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BFG resistance is futile - Cookie's adventures in shiteing


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Was on holiday last week. Went away. Left Disastra in the street.

My neighbours can't park very well. Either she has been scuffed by a multi colour car or three separate ones.

Some of my neighbours are cock wombles.


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  • Cookiesouwest changed the title to Cock Wombles - Cookie's adventures in shiteing
35 minutes ago, andyberg said:

Your neighbours don't like your shite 😂 same scrape as the vectra 🙄

Are you bored, sat in the back of the ambulance, waiting your turn?

Yes, exactly the same place :(


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36 minutes ago, Split_Pin said:

Is there paint on their bumper? 

If so I'd meet them fucking head on.

I will be checking tonight. 

Sadly its becoming a common occurrence. My fault for not buying a house with a drive

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2 hours ago, Cookiesouwest said:

Are you bored, sat in the back of the ambulance, waiting your turn?

Yes, exactly the same place :(


Yup sat in the back, done my driving and now I'm home, easy day. 

It pisses me off when neighbours scrape cars then say nothing. The micra got done by the giffer 2 doors down. Then when they see you it's as if nothing has happened 😠 I need a red hot poker or a packet of nails accidentally * dropped by their wheels. 

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  • Cookiesouwest changed the title to Hanger not hanging - Cookie's adventures in shiteing

Suzi has been to the garage today, due to a persistent clanking sound from the rear.

Diagnosed as a bodged previous repair, where a exhaust hanger had been stuck on with sealant and was moving around and hitting the exhaust.

Sealant removed. Hanger welded. 30 quid job.

Picture for no other reason, than she is my favourite.

Next up, try to get to the bottom of her hiccups on low throttle. May chuck a new coil pack and plugs on and see if it cures the issue.


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Audrey is parked a couple of streets away.

Walked up to give her a run, as she hasn't been driven since Saturday.

Unlock- Check

Ignition Lights - Check

Glow plugs - Check

Then nowt. Not even a click. But radio and lights worked OK.

Back home to collect jump pack.



Connected and nope. Nothing. For 4 attempts. No clicks. Nowt.

Then 5th attempt. We have lift off !

Better give her a good thrash now.

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  • Cookiesouwest changed the title to Audrey and Suaoki to the rescue - Cookie's adventures in shiteing


Mrs CSW just bought a car on ebay. 

I'm in shock.

We are on a weekend break in Blue Anchor, North Somerset.

Car located in next village!

Possible collection thread tomorrow, along with me explaining the circumstances for this unlikely and unexpected purchase.

I have already explained to Mrs CSW, she needs to give a poo count, take pictures of any food she eats and pose for a picture with one foot on front bumper.

Her exact response was 'I'm not doing any of that weird stuff you get up too on that shitbangers website'




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  • Cookiesouwest changed the title to Car purchase while holidaying - Cookie's adventures in shiteing

So, hopefully collection day today.

Background - I've been looking for a modern, to replace the Astra and Wagon R, so all resources can be concentrated on the needy R75.

Thanks to Zopa the potential budget was going to be about 8k.

Difficult for me to get my head round, as I've not spent more than 900 quid on a car, in at least the last 10 yrs.

I'd been looking at mk3 / mk4 CRVs and mk8 civics due to their boring reliability.

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So last night as we were driving down here, I asked her to check ebay for a car I had my eye on. 

Mrs CSW reported it had gone over a grand with 4hrs left.

I said fine, I wasn't going to bid, as frankly still struggling with the over a grand issue.

Anyway, we got to Blue Anchor, she had a couple of wines and unbeknown to me, she bid on it.

Imagine my surprise, when at 9.30pm ish, she informed me she had won the auction.

Imagine my sheer effing panic, that she may have massively overpaid for a car. She knows as much about car values, as I do about particle physics.

Thankfully she didn't.

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Ah we welcome a new member to the fold. You have taught her well... 😂

Or she is trying to say 'at least with this new car we can travel together' 😂

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  • Cookiesouwest changed the title to Collection Day - Car purchase while holidaying - Cookie's adventures in shiteing

The price paid? £1701. So Mrs CSW has saved me £6299 :)

In the finest traditions of AS, this is what Mrs CSW had for breakfast.


I'm not sure she is taking this seriously :)

I had this, cause I am a grown up


The dogs had lamb with Harrington


They liked it


Then we took them for a walk





More to follow


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Contact with seller made. Who it turns out is not the owner.

Mrs CSW worrying she's bought a dodgy motor.

Told her not to worry.

Insurance policy sorted.

Can pick up after 4pm. So you will have to put up with sporadic (crap phone signal here) updates of everything we eat for the rest of the day.

Poo count

Me - 0

Mrs CSW - absolutely refuses to confirm cause she is a Lady. I reckon 1 :)

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While we wait for the clock to tick down to collection, we have come to our favourite pub.


With a lovely view





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So lunch is served

Fish finger sandwich for me


Goan fish curry for Mrs CSW.

So hot, poo count is likely to increase :)




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45 minutes ago, Cookiesouwest said:

....Going fish curry for Mrs CSW.

So hot, poo count is likely to increase :)

I'd say the count will be difficult, as it won't technically be solids.

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