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Genuine Granadaland Jaguar Reintroduced to Granadaland! Caution: New MoT content!


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Guest Breadvan72

Seeing that the trip goes to Lincs and me rather not being inclined to be captured by the indigenous zombies there

spit roasting us in front of a beer tent during one of their local rituals, I say, I put my hayfork into the Peugeot.

I should have bought that M4 crossbow and silver ball bearing balls at the country market at Killeen when I had the chance.


And by spit roasting, you don't mean cookery.


[/i'm not a real welder]

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Guest Breadvan72

I actually do.

The least thing I can hope for is that they will suffocate on my toenails.


Have I ever told you how I got that possessed Rover?


1.  The locals will probably favour both kinds of spit roasting.


2.  No, please do.  

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Is this going to be like that game where you have to guess what is written on the post it note stuck to your forehead? If so, can you narrow it down a bit, was it bought off eBay so we can go through all the recently sold cars in that area?



I've never liked that game, every time I've played it I never have a name written on the post it, but, someone always draws a target; which wouldn't be quite so bad if I always played it with the same people.

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Guest Breadvan72

The game is called Blockheads.  You have to guess who you are using only yes or no questions.  I always end up with "Hitler's Mum", or some such.

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2.  No, please do.  


Since you asked for it...



The Junkwoman and the Junkdaughters were on hols in that Canada, I was home alone and predictably permanently pissed.

I had recently sold my first P6, GAA 12K, which was a good one and Mr Conelrad is still biting his arse because someone snatched it away from him years later when it was up for sale again. I was broke, because having paid for said holidays, I was depressed because no P6, which is an untenable condition, I was sad and lonely, so what does any normal bloke do in that situation?


Correct. Look for a car to buy. And there was an ad in one of those classic car rags I don't remember which, for a Mexico Brown P6 V8 in some godforsaken backwater in Lincs.

Mind you, this was not through the weird world web, P6 club, or such shenanigans. Classified ad in print media it was. So I called and a rondevoo for inspectage was made.

I saddled the back then on duty 405 Lincolnshirewards, completely unaware what to expect because bleedin forrinna. However, I should have heeded the advice given at the pub

the night before: "How often do we have to tell you this? You DON'T talk to people from Lincolnshire! Let alone going there!"


Anyway, me driving along just fine on HM's motorways, just to be spat into the botany like a damson stone when all civilisation ended just after Sutton in Ashfield.

So I drove along an A road, then a B road, then a C road, then a D road, then an E road, then ten odd miles along a single lane that made Khyber Pass look like a superhighway, to end up in a village that was stuck in the year 1347 or thereabouts. They still had a gallow at the village pond and there was no sign of life, despite it was early afternoon. There were no ducks on the pond, not a soul in the streets, no washing hanging out anywhere, no children playing, no cats, no dogs, not even birds.

It was eerily quiet, too. There was one almost mansion like house overlooking that village and it turned out this was the address. So I drove up there on unpaved coachpaths.

A considerable time after I knocked the hewn from railway sleepers door's cast iron door knock in form of a lion with a ring through its nose, a shrivelled doter answered and

it was that very moment when I realised, that he had eaten everything alive in that village over the past seven odd centuries.


A deal was agreed on just because I didn't have the guts to not buy the car.

He offered to have it delivered to my place by "a friend" of his for a very moderate sum, which I gladly accepted.

The first attempt failed, because said friend had a nasty accident. So different arrangments were made, which culminated in the recovery lorry breaking down near Leeds.

Only on the third attempt, the car actually reached me, but on the way back the recovery lorry had a puncture.


Can you now imagine what I expect tomorrow?

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Guest Breadvan72

JM, I am amazed that the locals did not lynch you, mistaking you for a French monkey from Hartlepool, or similar.


Lincolnshire I avoid.  It is bad enough that sometimes I have to go to Wisbech.

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You know, there is a distinct ritual here oop narf that never ceases to make me feel at home.


I say something.


Someone says "Yar nut frum here, so yar eether a Scouse, or a Djordee".


I say no, I'm from Aus...


And I'm interrupted by: "Naw, yar nut frum here, so yar eether a Scouse, or a Djordee".


It's really heart warming.

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Good luck.  Been a pleasure knowing you.


Lincolnshire is full of Renault 16s, apparently, because of a bloke called Mike and another one whose name I've forgotten but runs a Renault 4 sanctuary.  Is it at last the longed-for Renault 16?

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While in the process of getting lost in Lincolnshire, would you mind explaining to the general public what "GGG" stands for?


The interweb has several suggestions:


- The Greek God of Gayness

- German Goo Girls

- Great Grandfather Gus

- Greensboro Go Gettas

- Good, Giving, and Game

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Granadaland Greenhouse Gassers.


For the benefit of those who didn't grow up in the UK in or before the 1980s, Granadaland is the region of north west England (where Conrad and Junkman live) that was formerly served by the legendary Granada Television franchise, in the days before television became uniformly mindless crap.


Or possibly because Junkman used to have a Ford Granada (fucked, of course).

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