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Minor fleet updates from the last week or two. Mainly been focusing on selling more bikeshite, but will update that thread when the buyers courier eventually collects. F'kin shipley....

Astra towbar wiring was finished off when the indicator buzzer arrived. All in the whole thing only cost £30 so well happy with that.


One final advisory from last year was rusty rear springs. I'd normally not bother but for £16 delivered I deemed it worth while for the positive "just give me an advisory and I'll take care of It" vibes it gives off to the tester next time around ?.


The old ones had sagged a fair bit right enough.


Test drive with ABS light now on had me cursing myself for doing unneccessary work but investigation only revealed a plug had been knocked out and not the mangled wiring my sense of doom was expecting.


In toolbox news I've had to eventually concede that after 27 years faithful service my 10mm combination spanner is fucked and needs replacing, open end splayed wide apart and beyond use. New one is now on order. Goodnite brave solja, I shall remember you fondly........


The Saab appears to be sensing it's future and knows I have been gazing lustfully at other motors. Pulled out of some services today and there was a pop followed by a BIG whooshing noise that sounded like an hgv realeasing its brakes right at my drivers window. Car still drove ok but there was a funny smell (not me). Turned around and headed back into the services and when slowing down smoke started to come from under the bonnet just to add a litle sense of drama to the occasion!

Took me an age to figure out what had happened but I eventually sussed that the AC condenser had burst and the violent depressurisation of the system had puked compressor oil all over the gearbox, turbo and downpipe causing the unusual smells and smoke signals. 

Electric windows can still be deployed for cabin cooling so I'm content to leave it as is. 

Some fleet movements are planned in the coming weeks/months but I'll leave you all in suspense for now so as not to spoil a future kerlection fred.

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1 minute ago, Jim Bell said:

Don't leave us in suspense man. Give us a clue.  

Patience young grasshopper, all will be revealed in the fullness of time. All I shall say is that you will approve ?

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Bit of autoshite construction this week. Built a four foot high three foot deep "shelf" across the back of the lockup. It's part of the current "fleet transition" plan. I'd like to have a car in there instead of  paying to store bikes I don't use and shite I don't need. The idea of the monster shelf come mezzanine come hay loft is that I'll still have storage if a car is parked with it's bumper right up against the back wall. It's plenty high enough to clear any car boot/bonnet and being made of 4" fence posts is strong enough to support spare wheels, engine parts or anything else you can imagine. Currently home to a wheelbarrow just to give perspective to the pic.


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4 minutes ago, davehedgehog31 said:

Where are we up to with this new car?

Once the bike I just sold on ebay gets collected by a courier the two bikes currently in the lockup will need moving back to the house as I'll then have room at the inn to squeeze them in. One is my mates bike and will be trailered and the other is mine and needs it's 1980's fuel injection to be re-awoken after an 18 month slumber in order to move under its own steam as it's too big for my trailer. That will leave the lockup empty and then after a short pause for breath a collection mission will commence ?

F**k all will be happening until it stops raining though. It's like the end of the world here today the amount of the stuff that's fallen out the sky. If it doesn't stop soon then I'm buying more wood and building an arc!

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And then there was one.......

Just the GPz remains in the lockup now with all the boxes of priceless* spares now up on the "shelf". 


My mates bike has been trailered up to be stored in one of my sheds at the house. Totally failed to get a pic of that as my street was full of workmen filling holes with tarmac when I got back so unloading was a bit hectic to get everything put away quickly.

By the time I went back down to tidy up and sweep out it was naturally pissing down with rain again so any thoughts of moving the GPz today were shelved.

Progress is progress though, slowly but surely getting there now.

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39 minutes ago, Tickman said:

Look at all that space...

It needs filling doesn't it..........................

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1980's fuel injection pulled through and with the application of a fresh battery the last bike was whisked away and the emptying of the cooncil car hoose is now complete. Collection capers at some point in the next week........


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Many months ago I prodded a scab under the drivers door handle on the astra with a burr in the dremmel. Just expected to dig out a rusty scab and paint over it with a touch up brush. Oh....


From the filler around it looks to have been an old repair following attempted break-in that had rotted out under the filler. Naturally I did what anyone would do and slapped some rust converter on and then left it for months. Decided to do something about it today as the MOT is booked for 2 weeks away. 

First up, throw in some mesh to bridge the gap.


Then fill and sand that as well as sanding the rear arch and the big scab at the bottom of the drivers door.


The arch was welded last year for the MOT but hastily sprayed in black because that was all that was "in stock" at the time. Did the job at the time  but the rust was coming back through the cheap paint. Once sanded back the arch got a coat of filler to take care of a few pin holes then final sand and a bare minimum of masking off......


2xprimer, 2xpaint and 2xclear later and it's reasonably presentable.....


Just got the opposite side rear arch to do tomorrow and it'll be looking like new* again. 


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Wait no more @Jim Bell collection day has arrived! 

First mode of transport today was feet on the 3 mile saunter down hill into town to catch the first train of the day.


Now on said train into "the toon" to catch the main train for the onward journey.

Clue.... A strong migratory pull is being experienced at this time of year.



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20 minutes ago, blackboilersuit said:

Wait no more @Jim Bell collection day has arrived! 

First mode of transport today was feet on the 3 mile saunter down hill into town to catch the first train of the day.


Now on said train into "the toon" to catch the main train for the onward journey.

Clue.... A strong migratory pull is being experienced at this time of year.



Huzzah! Good luck and enjoy your trip back:)

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37 minutes ago, davehedgehog31 said:

Chodspeed Sir.

Ovlov is my guess.


The obvious choice but in this case, unfortunately incorrect.

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Another small clue for anyone with an indepth knowledge of the UK rail network.

Fans of The Young Ones can content themselves with shouting "TO THE STATION......" and playing some Motorhead......


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Cannae be visiting me at Lingie, as ahm no selling nowt..

Is it this?

I reckon you need something reliable, what with that eld rustbucket Astra..?


Price: £ 799

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22 minutes ago, blackboilersuit said:

Another small clue for anyone with an indepth knowledge of the UK rail network.

Fans of The Young Ones can content themselves with shouting "TO THE STATION......" and playing some Motorhead......


So you're heading north, probably in the direction of Dundee, Aberdeen or Inverness?

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13 minutes ago, 320touring said:

Cannae be visiting me at Lingie, as ahm no selling nowt..

Is it this?

I reckon you need something reliable, what with that eld rustbucket Astra..?


Price: £ 799

Nice try but altogether too continental for todays collection.........

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1 minute ago, davehedgehog31 said:

So you're heading north, probably in the direction of Dundee, Aberdeen or Inverness?

Might be ?

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4 minutes ago, Tickman said:

Unlikely due to you not having a car and trailer and it also not being powered by anything but...



Getting warmer in many respects but the object of my desires is fully functioning and far more bargenous than that!

Nae ford tax!

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