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Donations button poll


Donate button or not  

98 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we have a Donate button on here

    • Yes
    • No

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I removed ability to contribute to running of Autoshite recently.

I have recieved lots of private messages & emails regarding this,all asking for it to be restored.

So here is simple yes/no poll which will run for 24 hours to decide this.


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To me a donation is just that. Not obligatory and nor does it any rights/entitlements.


I like this site (and others) and on occasions I am in a position to do so and support the aims/cause will make donations to them.


It cost money run, is free of advertising and free to use and I would like it to stay that way for all users, whatever their means.


Let's bring the button back!

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I don't recall anyone asking for the donate button to be removed.

I recalled a lot of people asking for greater transparency around running costs




People bitch about Brexit - but this poll is just the same.  "YES OR NO".


Well, if you have to simplify it that much, it's a no from me. Offer a little insight into the health of finances (as much as anything, so I can decide if moar is required) and it's an unfaltering yes.

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It's got to be paid for somehow. Not fair for Dave to have to foot the bill himself. I don't care how he spends the money. It's great value as far as I'm concerned.

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No. No donation buttons. 

Until you're transparent about what the site costs to host and run Mike, there's no chance of me donating. 

You have been asked repeatedly to show the books and every single time you've refused. 
'Updating' the site until it breaks and storming off in a defensive huff holds Autoshite to ransom.

The control of Autoshite should not be delegated to you and you alone. 

Don't like this comment? Show us how much Autoshite costs to host, where the servers are and how much they are. I want to see where the money's going, because from little information I've seen, the figures don't add up. 


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At the risk of being called a cunt and told if I don't like it I can leave....


I don't recall anyone asking for the donate button to be removed.

I recalled a lot of people asking for greater transparency around running costs ££, donations received ££, and how that ££ was put to good use to ensure the smooth running and continued operation of Autoshite.


We got a bungled "this costs xyz and sometimes we have to pay for this which might cost ££" then a message that fuck it, donations were being removed.

I personally won't be donating any further until I understand the above, and the angry reaction and repeated lack of info hasn't done much to convince me otherwise.

I know it is not my right to be told that information, and others will happily send money to a relatively anonymous PayPaly account each month with no idea of where the money is being spent (even if it is just being spaffed on booze by Dave), but I won't.


As I say, if I don't like it I can leave/not donate (which I'm fine with), but I thought it might be worth explaining why I voted how I did even if it is so I can be ignored or be told I'm against the "spirit" of the forum.

What exactly do you want to know,just pissed off about virtually being accused of dishonosty to be honest.

Spent a lot of money that i havnt really got over the past few years,dont drink by the way.

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It's got to be paid for somehow. Not fair for Dave to have to foot the bill himself. I don't care how he spends the money. It's great value as far as I'm concerned.


Yep, I'm in this camp. I really don't give a shit if Dave spends the money on booze and hookers - the site needs to run, that costs money, and I'm willing to put my hand in my pocket. 

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Perhaps if Dave is no longer fully comfortable accepting donations, or if other members are unhappy with the level of transparency, the collection of donations and payment of the bills needed to keep the board going could be delegated to another trusted member/volunteer. It might take some pressure off. Just a friendly idea, like...

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Why do you need to know exactly what server costs are,should i make a thread with daily running costs or something.

Its a free internet forum,if you dont want to donate then dont,simple as that.

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What exactly do you want to know,just pissed off about virtually being accused of dishonosty to be honest.

Spent a lot of money that i havnt really got over the past few years,dont drink by the way.


Pissed off with the accusations? Remove all doubt, then. Show us how wrong the accusations are. 

Show how much the site costs to run, right down the line. 

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Pissed off with the accusations? Remove all doubt, then. Show us how wrong the accusations are. 

Show how much the site costs to run, right down the line. 


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He can spaff the donations on Thai ladyboys and extra large jars of mayonnaise for all I care.


What are the other options? No Autoshite? Autoshite plagued with adverts? Fuck all of that.

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Why do you need to know exactly what server costs


We don't need to.  You're right.


We want to.  (I say we - I mean I).  


Charities take donations - they're completely transparent about how their money is spent, and on what.  Let's face it, you're looking for gifts.  That's fair enough - but just be honest about that bit please?

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If you don't feel comfortable handing over money to an undisclosed set of circumstances, surely the easy option is simply to not donate?

If Mike's got nothing to hide then he's got nothing to hide. 


If people are donating, they should see where their money goes. 

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No problems re transparency for me, I give to a political party and charities and give on basis of trust that money will be spent in best interests of 'the cause'.


Same here for me and I don't personally think we need an extensive governance/committee process or a constitution. And I'm an auditor by trade!

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Because you're running AS as an income stream. 

You want confirmation bias and money for doing so, even though you've broken the board several times with ill advised updates that prompt even more money from the faithful. 


Lay out the books, remove all doubt. Every time you refuse, it seems more suspicious. 


You don't want to tell, I don't want to donate. Prove me wrong, get a donation. Hold all the control for the board when it breaks, get more money. Can you not see why that looks odd to an outsider? 


That's all I have to say on the matter, Mike.



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Please, shall we try to keep this discussion nice, eh?

I, for one have had my fill of tetchiness about the way the forum is run, and I'm sure others feel the same. I'm sure we're all considerate and skilled enough with language to discuss things politely.


(PS, that's not aimed at anyone in particular...)

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I would suggest that one or all of you complainers purchase a suitable server & cpanel licence,a licence for Ipb & extras,all the addon costs,Then you take the donations.

I dont mind running it for you,i do it because i enjoy doing it not for profit.


I await your decision.

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I would suggest that one or all of you complainers purchase a suitable server & cpanel licence,a licence for Ipb & extras,all the addon costs,Then you take the donations.

I dont mind running it for you,i do it because i enjoy doing it not for profit.


I await your decision


Nice ransom note. 


Keep digging that hole. 

I'm sure you'll get what you want, your little crew will see to it. 


You do mind running it for us. That's why you want the money. 

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I'm sure we're all considerate and skilled enough with language to discuss things politely.


You are absolutely right, and I sincerely hope that you think of my posts in this manner.


I just think honesty and transparency are absolutely fundamental in situaions like this, and are in keeping with the community ethos of the board.  I genuinely don't think it's proper or correct to take "donations" from people and yet be in absolutely no way accountable.  It really doesn't sit well with me at all.  


If Dave wants gifts, then that's a different matter.  It's not something I'd be willing to make, but to me at least it's a subtle yet important differentiation. 

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Thought not.


Donation button wont be going back


Nice ransom note. 

Keep digging that hole. 

I'm sure you'll get what you want. 

 Its not ransom,more put your money where your mouth is.


Carry on as normal  then.....

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Might as well throw my two pence in.  I think things are building to a head here and if we're not careful the site could disappear.  It appears to me Dave (Mike?? - not in the loop so don't know peoples' real names) spends an awful lot of his time on this site, and so justifiably tends to get a bit pissed off when people call into question his honesty, I know I would.  The costs involved are not just numerical, someone's time has to be factored in too.  However the other side of the coin is that members of the forum are really in the dark about how much the site costs to keep going, but perhaps more importantly what would happen if Daveb47 ever became incapacitated.


All I think it would take is for said administrator to say to us "This site costs approximately £xxx to run per year, and we need £xx much more this year to cover", or something similar.  That's about all the transparency we need I would suggest, and also an idea of a contingency plan if the unfortunate above scenario really happened. 

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Thought not.


Donation button wont be going back


 Its not ransom,more put your money where your mouth is.


Carry on as normal  then.....


It is a ransom. That's exactly what it is. 


Why would I put my money into something that isn't transparent? 




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Because you're running AS as an income stream.

You want confirmation bias and money for doing so, even though you've broken the board several times with ill advised updates that prompt even more money from the faithful.



Have you got anything to back up any of these claims?

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I really don't think your posts are helping.


Mike asked the question. He asked for opinions and got them. 



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How can it be a ransom,just suggesting a way to solve your arguament,you then get total control of the boards finances & donations.

If there is no donate button then nobody gets to donate,only thing that changes from now is that i get to fund it myself again.

Definately wont be shutting down.Carry on as before in fact.

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...... but perhaps more importantly what would happen if Dave21478 ever became incapacitated.



Yeah, what happens if I die?

This just reinforces my belief that this forum and all the posters on it are figments of my imagination.

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