junkman) I can't tell the difference between a 1930, '31 or '32, much less one modified this much.



36 - 1961 Ford Galaxie (cheers Parky)






If I find new things I don't know I'll be sure to chuck them in here.  I'm sure I'll feel pretty stupid with a few of these when they're identified.


2nd to last (of the first post) hideous looking thing seems to be a Chrysler Neon with a Golf front end.


#9 - that was my first thought *but* knowing of the VW Apollo and Ford Verona there's a nagging feeling it's one of those sorts of things rather than a well executed panel swap.


Tough one this!


23 is a Ford Econoline with some sort of monster truck underpinnings.


21 has a UK plate so might be straightforward to identify from the MOT checker site - comes up as a Chevrolet


36 - Ford (LCV 102E) is (I think) a Galaxie although I dare say Herr Junkman or Eddy Ramrod need to scroll through as I suspect they will be able to pick a few of these off for you


18 looks Japanese to me. Probably some sort of early Carina or Bluebird. Whatever it is, I like it!


I keep forgetting about the MoT checker to ID stuff.  A '79 Chevy Caprice is actually looking pretty likely after a Google.  And OF COURSE 23 is an Econoline.  There's the first "I feel stupid now" off the list.


Tough one this!


23 is a Ford Econoline with some sort of monster truck underpinnings.


21 has a UK plate so might be straightforward to identify from the MOT checker site - comes up as a Chevrolet


36 - Ford (LCV 102E) is (I think) a Galaxie although I dare say Herr Junkman or Eddy Ramrod need to scroll through as I suspect they will be able to pick a few of these off for you

No 21 says CHEVROLET on the grille too...


Your eyes/monitor/phone must be better than mine.


36 - Ford (LCV 102E) is (I think) a Galaxie although I dare say Herr Junkman or Eddy Ramrod need to scroll through as I suspect they will be able to pick a few of these off for you


1961 Galaxie seems to line up pretty well.  I'd not even considered a Galaxie so I think that one's probably ID'd as well.


18: Mazda 1000 (Publica??)

30: Plymouth Duster, maybe


No 4 looks like a modified Traction Avant to me.... says ACS 2.5 on the CAR app so some kind of lash up on a Q plate.


Number 12 is a Jaguar MKVII i believe.


But other than that.....


But I do particularly love no 24!


Oh, and is 32 not a Chevrolet Bel Air? I think....


33 is a mid 60s Ford F100 I think...


20 - Freightliner is the make, as for the model, I dunno


30 - 71/72 Dodge Demon with a 340 six pack


chaseracer, on 05 Sept 2017 - 06:43 AM, said:

18: Mazda 1000 (Publica??)

30: Plymouth Duster, maybe

18 looks to be a Mazda 1200 after a bit of a Google on it. The 1000 is slightly different, but the 1200 reliably comes up with the same body shape as that one.


30 Duster is a similar shape but very different lights. That's not to say it isn't a Duster, I just want to be more certain of a match before claiming that as a win.


No 4 looks like a modified Traction Avant to me.... says ACS 2.5 on the CAR app so some kind of lash up on a Q plate.


Number 12 is a Jaguar MKVII i believe.


But other than that.....

Going to disagree on #4 being Traction Avant related, quite a lot.


12, however, does sound right. Though I notice on image hunting that the Mk8 seems to get the leaper where the Mk7 doesn't, so perhaps it's an 8?


32 does appear to be a Chevrolet Bel Air, from 1950.


25 is a Reynolds Boughton

Can't argue with that.


33 is a mid 60s Ford F100 I think...

20 - Freightliner is the make, as for the model, I dunno

30 - 74 Plymouth Duster

20 - that's one piece of the puzzle


33 does look similar but I can't seem to match it to any F100.


30 - I'm still not sold on it being a Duster.


That I'll go for!  Bonus of unearthing a car I've never heard of too.  Stuck that into Google and PING straight away there's a visual match.  Excellent.


25 is a Reynolds Boughton


With a Ford A-series (big Transit) shell.


17 is a CL or CM Valiant (Chrysler Australia) Panel van it might be an original drifter but probably not as they are ultra rare, built as a shaggin wagon to rival Holdens Sandman panel van


This is all very excellent work guys, I'm seriously impressed here.  RoadworkUK:  Finally, I know what it is now!  That's been sat in the folder forever with me wondering if it was Fiat related because of the rear lights and not being able to find anything else out about it.  Thank you for the bonus link.


Tayne:  really?  Because... well... it only looks a little bit Porsche and not much like a 356 at all.  Is it some sort of special?


I think #2 is a Porsche Type 64, sometimes called Volkswagen Type 60


#11 is a bit of a guess but maybe a DKW?


No. 6 is an Aussie one, Victorian number plate and being Peters Ice Cream


Edit: its an Oldsmobile of some variety - Late 1930s


GarethJ is right, it is a Porsche type 64.


I thought it was a 356 that had been chopped by the Emery family in California.

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