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Saabnuts Assorted Shite Blog - A Shite Week Lacking Progress


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After fitting the pump, did you run through the bleeding procedure?

I can't remember the sequence but it involved ignition on and off and pedal presses. No doubt on the internet somewhere.

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After fitting the pump, did you run through the bleeding procedure?

I can't remember the sequence but it involved ignition on and off and pedal presses. No doubt on the internet somewhere.


Most people told me they are self bleeding, and it certainly did when I ran out of diesel when moving it around when I first got it. Will have a look online and see what I can find, ta.

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This sounds like the priming procedure


do a purge. ignition to pos II, pump the throttle 5 times, you'll the the MIL flashing and you hear the fuel pump running, wait for 2 min. it should stop. off the ignition. wait 5 seconde, put to pos II, pump the throttle 5 times till the MIL flashes, wait for another 2 minutes and crank for 20sec or till it starts, which ever is first.

Worth a try.

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An update on the Disco - tried the method of bleeding suggested above - no start. Decided the last simple* fix was the CPS so a new one sourced and fitted. Still no start. In desperation talked to my LR Indie who called by with his genuine software. No faults recorded and no error codes. Bugger. Put the jump leads on, and gave it another try and the ungrateful bastard started first try! Our conclusion is that the fuel pump failed causing the FTP and hen the battery was not spinning it fast enough to allow fuel through, despite sounding normal. The truth is we have no idea what the fault was, but it is starting and running fine so it is back home and taxed, so the Hyundai is back to emergency back up duties.


In other news, the Holden was returned today so a blown bulb and a few minor fettling jobs to do tomorrow before an MOT on Saturday. Fingers crossed.


Finally, I am awaiting a phone call to advise when my new toy is to be delivered. Being delivered so no collecshun fred, but it is local and is a 4x4 weighing approximately 5 tonnes!

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No, but then they did not want ME on it when I took my friends white transit for a look 2 days before it opened! :-) The benefit of a plain van with yellow flashy lights, nobody asked any questions!


It is a rough terrain forklift, needed for loading scrap with the added benefit of being a make shift 2 post ramp!

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Aircraft tug?


Come on, that's just a tractor with fancy clothes on!


Don't forget the 100% price increase as it's airside certified.

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I nearly bought a David Brown aircraft tug at auction many years ago. I decided to be sensible and didn't and have regretted it ever since. Pictures of the shite forklift when it arrives (still not heard from the transporter).


In other news, today has been spent getting the Holden ready for MOT test tomorrow. One indicator (there are 3 on each side) had failed, easy fix, just a bulb. The rear bumper has rusted through in a few places, leaving sharp edges, so some ally sheet cut to size and some seam sealant had the holes covered. Final thing was the rear (aftermarket) fog light was not working. Suspected a bulb but on touching it, the mounting bracket fell off having rusted through. Looked through my shelf of lights and found a NOS fog light of the right sort that has been hiding on my shelf for well over 20 years. Mr angle grinder made short work of removing the remains of the old light and the new one works fine, so fingers crossed for tomorrow.


The Discovery of Disappointment started fine today, I am going over to a friends about 40 miles away for a night out and far too much a little something to drink, so that will be the first real test.

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And the Discovery of Doom did it again! Up to my mates 40 miles away with no problems. Started first thing yesterday morning and I set out for home, but 5 miles later it coughed then stopped and I coasted to a halt. No amount of re-trying worked so a call to the AA again. The AA man arrived in 40 minutes and spent half an hour trying to see what was wrong, but had to give up, so called for a recovery truck - this is starting to be a habit! Unfortunately I had chosen a day when half the North East of Scotland had decided to break down, so it was nearly 3 hours before a wagon got to me. Disco was dropped off with the local 4x4 specialist and a friend ran me home. By then it was 5pm so no MOT for the Holden.




I sorted out a few things I had to do, and around 7pm sat down with a large mug of tea. Two minutes later the phone rand and it was my transporter guy wanting to collect my forklift at 08:45 this morning. Unfortunately the forklift needed a battery and has not been started for 6 months (I had expected a weeks notice) and Moog and NJGleeds were due at around 1000am to collect a vehicle. So, 0730 this morning I headed up to the forklift, fitted a battery and fortunately it started first touch. Transporter arrived, and forklift was loaded - a scary first drive for me.




I came home, and started to do all the things that I had planned to do yesterday to get the collection vehicle ready when my phone rang from a lost Moog. Nipped out to meet them and met the tractor arriving, so all good. Forklift was unloaded, fixerings were done to the collectee and off they set, hoping all is going well!


Now sat down with another large mug of tea!





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After basically loosing the weekend where no fixerating took place, yesterday was lost due to emails that needed to be sent, ebay stuff needed listing, stuff for the NEC next month needed finalising and a constant stream of visitors meant that tea needed to be drunk!


Today, I started off early, gathered a few tools together and got the Saab Classic 900 'vert out and went to see my friend who has a 2 post lift that I can borrow to do the jobs for the MOT. First was to remove the bottom ball joint that decided it did not want to come off. Fortunately* lots of skin came off my knuckles which, along with a BFO hammer eventually made it see the error of its ways. I needed the car on the ground to lever the suspension out of the way to fit the new ball joint, and as the car was on the lift, moved on to the rear flexis. These were straightforward but only managed to bleed one side as the other bleed nipple needs a bit of heat. Had enough as it was now 1830 so back to it tomorrow.


In other news, I am looking for a smoll economical runabout and tonight was offered a 2.2 litre motor that will universally be considered shite, so going to have a look at it tomorrow as it resides at the same place as the oxy-accetalene resides which is required for the Saab bleed nipple!

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