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Return of the Rusty Justy

Scruffy Bodger

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Far from being an old bastard! My mate's now ex, she's a twenty something glamour moggle. Search for Charlotte Rose Key and make sure your Mrs isn't looking over your shoulder at the time lol


Last I heard he's buying it off her, fingers crossed anyway.

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Far from being an old bastard! My mate's now ex, she's a twenty something glamour moggle. Search for Charlotte Rose Key and make sure your Mrs isn't looking over your shoulder at the time lol


Last I heard he's buying it off her, fingers crossed anyway.

Worryingly, or fortunately, or something, I knew who she is when I saw the name and said "redhead".

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Worryingly, or fortunately, or something, I knew who she is when I saw the name and said "redhead".


That would be the one and a very good barmaid she was too.

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Started doing a bit on the ZX 16v tonight.






From my experience of numerous ZX's the strut top is thankfully in good nick and good metal wasn't too far away 

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Another bit shaped and formed this afternoon. Trying to replicate the spot welds where we can, some are oversized by 3mm or so just to make absolutely sure. Fitted pretty well tbh after a little bit of fettling.

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I was in Edgbaston the other day when they just happened to have a months worth of rain in an hour.






405 Wading mode engaged!


I chickened out of going through the water in the photo above. Seconds after taking the it the bonnet of the stranded car had disappeared! I didn't need wading mode as it happened, I managed to find a route out without the water being too deep but it was certainly an interesting experience.

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I reckon the fella at the bus stop will be waiting a while.


I think that was that poor sods car :neutral:


Got a bit more done this evening. 








Hoping that should last a while now :-)




It's pretty straight for a K reg ZX.




Just a pity about the sill...


The joys of body kits on old cars eh?

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Not had chance to get near the Zx the last few days so here's a couple of other photos from the last couple of weeks as an aside from weldathons.




The oldest there wins shiniest car award in that particular shot, lovely little Tronda :-)






A friends 3.0 VNT diesel project he has on the go. Quite looking forward to this when he's sorted the boost side of things!


Edit. Forgot to add this little "beauty" I was confronted with the other day when I opened my front gate onto the street.




I've always liked these as a friend had one years back but what a colour to have it in. 

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Managed a couple more hours this afternoon.




A decent spot weld drill is coming in very handy, never used one before.






Better than I had anticipated tbh :-)

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blimey they rusted a tad!


Considering it's all galvanised maybe but it is a 26 year old car with a body kit and it's clearly had no treatment in the sill areas since it was built. Apart from the sill itself being fucked a lot of it on the inside is only surface rust so I've cleaned it up and sprayed it in some zinc rich paint.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We managed to find a bit more time on the ZX this week.




A bit more grot cut out. Jacking point firmly re-attached.






New galvanized sill section cut to suit and tacked in place. Went a bit mad with the plug welds but it's definitely not going to fall off any time soon.




Wasn't a bad fit in the end, not perfect but not too bad. A light skim of filler in a few places and it shouldn't be ok? The body kit covers 90% of the repair anyway. We're currently looking into getting the totally unobtanium clips that hold it on 3D printed through a contact in our local watering hole, fingers crossed it works out.

I've also got him to buy some Dynax S50 to treat both sills to keep the rust at bay a bit longer. There's more to be done underneath too but I've very quickly bodged some surface patches onto it to get it ready for a test. The old girl needs a shake down as it's been stored for years so it'll be more of a running repair now hopefully. Quite looking forward to it tbh, never driven a full fat ZX, this one should be more than double the BHP of Betty the NAD  :mrgreen:

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Looks like my work on the ZX is done, for now... Some utter goon has done a really good job of distorting the floor of the car in the front corners by using a trolley jack in the wrong place. We'll knock it back into place when the repairs are done properly.








Patches were just chucked on but all seamed and will pass a test. Just need the new and hopefully correct this time cam-belt to turn up. The owner has had a good go with some filler and it's 90% there, another shiter may well be called upon to get it the last little bit? Fingers crossed it passes sometime towards the end of next week and we can iron the niggles out.

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The 16v is on hold at the mo. One of the bearings on the engine was discovered to be shafted during the precautionary cam belt change so the MOT had to be cancelled.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The 16v is still not on the road sadly although it does now have a Citroen supplied cambelt kit at not inconsiderable cost.


Meanwhile I went to Pugfest last weekend, and it wasn't a bad day at all, as ever in the lovely surroundings of Prescott hill climb. I only took a couple of snaps but might as well put them up here.




A Uk registered T16 405, maybe one of one left of the half dozen or so originally imported apparently?






The 405 concept made it but not the Pike Peak car sadly.




Love this little 104, no idea what engine is in it but something tells me that it's not exactly standard with those Yokahamas on it.






No idea what the stickers are all about but the arse end certainly wasn't the norm.




This 505 was pretty spanking and I think it won an award, last V6 auto on the road by all accounts.




It was the 30th Anniversary of the 405 this year so a few more turned out than the 3 I counted last year. Mine was invited along for the cavalcade photo and I ended up at the very back of the pack so I took a sneaky unofficial photo. I had to sign a disclaimer just to drive the track at 5-10mph!


All in all a very pleasant day out.

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  • 1 month later...

Still no MOT on the ZX 16v sadly but the NAD is still proving very useful as everyday transport.








Instead of getting roped in to do more welding on something a trip to the Black Mountains and a rather fantastic strip of tarmac was arranged. The little blue 205 was probably the largest provider of smiles of the day. Hilarious to watch it being chucked about on those skinny tyres. It has some real patina going on but is surprisingly rot free considering the utter state of the paintwork. Another 205 "style" was also in attendance, although not quite original as it was running 1.6 gti running gear. The lad who owns the blue 205 took the 405 out for a quick spin and was shocked by how well it drove, even compared to modern stuff he's been in lately which was good to hear.

Still not sure where I actually went too as I didn't organise it but the scenery as ever was stunning  8)  :mrgreen:

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  • 1 month later...

Betty the ZX has had her first wobble after 4K miles quite literally. My mate reported a strange loud noise from the engine bay but only at tickover. He popped down to me to have a gander and it was a strange one, not witnessed anything like it before. We came to the conclusion removing the serpentine belt would be a good idea as it needs replacing anyway and see if it was the alternator, it wasn't...

Turns out the bloody crank pulley had worked itself loose apparently! A very lucky escape for the old girl. Another mate did the cam-belt change and I think he neglected to put any thread lock on the threads when he did it back up? My bible says 150nm or 111 ft lb. I've read about this happening to XUD's over the years but never witnessed it, hopefully it's not too far gone or he'll be having to source a new pulley, woodruff key and bolt. She's got another big trip next week so will be closely monitored till then.

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  • 1 month later...

Betty the ZX had a wobble the other week, the Lucas pump decided to piss duel out the top. Spares were available, swappage occurred and fingers crossed it was just a blip.

The 16v still hasn't progressed lately mainly due to my mate being short on funds. This however didn't stop progress on the problem of broken clips that secure the bodykit in place. From my interwebz ferreting it appears that the two types of clips have been pure unobtanium since at least 2012, this is a right arse because a number of them are fucked.


Due to a bit of beer fuelled cheekiness this matter has now been resolved with the wonders of 3D printing!  :mrgreen:


As it happens our favourite watering hole is also used by someone who is head of a University department that is full of some very new and very clever high end kit. Two samples were handed over a couple of months ago and as far as I can make out a student did the CAD part of the deal as part of his furthering his studies and experience. 


The other evening beer tokens were exchanged et voila. Unobtanium no longer!










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  • 1 month later...

Any Bosh ABS gurus out there? My 405 had an occasional intermittent fault that brought the warning light on briefly but then went away, this has sadly now turned into a permanent one. This is only the second car I have ever had with ABS so fault finding it is not something I am familiar with.


I have found this info which may prove useful to me and others here?  http://www.peugeotlogic.com/workshop/wshtml/diagnost/2eabs/2eabs.htm


If it's for the right system obviously...


Any pointers on what to check first to work my way through it? Are there any earth wires that may or may not fuck with things that can be checked? I know from experience that they can cause all sorts of issues with old Pugs.



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  • 2 weeks later...

From what I can gather the link above is lacking a bit in info? I popped to my local friendly garage earlier and they let me take a few photos of their Autodata info on the ABS system. I've just looked back at it and it's for the bloody Bendix system not the Bosch.


Does anyone have a copy of Autodata they can screenshot the correct info for a Phase 2 94 1.9 turbo diesel with a Bosch ABS system please?


I've looked on Ebay and tried to buy a disk but it appears to be obsolete now and I can't find a single listing being offered.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I appear to have sorted the issue, fingers crossed and I might as well document it here so someone using Google etc in future has a chance of saving some time with a Peugeot 405 Bosch ABS Fault Problem Diagnostic Trouble Codes etc.


My problem was an ABS light that was locked on, refused to flash at all in the end. It should turn on for a few seconds and then turn off, this indicates that it is doing its self diagnostics and if happy after doing its checks the light should go out and stay out unless it finds a fault. Everyone I talked to about old skool ABS said check the wheel sensors and ABS rings on the drive-shafts first for rust, damage, loose rings (ooer) etc. My only problem with that was that the car is in very good condition underneath so I was somewhat doubtful.


After a bit of searching I found some info about it being possible to flash some fault codes. There is a grey sensor in a black plastic box right by the ABS unit. Apparently you can get a machine to translate the codes OR earth the pin with the visible terminal in it and it will flash the ABS light on the dash, count the flashes, refer to the list of codes et voila...


Diagnostic plug




Pump position



I grabbed the first visible switch I had to hand, earthed one end and stuffed the other into the diagnostic terminal.




The sum of that was jack shit, no matter what sequence I tried of earthing the output, ignition off/on/off for a few seconds/on etc with the switch in open or closed position the light stubbornly stayed on. Bugger!


I have previous with old pugs and their fun* electrical gremlins so next I set about finding all the main earth points in the engine bay, removed each one, cleaned the bolts and connectors up and re-tightened. I also cleaned up all the ABS pump connectors with switch cleaner and a small wire brush (with battery disconnected).




The sum of that was the sum of sweet FA difference.


I then moved onto the ECU itself. It's located under the scuttle panel and access is really very good even if the looms are a bit fiddly to get back in the right position afterwards. I removed it, sprayed it with switch cleaner but tbh all the contacts looked very good and I was doubtful it'd help. However the ECU did appear to have had water/condensation issues? I really cant fathom out why it showed such signs of corrosion. The panel protecting it was in place, no drains were blocked and I simply can't see how water could get to it!






I cleaned up the 3 other relays and another main earth hiding behind the ECU and put it all back together. Still no difference whatsoever. Bollox. I was up at a mates while doing these bits and pieces so made use of his lorry pit for 5 mins and had a look at the sensors etc from underneath, as I remembered all looked tip top.


Soooo, sum of it was I took a punt and ordered an ECU off Ebay for 20 quid delivered. It took me 10 mins to fit and I didn't even get dirty and it fucking works!


That's my Xmas present to myself sorted anyway  :mrgreen:





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Fucking moderns and all their electrical faults ☺

Lol, that's exactly what I have been saying to people, sort of. The only electronic part on the car pretty much is the bit that has failed me first!


Saying that I'd say it has dropped a couple of heater plugs too in the last few weeks. Pretty good going mind you, they appear to be originals so have finally started to let go after 24 years  :shock:


I think I can forgive it that anyway, need to find a good price on some Beru's I think.

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My mate has just got a new job with a works van so Betty the ZX is now surplus to requirements and will apparently soon be up for sale. Since this car was bought I haven't seen a single 3 door ZX for sale except one very scruffy/scrapper 16v. No idea how many 3 doors are left but they must be virtually non-existent now.

It's a 1.9 NAD that was previously owned by a 92 year old bloke that failed the MOT on a patch of welding and a rear brakes iirc, See the start of this thread for work done. She's now covered about 125,000 miles, has had a few other bits of recent work and drives very well indeed, the reason she was saved in the first place tbh. Looked after, this car is literally only half way through it's life. The only real issue is obligatory lacquer peel on the roof and the replacement front wing is a poor colour match (the old boy had scraped it so it was replaced).


Not sure how much he'll want but thought I'd put it out there in case anyone is interested? I'd have it myself but I've no off road parking and nowhere to store the 405 without incurring huge costs.





I'll find out exactly what it's had done lately.


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Ooft, what's the location chief? I would be interested.


A bit of a trek for you I'm afraid Mr Tiggywinkle, South Shropshire, DY14. M5 Junction 5 is 30 mins away. Or Ludlow on the train from your direction via Manchester. Kidderminster is the same distance in the other direction but Kidderminster...


It's got nice comfy seats though so at least the trip back wouldn't be too much of a hardship.

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My mate has just got a new job with a works van so Betty the ZX is now surplus to requirements and will apparently soon be up for sale.


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