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Volvo S60 T5.....Has FTP'D!!!!.....Aaaahhh bollocks.


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Well folks, today my Volvo was booked in for its MOT...& it failed on a bottom ball joint & a track rod end. Fair enough, not all that bad, & I kind of expected it to fail on something.

However, The clutch pedal then decided to stay on the floor, so...it looks like it's the clutch slave cylinder that has failed. This is the pain in the arse part though, because the clutch slave cylinder is inside the gearbox on these S60's...& it's gearbox out job to replace, & whilst that is out...It's best to replace the whole clutch plate assembly also.


So....I am currently trying to get a cost of the above mentioned job from some mechanic friends. One has quoted already £955!...

I apprieciate that it's not a simple job, but nearly £1k????...the car probably is not worth that.


So, I am yet to decide, my heart says fix it, my head says sell it as is.

I do love the car to bits, but, I am not exactly rolling in money & as such, I can't just pull £955 out of my arsehole when I want.


I don't know why I'm posting this here, I think it's more the FTP part. It was going good yesterday aswell.


Also, I meant to say, every 4 months or so, it would ping up a low brake fluid message & I had an idea then it was the clutch slave cylinder..But just topped it up with fluid & that was it for another 4 or 5 months. Until today....at MOT time.



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Sorry to hear this man, although you're in Scotland, don't the SVM have rehearsed drills for a volvo down?


This was the main reason I scrapped my last Laguna and got the 406, every so often it would keep the clutch pedal to the floor, moving the bite point with it and every time it would always flick back up with my foot just fine.... But I knew that one day it wouldn't, and I'd be writing exactly what your writing about now.


Hopefully someone will tell you it's an easy job, the garages are taking the piss and to do x and y and smack the crap out of z with a BFO hammer or similar... I can't really be any help as I buy chod cheap enough to throw it away at the hint of any clutch fuckwittery. (says the man working a plan to fix a £75 406 to gain an MOT pass as I quite like it...)


Trouble is, it'll have a DMF I imagine, and the garage are right, you can't whip it all out and not replace that ,especially if it's quite old. Well you could, but they wont...

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My ST220 failed in exactly the same way years ago, CSC failure as you say.  Cost me £1100 for a new clutch, flywheel and CSC.  That was at Ford but indy's were quoting around the same with non-genuine flywheels.  I don't know about Volvo's but changing it on a Mk3 Mondeo is a complete colin hunt of a job and its worth every penny of the labour charge to have someone do it for you.


Tricky one really, car is probably near worthless as it is, or spend a grand and know you have a good clutch for the next 100k+ - i'd probably spend the grand.

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A friend of mine bought an S60 similar to your and the slave cylinder went on his, he replaced it on the driveway but then he likes awful masochistic jobs like that. A thousand quid is a lot of money, if it was £500 I’d say bollocks pay it but a grand gets you a decent car. As per I’ll get flamed for this but I’d give it a one way ticket.

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Arse! If it's any consolation, I run the M11 and M25 for a good few miles a month and have noted of recent times a fair amount of Swedish material laid up on the hard shoulder.

That's a lot of money to fork out unless you're going to endure the pain yourself. I'd be inclined to buy an identical one and part the dead one out. At least then it lives on in spirit.

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I'd be wondering how hard it is just to change the slave yourself. If the flywheel isn't rattling etc then it should be a fun* day's work to resolve.

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Cheers for the replies people. It's hard because it's quite a rare old thing, being a 6 speed manual T5 & never been a police car either, as the majority of manual T5's have been.

But as said, it comes down to cost of the job & value of the car.

Unfortunately, I am led to believe that it's a gearbox out job, which in turn is a drop the front subframe etc to get the box out. If it was something like a fiesta, I would do it myself, but, I don't fancy undertaking a big job like this lying on the ground with the car on axle stands & jacks, plus it's a heavy big car also, so a lift up ramp is probably best.


It would be a shame to bridge it because of this, as the engine is mighty fine & in fine health, as is the car itself, the gearbox is good also. But, head & heart say 2 different things.


I need to go & speak with Mrs OC & see what happens. Volvos.....great cars, but great bills also.....bollocks. lol.


I will update eithier later on, or tomorrow with the outcome.

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Get another quote chap.


My local garage quoted about the same for a clutch and csc change on my first 75. A specialist quoted less than half with Borg and Beck parts.


Have you tried Voltech?

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Oh & in answer to beko1987, good idea, but unfortunately I don't see any scrapper S60's nearby.


Hooli, the flywheel etc is sweet, absolutely no rattle & never has, but, a quick internet look suggests that it is quite a big job to do the clutch slave cylinder on the S60 & V70's of this era.

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Hooli, the flywheel etc is sweet, absolutely no rattle & never has, but, a quick internet look suggests that it is quite a big job to do the clutch slave cylinder on the S60 & V70's of this era.


Aye it sounds it. I'm wondering if there is room to wriggle the box out a bit & just do the slave, missing out the effort of dropping the subframe etc. I just don't like changing parts 'just in case' it seems a shame when they are working fine.

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That'll be your best bet, just trying to do the slave and fuck the rest of it, as long as you don't do a whoopsie halfway through and really knacker it!


Do renault 5 slave cylinders work the same way as renault 5 thermostats?

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Aye it sounds it. I'm wondering if there is room to wriggle the box out a bit & just do the slave, missing out the effort of dropping the subframe etc. I just don't like changing parts 'just in case' it seems a shame when they are working fine.

There isn't.

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Won’t the popped slave cylinder have leaked all over the friction plate though?


If you like the car and would keep it, it seems a lot of car to throw away for the sake of a grand.

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scdan4, you are correct, I believe that the clutch plate itself would be contaminated from the slave cylinder leaking.

Hence it's best to replace the whole clutch assembly at the same time.


It's not that I don't want to keep the car, it's just the financial cost in one hit is not really do-able.


When I also think about it, of all the cars I have owned in my time, this is the only one that has done something seriously costly. I am awaiting another couple of mechanic friends that I know getting back to me tomorrow, with costs, if I can afford it, I will fix it, but if not....I don't really want to think about bridging it, but......

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Bear in mind a lot of garages will quote you a lot because in all honesty they don’t want the job. Clutches are one of those jobs garages hate doing because frequently you find problems along the way, the bill goes up, the customer can’t/won’t pay it and your stuck with a gearboxless Volvo on your ramp preventing you from earning any money.

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I get what you are saying sierraman, plus,I wouldn't trust it with just any old garage. It has until now, been relatively faultless.

I am going to sleep on it, get some costs back tomorrow & then decide from there, so will keep you all posted.


Cheers for the offer scdan4, I will pass on it for the moment though. I hope that it won't come to that.

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Six speed manual T5s that are not ex-Police are damn rare and, in good condition, are not going to dip much in value and are only likely to go up.


But similarly, I can appreciate your dilemma, and I pushed on my 2.0T very cheaply due to a slightly rattly flywheel. Of course, it's still working fine (as far as I know) to spite me... :-D

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It wouldn’t help you out because the CSC is integral with the release bearing, so you can’t change it without separating the gearbox to release it off the first motion shaft.

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Indeed, it's quite a rare machine,& as you say, it's never been a police car, & being the 2.4, 260bhp T5. Not many about.


I would say it's in average condition for it's age & miles. Some small signs of wear to be expected for 143,000 odd miles, but no nasty dents & scrapes etc.


The flywheel has never rattled or shown any signs of doing so.


If I do end up getting it sorted, it would be the first ever car that I have owned & needed to do a clutch on....& the most expensive ever repair on any car that I have ever owned.


Don't know if that's good or bad though...lol.


Cheers to everyone who has posted & offered their thoughts also, I didn't expect that, I just needed to let off some steam when I posted the first post.


I will update tomorrow once I have an idea of costs etc.

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Why the fuck do manufacturers do this? A potentially simple and cheap job becaomes a nightmare and on a part that are known to give issues over decades of car design.


It might be worth asking on the Volvo lickers forum, lots of people on there who have work done/ know what’s involved.

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Why the fuck do manufacturers do this? A potentially simple and cheap job becaomes a nightmare and on a part that are known to give issues over decades of car design.


It might be worth asking on the Volvo lickers forum, lots of people on there who have work done/ know what’s involved.

I will maybe do that depending on what comes back to me tomorrow. As for why manufacturers do shit things like that, I guess it's so that when eventually the car gets to the age it is now (15) & is effectively not worth much,therefore not worth fixing to most people, they get an old car off the road & get a new car sold in its place. But I agree, it's a headache for what should be a relatively simple fix...But it ain't.
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Devils advocate here on the other hand but would a thousand quid get you another?

I don't think it would, not a 6 speed manual 2.4 T5, that has not been a police car anyway.


Although, probably as I write this, eBay will currently be awash with them....lol.


Good point though, I didn't think of it like that.

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There are a couple of 2005/2006 V70 T5s with the 2.4T and a manual 'box...they're at £4k and £7.5k respectively. :shock: :shock:


No S60 T5s on Autotrader that aren't new shape 2.0Ts with 240hp.

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