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THE DFS WORLD OF CHOD - Running repairs required. 11/10.


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I ARE JELLOSS. A 106 as clean as that little red one looks is but a pipe dream for a pikey like me.



Without wanting to sound ungrateful about the car that WW spent considerable time, money and effort fixing up, and then sold into the Autoshite fold at a financial loss...it has a load of 1cm dings in the bonnet and two patches of rust in the boot, so I wouldn't say that yours is appreciably worse.

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Excellent intro post, much funny, would read again A+++++++


I had (well, my ex had) a Saxo Forte with what I assume is the same engine. I can confirm that it feels like a much faster car, must be because it weighs the same as my smallest thong and you're only ever one-up in it as people would rather get the bus than a lift in a small French hatchback.


Also, they put up with serious abuse including full throttle gearchanges and cornering on the sidewalls. Never cared about a car less since I had a Uno 55 and still the fucker lived on.

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Without wanting to sound ungrateful about the car that WW spent considerable time, money and effort fixing up, and then sold into the Autoshite fold at a financial loss...it has a load of 1cm dings in the bonnet and two patches of rust in the boot, so I wouldn't say that yours is appreciably worse.


Mine has the bonnet dings but not the boot rust. Yours has the boot spoiler (+6HP) and correct trimz though so we'll call it a draw.




Also, they put up with serious abuse including full throttle gearchanges and cornering on the sidewalls. 


That's not abuse. It's driving with commitment. 

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Not much to report today as I are mostly been gardening and the Spaztec doesn't have the optional lawn mower pack fitted.


Nevertheless it handled the 2.1 mile round trip to the supermarket this morning with APLOMB.


Here it is in its natural habitat next to a MASSIVE TRUCK.




To celebrate my successful journey I rewarded myself with a couple of cans of my favourite JDM (YO!) beer.





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Ps, because you're new you're on 'approved posts' which everyone (new) has to go through. If your posts/threads don't appear immediately, don't worry as sometimes it can take a while if we're shagging a corsa or bumming an astra

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Wow, i'm surprised they ever let you use a computer again, you FILTHY ANIMAL.


I managed to jury-rig a Spectrum ZX81 and a Nokia 3310 together in my cell to post on. Don't ask where I have to keep them during inspections.

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I managed to jury-rig a Spectrum ZX81 and a Nokia 3310 together in my cell to post on. Don't ask where I have to keep them during inspections.

Where do you have to keep them during inspections?

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Also, I've just noticed that it says "Rank Austin Metro" under my username. This is fortuitous as I have often said that if I were a car I would indeed be a fetid stinking husk of a Metro. 



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Billy Idol? I'd have thought a wire brush would be a better way of topically applying TCP.

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Billy Idol? I'd have thought a wire brush would be a better way of topically applying TCP.


He's thorough but surprisingly gentle.

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Smoll update for a smoll car.


The spaztecs NSF tyre is proper fucked, like the rabbit. After being quoted £40 a tyre by Kwik Fit and £50(!) by my local spanner twiddling emporium - 145/70/13 being a "funny size" apparently. I chanced my arm and went for a BIN on a TIGAR part worn off the bay for a score posted. I did wonder if it would A. turn up in the first place and 2. still be here when I got back from work as I'd told them to leave it on the drive. But as it turned out my fears were unfounded and it arrived today.


Here is doggiefourspeed INSPECTING THE GOODS.




I'm pleased enough as it was fully as described and has MANY TREDZ left on it. When you compare it to the one on there now I should be able to pull some serious G once I've wanged it on down the yard tomorrow.






So there we have it. Slovakian eBay tyres FTW.

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Slovakian eBay tyres FTW .. Frankly, that's worrying!


Landsail (anysizeshirley?) £notmuch




I'll be honest usually it would bother me but seeing as the other three hoops are Goodyears with yards of tread on them I figured that 75% good is still good*


*I reserve the right to change my mind on this when the NSF washes out on me mid-drift or something causing me to skid off the road into a wall.

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Your Spaztec looks nigh-on identical to the '95 OneHundredandSix Graduate my mate had when we were at uni. His was a 1.5 na derv, but it was a lively little thing considering. Funny seeing that interior all these years later, where the black bits have faded to purple.

Do your feet fit onto the pedals, and have you saved a couple of undocumented Penzas for us to look at? There must be a couple left somewhere...

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Do your feet fit onto the pedals, and have you saved a couple of undocumented Penzas for us to look at? There must be a couple left somewhere...

Don't believe the lies. The 106 pedal box is not too small. Other people's feet are too big. Once you accept that and modify your attitude (and toes) then there are no issues in that department.


Hello Doug, dangerous or otherwise.


You need more Frontera in your life.



This reminds me of the time my Mrs said "You need more excitement in your life."


It took the fire brigade four hours and two kilograms of hot lard to separate me from the Ann Summers 'Beginners Bondage Box' and the neighbours doberman.

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It's Friday night. So what better way to PARTY DOWN than an update from Spaztec developmentzzz!


So last time out the new TIGAR tyre had rocked up. I dropped in one evening at my mate Scott's workshop as he's a dab hand at banging on new hoops. Here's an ACTION SHOT of a typical daytime scene in the workshop.




Scott's place is the sort of garage that most of the general public probably imagine doesn't exist anymore. In essence it's a more of a cave than an actual building. But he's a very clever boy and a serial shite owner. Highlights include this Mk5 Escort which started as a 1300 and now runs an ST170 lump, MTX75 and bike carbs.




This K16 powered Mini Clubman 'project'




And a Ford P100. With a Rover V8. Obviously. f0b0ed3425318d6edad336839d82f3d4.jpg




He also happens like myself to have a bit of a fetish for old French shite and currently owns a couple of 205s. One of them being a late DTurbo with some Garrett blower the size of a healthy calf as well as many other MODZ. I don't know how much POWAH it makes but it easily had the measure of a Golf 4 PD150 out on the road when I was riding shotgun.


Anyway, I bashed the new tyre on with the machine and identified in the process that the 106 could do with some new discs soonish. Whilst I was putting it back together Scotty was rummaging around in the pile of old shite in the corner which includes, but is not limited to, a bare MkI Escort shell. "Want this?" He asked, only to produce before my eyes a minty looking 205 GTi-spec leather steering wheel!


I had planned to replace the steering wheel anyway as the original was a bit grot. So obviously I was having that. I neglected to mention to him what these currently go for on eBay. I'm a good mate.


Max BDSM points!




The next day I drove to work feeling like a KING with my new steering wheel giving me not only 13 more BHP but also the sort of tactile pleasure hitherto unexperienced by man. Or men who haven't owned a 205 GTi, which I haven't. But my joy was only short-lived when I arrived at the den of iniquity only to discover I had been COMPREHENSIVELY OUTSHITED!


A lad I work with had been out on a gumtree spree the previous night and rocked up in this gem*




Full compliment of emissions and traction control lights on, rubbish manual gearbox and diesel injector seemingly fixed in place with Araldite and all for £200. BASTARD.


I was so annoyed that I poked a hole through the rotten front wing with my thumb.


To cheer myself up I decided to fill up the 106 with its favourite fuel.




Now obviously I refuse to be outdone on the shite front so tentative plans have been set in motion that may or may not come to fruition over the weekend... OOH QUELLE MYSTERE.

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Update o'clock. 


Not a GR9 deal to report so far as the 106 is concerned, it continues to rack up the miles without complaint and draw attention from the local honeyz wherever it goes. It's actually proving to be so dependable that I've almost done 2000 miles in it since the beginning of July and is currently seeing more regular use than the modern Golf. 


With this in mind opportunities for tat-fettling have been few and far between. Or so it seemed until an acquaintance and fellow local shite champion put me onto a phase 2 Saxo VTR that supposedly needed some light fondling for an MOT having been off the road for a year. As you can probably already tell I enjoy these little French fancies and I'm reasonably familiar with them mechanically. It was cheap and only about a mile from me so I got hold of the owner by way of SMS TEXT MESSAGING and arranged to mince over and have a look last Saturday afternoon. I didn't take any photos but it luk lyk dis.




The MOT history didn't throw up any horrors - a seized up rear brake compensator being the only recent issue but fairly low mileage and only 3 previous owners worked in its favour so I braved the pissing rain and went over in the Spaztec. The car itself wasn't actually too bad. The rear beam looked fairly recent, no rust on the boot floor, started promptly and ran smooth as you like, clean interior too which is rare on one of these I find and it was all standard. I was getting ready to DO THE DEAL, but then I noticed that the drivers door lock had been mullered with a screwdriver or something. On closer inspection I clocked that the ignition key was an aftermarket copy and didn't fit the doors or boot, the ECU had obviously been out of the engine bay fairly recently and wasn't fixed back down correctly and the instrument cluster had also been removed and was a bit loose in the binnacle. Alarm bells were ringing at this point especially as the lad selling it had no V5 for it despite supposedly having had it eighteen months so I decided to stroll on. Interestingly I did see the very same car last night being ragged up a road not far from home.. you can take what you want from that but its still got no test on it so I should imagine its not far off being impounded by Plod and probably crushed. Shame.


But this does leave me with a choice, I can either look for some other cheap shite in need of TLC to keep my hand in, whilst having no idea what I fancy or do something else with the Spaztec. I'm reluctant to mess with the 106, as its silent as a fish etc etc. If it ain't broke and all that. The only way I could really improve it would be something like dropping a nice1400 motor in or something and then I'd probably want to do a 4 stud conversion which would be a bit of a pain as I use the car every day for work and having it stuck on the drive/in the workshop for a week while I yark the engine out and whatnot would be less than ideal logistically. 


First world (ish) problems and all that but WHAT SAY YOU AUTOSHITERS?

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Welcome along, there's a lot of love for the 106 here at M'coli Mansions.  If I can offer a little unsolicited advice, here goes: keep it as-is for now.  The biggest issue with doing a 4-stud conversion is the rear radius arms, as the 3-stud stub axles have a shoulder on them that means they aren't long enough to fit the 4-stud drums onto (you find these things out when you try to transplant a 3-stud beam onto a 4-stud car).  The oil in the coolant cap seems to be endemic with the 1.1s, the wife's one did it from when we got it (2006) up until it was laid-up last year.


If you want a pair of Vredstien winter tyres for it on the right rims that have seen less than 5000 miles, give me a shout and we'll discuss prices.


Overall, have fun with it, they're a great wee drive.

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Welcome along, there's a lot of love for the 106 here at M'coli Mansions. If I can offer a little unsolicited advice, here goes: keep it as-is for now. The biggest issue with doing a 4-stud conversion is the rear radius arms, as the 3-stud stub axles have a shoulder on them that means they aren't long enough to fit the 4-stud drums onto (you find these things out when you try to transplant a 3-stud beam onto a 4-stud car). The oil in the coolant cap seems to be endemic with the 1.1s, the wife's one did it from when we got it (2006) up until it was laid-up last year.


If you want a pair of Vredstien winter tyres for it on the right rims that have seen less than 5000 miles, give me a shout and we'll discuss prices.


Overall, have fun with it, they're a great wee drive.

Cheers M'coli. The more time I spend with it the more I'm appreciating the inherent 'rightness' of the design of these little cars, especially the early base ones. Everything you could reasonably need, and nothing you don't.That said, I'd love a Roland Garros or an XSi but they're seemingly non-existent these days, RG's especially.


Thanks for the kind offer of the tyres too, I think I'm sorted for rubber at the moment but cheers nonetheless.

Love the MK1 Robin in the workshop. Mk2 looks clean to. Living the dream.

The Mk2 is owned by the same guy for when the Mk1 FTP's. It has a special attachment for these situations...



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I've been blezzing around the lanes in the little Pug a fair bit this week, and having a lot of fun. But one thing that it has highlighted is that the front discs and pads could do with replacing fairly soon which got me wondering about the stoppers on this little thing. 


As has been said previously, converting to 4-stud sounds a bit of a ball-ache but it'd be nice to have a little more stopping power if possible, the current set up uses 238mm solid discs. Does anyone know if there are any larger discs that were used with the 3 stud setup? AX GT perhaps? Just a thought and if not I'll bang on some new OE standard bits but I thought it worth an ask.

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Lists 3 stud AXGT as 238mm and 247mm. Looks like they went up to 258mm on four stud later in life (looking at pictures, early ones were on three stud steels and late ones, four stud alloys)


Not sure how much extra bite 9mm of diameter will give you, but they're out there.

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Lists 3 stud AXGT as 238mm and 247mm. Looks like they went up to 258mm on four stud later in life (looking at pictures, early ones were on three stud steels and late ones, four stud alloys)


Not sure how much extra bite 9mm of diameter will give you, but they're out there.

I know the AX GTi was 4 stud as per 106 XSi.


I suspect that I would probably be just as well off fitting good quality standard parts and perhaps a fresh dose of DOT4 if I'm feeling flush.

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