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Vauxpedia - lose yourself for hours ALL VOXLAZ R NOT SHITE

The Reverend Bluejeans

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Utterly marvellous, really made me yearn for my Mk 1 and Mk 2 Cavaliers, and Mk 2 Astra and wonder, yet again, why I never bought a Manta.

I had a manta and I have left instructions to have that on my tombstone
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All this talk of V8's reminds me of a load of paperwork I found and wrote up to my site, which the man at Vauxpedia screen grabbed and pasted up to his site... Not so much of a "well researched site" as a "cut a paste other peoples work", but as a single point of reference its okay... errors a plenty but then life is borring is we all agreed.


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Fascinating site. Been known to leave saliva on Vauxhalls and Bedfords in the past, from shouting and swearing at TKs with removal bodies with a silly door to access the engine to marvelling at my first MK1 Astra clutch change. Owned a couple in banger phase to. 80's and early 90's Vauxhalls were just so easy to work on (I know purists might point at GM europe and tell me they aren't really Vauxhalls).


The Vauxhall at Dunstable part was for me. The old man and my Grandad did stints there. Definitely bookmarked for me, thanks for sharing.

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