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Highway Code changes 29/01/22 - what do you think about it?

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16 hours ago, FakeConcern said:


Anyway ........ Ashley Neal who I find very irritating (I want to punch him even when I agree with him!). 

What do you think?

I agree.

I find him really annoying and want to drop him feet first into an industrial shredder.

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I am aware of the changes....

#pedestrians = I have always tried to 'read the scene' and let them tottle over/now will wait (and get tooted!)

#bikes = never sent one into the hedge! However, now treat as 'an horse' - pace your pass/plenty room/wait till safe to drive on wrong side of road.... Traffic islands are a 'no pass' 😉

I have had too little interaction with 'the peleton' to know for definite.... but I believe the 'two abreast/claim your space' mentality seems to have eased, and consideration on both sides is appreciated [... for myself] 🚙💨

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16 hours ago, Metal Guru said:


Almost like people can’t deal with two things at once. Clearing the cyclist occupies all their brain power to the extend they can’t think “what if something is coming the other way”. (Don’t give me any shite about women and multi-tasking).


This is exactly it. So many drivers swerve out as they come past me on bike (often after they've actually completed their overtake a bit close) and drive at oncoming traffic, even though the object that they were overtaking is now quite a few metres behind them. They think they're leaving 1.5 metres' gap, maybe, but by that time it's far too late and they're just driving at another car.

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On 2/10/2022 at 3:51 PM, jakebullet said:

Count how many manage to use the provided crossing? N why are they avoiding the barrier protected bit in the middle? 


The rules of the Common Man appear to trump the Rules of the Road.

At which point do you have to remind people they only have rights when they obey the rules? Not just that they have all the rights no matter what they do?

Do what that lot did over here, if observed by a cop, every single one would be slapped a fine and a court date. The pavement is for the walking and not the driving; the road is for the driving and not the walking. End of story. No ifs, ands or buts. Don't like it? Don't do it. Yes, you have freedom but not to the point that you endanger yourself or others by being an arse.

I have to agree with a previous post about the British attitude of "get out of my way, I'm doing something here and it's all about me" that appears to have flourished again recently. Is it to do with religion? That's the values upheld by the church (I'm doing a thing and y'all should also all be doing it my way, if you're not then expect to reap the wrath of my righteousness")? Nobody trusts anybody to pay attention to the rules, therefore everybody else is wrong? 


Baffles me, honestly.

As much as there is derision directed towards an antipodean way of life, sometimes a little introspection doesn't hurt.

33 minutes ago, jon.k said:


This is exactly it. So many drivers swerve out as they come past me on bike (often after they've actually completed their overtake a bit close) and drive at oncoming traffic, even though the object that they were overtaking is now quite a few metres behind them. They think they're leaving 1.5 metres' gap, maybe, but by that time it's far too late and they're just driving at another car.

The current thing on my commute by bicycle is to overtake giving loads of room but heading straight on into oncoming traffic that has to do an emergency stop.

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I saw one plant pot of a guy pick up his small  son and run towards the road , where his large van then hid him from view .....suspicions aroused ..

 I slowed right down and virtually stopped when he ran from behind the van towards its sliding door which was facing the middle of the road ..

I am sure I heard the F word when he saw me , he would of said somat far different if one of the crazy locals was steaming past ..


I have to agree with a previous post about the British attitude of "get out of my way, I'm doing something here and it's all about me" that appears to have flourished again recently. Is it to do with religion? That's the values upheld by the church (I'm doing a thing and y'all should also all be doing it my way, if you're not then expect to reap the wrath of my righteousness")? Nobody trusts anybody to pay attention to the rules, therefore everybody else is wrong? 

I agree, Christian devotion used to be the cause of a lot of 'i'm in the right so everyone else can do one', but now I really can't conflate this behaviour with religion - the burgeoning of this 'me first' attitude is most prevalent in millennials and younger, a demographic not buying into organised religion of any flavour, as far as I'm aware. No, this is related most closely to the rampant 'because you're worth it' consumerism and celebrity worship culture that is the new religion in Britain.
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54 minutes ago, chodweaver said:

I agree, Christian devotion used to be the cause of a lot of 'i'm in the right so everyone else can do one', but now I really can't conflate this behaviour with religion - the burgeoning of this 'me first' attitude is most prevalent in millennials and younger, a demographic not buying into organised religion of any flavour, as far as I'm aware. No, this is related most closely to the rampant 'because you're worth it' consumerism and celebrity worship culture that is the new religion in Britain.

That's what makes it that much more of a strange thing- here there's a massive church influence in a lot of places, predominantly affecting the 30+ age group. There's also a "I have my freedom and I'll do what I want" attitude in the sticks. In the city the older generation tends to be the worst for "my way or the highway" type driving, with the millennials coming in a close second mostly due to being on TikTok or Facebook for the whole journey.


20 hours ago, High Jetter said:

I have seen more drivers scared to overtake cyclists. It slows progress...

Timid drivers who too scared to overtake even a bicycle are a pain in the arse. When riding with Mrs Concern I alway pull in behind her when a car comes up behind and it's a pain when they then drive right up close behind us on clear open stretches of road. Nine times out of ten they finally pass just befor a blind bend!

18 hours ago, Metal Guru said:

I’ve seen many examples where someone has given the cyclist 1.5 m, only to pull right over into the right hand lane , causing the oncoming traffic to brake hard to avoid a collision.

Almost like people can’t deal with two things at once. Clearing the cyclist occupies all their brain power to the extend they can’t think “what if something is coming the other way”. (Don’t give me any shite about women and multi-tasking).

Exactly! On one road I cycle on they often do that towards other cyclists/me...

7 hours ago, UltraWomble said:

I agree.

I find him really annoying and want to drop him feet first into an industrial shredder.

Not just me then!

7 hours ago, tooSavvy said:

I am aware of the changes....

#pedestrians = I have always tried to 'read the scene' and let them tottle over/now will wait (and get tooted!)

#bikes = never sent one into the hedge! However, now treat as 'an horse' - pace your pass/plenty room/wait till safe to drive on wrong side of road.... Traffic islands are a 'no pass' 😉

I have had too little interaction with 'the peleton' to know for definite.... but I believe the 'two abreast/claim your space' mentality seems to have eased, and consideration on both sides is appreciated [... for myself] 🚙💨

Good advice.

2 hours ago, jon.k said:


This is exactly it. So many drivers swerve out as they come past me on bike (often after they've actually completed their overtake a bit close) and drive at oncoming traffic, even though the object that they were overtaking is now quite a few metres behind them. They think they're leaving 1.5 metres' gap, maybe, but by that time it's far too late and they're just driving at another car.

Either that or they pull in when the door mirror is level with me...

2 hours ago, richardmorris said:

The current thing on my commute by bicycle is to overtake giving loads of room but heading straight on into oncoming traffic that has to do an emergency stop.

I had one the day before yesterday that shot past me almost up to a T junction, forcing an oncoming car onto the pavement and me to brake hard as he pulled in and braked for the two cars stopped at the junction. Never mind he got past me, shame I went down the inside of him and the other two cars (turning right), turned left and got almost home before he got out onto the main road haha!


The Lord's Prayer, with which I suspect everyone, Christian believer or not, is familiar, says (inter alia) 

"Forgive is our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us"

Perhaps if all drivers, Autoshite readers or not, Christians or not, non-believers in anything or not, took note of this maxim driving standards would improve.....

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Just now, Andrew353w said:

The Lord's Prayer, with which I suspect everyone, Christian believer or not, is familiar, says (inter alia) 

"Forgive is our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us"

Perhaps if all drivers, Autoshite readers or not, Christians or not, non-believers in anything or not, took note of this maxim driving standards would improve.....

I thought it was "do unto others, before they do unto you"

6 minutes ago, FakeConcern said:

I thought it was "do unto others, before they do unto you"

As an ex church warden that’s not quite the right quote.

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5 minutes ago, richardmorris said:

As an ex church warden that’s not quite the right quote.

Or as it used to be in rugby, “get your retaliation in first”.


Another of Ashley Neal's videos, he has been doing more of this sort of thing since he started regular cycling haha (still think he's a cunt tho')

On a personal note, had a few pretty "good" ones myself lately...

The other day with Mrs Concern on our bikes a Focus driver decides to pass us as we were on a level crossing with double white lines, was obviously surprised  when a car comes towards us. He tucks in close to Mrs Concern making her brake hard and also forcing the oncoming car to go off the edge of the road into the gravel.


On a narrow road at the crest of a hill (so just as I'm starting to speed up as chancges from up to downhill) a large camper van passes me. I say passes, but really it drew level with me at about 1/2 mph faster than me with less than 18 inches between my handlebars and the van so I braked to drop back out of self preservation. I followed it down the hill where it held me up at the bottom waiting to turn right!

Both of the above on a narrowinsh road along the coast, part of National Cycle Route no2 and running parallel to the A259 for anyone in a hurry.


Today Astravan overtakes us while several cars are going in the opposite direction leaving about a foot on each side of the van. (Also leaving a black trail of choking exhaust smoke!).

  • Sad 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Oh dear, me again...

Today when out with Mrs Concern on our bikes we had some idiot in a large SUV pass us very fast and close, looked to me like about a foot away from her as she was in front of me (we singled up as soon as it was coming up behind us). The slipstream made her wobble quite a bit as the following van came past us luckily with plenty of room. Just after this said SUV had to stop for the level crossing, so I made a dash in front of Mrs Concern to get to SUV man before she pulled his door open and punched him!

I pulled up next to him and his window was open a bit so I started a conversation (As close as I can remember it)

Me: Excuse me please could you give cyclists more room when you pass them? (I didn’t even use a sarcastic voice)

Mr SUV: No, why should I?

Me: Well because the Highway Code says you should allow at least a metre and a half and because it’s dangerous to pass so close.

Mr SUV: What’s it got to do with you anyway?

Me: You were too close and it was dangerous for me and my wife.

Mr SUV: I’ve driven along this road hundreds of times and never had an accident.

Me: Well that’s lucky because you should allow more room for cyclists.

At some point he opened the door slightly, not sure if he was thinking of whacking me with it or because he couldn’t hear me well. He also said something I didn’t catch as the barriers were starting to open and I had to get out of the way.

Anyway, what chance do we stand, if he was any thicker, he’d set.

I hope he will take more care next time as someone else might punch him out and ask questions later.

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6 hours ago, FakeConcern said:

Oh dear, me again...

Today when out with Mrs Concern on our bikes we had some idiot in a large SUV pass us very fast and close, looked to me like about a foot away from her as she was in front of me (we singled up as soon as it was coming up behind us). The slipstream made her wobble quite a bit as the following van came past us luckily with plenty of room. Just after this said SUV had to stop for the level crossing, so I made a dash in front of Mrs Concern to get to SUV man before she pulled his door open and punched him!


I pulled up next to him and his window was open a bit so I started a conversation (As close as I can remember it)


Me: Excuse me please could you give cyclists more room when you pass them? (I didn’t even use a sarcastic voice)


Mr SUV: No, why should I?


Me: Well because the Highway Code says you should allow at least a metre and a half and because it’s dangerous to pass so close.


Mr SUV: What’s it got to do with you anyway?


Me: You were too close and it was dangerous for me and my wife.


Mr SUV: I’ve driven along this road hundreds of times and never had an accident.


Me: Well that’s lucky because you should allow more room for cyclists.


At some point he opened the door slightly, not sure if he was thinking of whacking me with it or because he couldn’t hear me well. He also said something I didn’t catch as the barriers were starting to open and I had to get out of the way.


Anyway, what chance do we stand, if he was any thicker, he’d set.


I hope he will take more care next time as someone else might punch him out and ask questions later.

I always give cyclists 1.5m. Shame it’s not reciprocated when they scrape my paintwork squeezing up the inside at a junction just so I can safely overtake them again 50 yards up the road.

  • 1 year later...

Blimey, two years and no change in attitude by most road users.

The Govt. promised to publicise these changes and they haven't done this. It has only been organisations such as the AA and GEM who have been trying at all and of course the dreaded Ashley Neal...


  • Agree 1

I’m not surprised, there has been no information from official gov on this and virtually no drivers realise that when they signed for their licence they were agreeing to keep up to date with the revisions of the Highway Code.

  • Agree 2

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