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Father Ted

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Straight over to Cheshire for the latest:


Winter 1-0 Veg Oil

In a thrilling* encounter between the elements and an advanced level of Mingebaggery, the weather ran out winners. The Veg Oil Express failed to proceed twice, the first time going shortly after I literally SQUEEZED MY BULB, the second time it kept running then dying on a corner of an u lit section of a dangerous section of the A56. Oh how I didn't laugh when more bulb squeezing, some proper diesel from a can and copious amounts of swearing all fade to help. My son came out, we went home for the jump leads and a can of Lynx and the MUTTER FICKER started straight up and ran home no bother

This is Knob Head, Granada Reports, Cheshire

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I'm wondering if my mingebag exploits are being similarly thwarted purely by the weather. Dropped some extra fossil in it today to thin out the veg in the tank, but I might have an air leak somewhere to complicate matters. Mmmm... chips.

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Normally, the BX is lovely on veg, nicer than on neat diesel and a bit quieter to boot. Not to mention the massive monetary savings and the funny looks when you find new and unusual places to put fuel in the tank. Personal favourite is to put some fossil in at the fuel station, then get a bag of shopping out of the car and start filling up with veg (oil, not -etables) before going to the kiosk to pay.

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Normally, the BX is lovely on veg, nicer than on neat diesel and a bit quieter to boot. Not to mention the massive monetary savings and the funny looks when you find new and unusual places to put fuel in the tank. Personal favourite is to put some fossil in at the fuel station, then get a bag of shopping out of the car and start filling up with veg (oil, not -etables) before going to the kiosk to pay.


I remember during omg fuel chaos last year filling the audi with veg oil bottles in tescos car park looking over at the huge que at tescos petrol station, so many of the people in that que were looking back with faces of total confusion.

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Veg is currently £3 for 3l in Asda.


Cobblers - it's not that cold. If you're worried add some petrol/diesel.

My boring sometimes needs a bit of extra cranking to start, but it always starts, and there's usually a nice cloud afterwards :lol:

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To be fair the hatch (the one that FTP today) sounded a bit wank the other day and seemed to be running on 3. I think it's a combo of cold weather, SVO and possibly the remnants of some WVO used a few weeks back now. Hopefully diesel and petrol on top will sort it, if not I'll have a look at the fuel filter.


Oddly enough I found BXs seemed to thrive on the veg, definately running quicker and cleaner, whereas the 306s don't seem to run as well on it.

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I can now reveal I am the owner of an Austin Maestro. Pics to follow when it's not dark and snowing but I can say that it is red and is better than I expected, but in need of attention. Not sure if it's a keeper yet.

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I think I know the one. A 1.6 with previous long term giffer owner?


That'll be it; 1.6L, pretty original, needs a few bits and pieces but not the worst I've seen. Think the first owner had it until 2008 or so.

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Well, apparently we're due OMGSNOKAOS any minute now... 4 hours until the panic buying starts and every vehicle with 4wd and Traction Control goes up by 30% on eBay... I'll be plodding along to my very Welsh destination in my Fiesta on pathetic sized wheels and mismatched tyres, more than likely getting there without needing to claim on my life insurance whilst the rest of the country causes a milk/bread/rice/fuel shortage by panicking about it being a bit chilly.

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I've advised Gareth J that BX collection might be best done on another day.



Still snowing here. Will probably have to cancel the gig we were meant to be hosting at the local hotel tonight. Wonder if six-cylinder and his chums made it last night - they're here to enjoy a bit of scenic driving!

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Quite a bit of snow. This is one of the few roads out of our village. The main road towards the rest of the world only reopened a short time ago.


Apparently Six-Cylinder and his chums are still in the area though! I hope they're taking pictures.

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Quite a bit of snow. This is one of the few roads out of our village. The main road towards the rest of the world only reopened a short time ago.


Apparently Six-Cylinder and his chums are still in the area though! I hope they're taking pictures.

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I plugged my Iphone bluetooth odb2 reader thingy into the smart this morning and the only code it's showing up is for a crank shaft sensor. No injector faults.

This is all well and good and would explain the lumpy running but I suspect it's in some inaccessable bit of the engine around the back of the block you can't get to unless you have the hands the size of a 7 year old on 6 ft long arms.

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I plugged my Iphone bluetooth odb2 reader thingy into the smart this morning and the only code it's showing up is for a crank shaft sensor. No injector faults.

This is all well and good and would explain the lumpy running but I suspect it's in some inaccessable bit of the engine around the back of the block you can't get to unless you have the hands the size of a 7 year old on 6 ft long arms.

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Snow?, What snow?, We had a bit around 10am and this is the current view, mind you it's meant to snow heavy tonight but then again they said that about last night so who knows.



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Snow?, What snow?, We had a bit around 10am and this is the current view, mind you it's meant to snow heavy tonight but then again they said that about last night so who knows.



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I went out this morning in the Panda 4x4 - this turned into a two hour drive around all the back roads and snow drifts. I love bombing along and hitting the edges of the drifts and smashing snow everywhere. Childish but FUN :D:D


I was on the Brigg to Barton road going up Elsham hill when a Vectra driver signalled me that I should turn round - yeah whatever....me and the Discovery behind me made it through. It was such good fun I went back that way :lol:


It had got a bit worse by then as quite a few car drivers were now stuck. I was warned of impending obstructions by a Passat driver who flagged me down and asked me if it was a Sisley, apparently he'd had a couple of Panda 4x4 in the past so knew how capable they are in the snow...He said there are four cars stuck back there but you can get round them through the drifts :lol: He was right...


No pictures unfortunately as it was all a bit impromptu...

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