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V70 tdi. Complete*. Smug smog.


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It’s still driveable fine, but is now bent a bit. If insco get involved, as seems likely, I cannot see the work involved being less than the cars worth, so write off.

if offered the buyback I don’t think I’d take it as the boot is quite jammy as it’s bent enough to be pinching the tailgate. Irritating at best. Plus it’s tatty as fuck there now.

so unless the so far so nice and communicative chap turns out to be a convincing shyster, I’m expecting it to go one day in the near future.

it does beg the question... what is it worth? Anyone got access to glasses or similar?

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Shame about the mondeo, could you not find another with a soggy engine & transplant all your good bits on it ?


Also still love you V70, if you ever consider selling it DO let me know

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On 5/5/2019 at 1:31 AM, Minimad5 said:

Shame about the mondeo, could you not find another with a soggy engine & transplant all your good bits on it 

Time. That would take loads, and I have little. And this one has done 130k so probably not worth the effort.

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5 minutes presented itself.

new* wheels curtesy of a AS Volvo licker have been waiting for attention. One of the recent bits of serendipity in my life has been our new unit, which is between a friendly drifting mad mechanic with a decent tyre machine to appease his habit and a wheel stripping place. You can guess what’s coming.



These turn into these


and are given to the stripper.

black or silver is the current problem. Silver winning, marginally.

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6 minutes ago, sutty2006 said:

Silver, or gun metal grey. Black wheels look shit on everything 

Black wheels do look shite, recently did the wife's alloys in gunmetal grey and they look better than the silver they were.

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Silver manual  one in Kettering? I’ve been considering it as a mongdayno replacement, but really can’t get there for a week or so. 500 quid all day long though...


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The moons of Managing to get the day to myself and the spray booth being empty aligned. Hurrah. (Although I should have been working, but am not due to payment being viewed as optional. Happily this has caused chaos, I was booked elsewhere all week by 9.30, missed from site by 11, the money was in bank by midday and he’s got all week to think about his actions)

Get the new wheels gurt lush. It’s bad form to paint the clamping faces (paint melts when it gets hot reducing the clamping force as it gives and then acting as a lubricant), so mask them off.




Then wash with thinners, hang and hit with a decent coat of etch primer.



Looks promising. Doesn’t take long to dry, then rub back with red scotchbrite (cos the grey scotchbrite cupboard was bare), air wash it down then a grip coat


which was far heavier than intended, then a heavy heavy topcoat. 


the colour is all washed out and wrong in this photo as it’s under proper bright led strips. It’s darker than its showing and will darken a bit more as it cures. I think it’ll be an ok colour on the car in daylight.

thats the worst wheel above, which was also found to be slightly beaten up, (so will go on the back) so I’m well pleased with the finish. Can always change the colour later!

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Love it. Quality control made it in to work today. 

Abusive message received. This apparently is no where near good enough and is an affront to all painters and wheel makers who ever have been and ever will be born. Shame rains on my family.



Meh, good enough for me auld Volvo I would have thought, but they’ll be reworked for me.

happy days.

£1450 offered for the mondeo, if you know better then please see the question section.

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More happenings.

the ICE has been upgraded baby. But fuck me what a palaver. I’m normally not to bad at lectrics but this somehow ate about 20 hours of my life. Every twatty little hitch. But it’s done, is nice and tidy and works well. Anyone got a cheap sub?




Its in to Tom next door for all new belts and tensioners today. A real birthday job. Popped in and was presented with the crankshaft pulley.


Not a lot of life left in that! Water pump and Crankshaft oil seal were also leaking


Other than that nothing too scary has been reported but it’s feeling like a preventative maintenance win for me right now.

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2 hours ago, sutty2006 said:

That CD player looks smart in there! 

I was well pleased with it despite it being the result of a fuck up.

2 hours ago, snagglepuss said:

That first picture is what I think the monster under my bed looks like!

Was worse than that. At least 2phone kits were hidden in there as well. Spliced adapter loom city.

I started with the pure digital kit which i knew needed an aux input on the head unit which I knew didn’t have one, but that was fine and dandy as I’d read about the sc80* aux hack.

carefully opened the head unit, split it apart and soldered in an aux. Very pleased with myself.




Test installed with jury loom and it’s utter gash. Anything on the aux channel is horrendous. Must have ballsed the soldering, so dismantle and reassemble, except mr ham fisted twat here manages to peel the conductor strips off from the base of the ribbon cable at the end. Reinstall with no cd just to see and it’s the same. Turns out you can’t hack an input on the sc805. Should’ve read more first.

Gumtree alpine double din does look lush (and it appeals to the teenager in me) and was cheap. But had no cage and also pointed out that Volvo has a slightly different idea of double din to alpine, so despite being wedged in with blue tack it also needed a rib hacksawing off the dashboard. And came with yet another different fucking loom.

still, got it in and all’s good. Drive home basking in high fidelity paradise. Turn off the headlights and the radio dies.ffs.

Somehow the dash illumination feed had become the switched live, and the switched live was to battery. Rewire, again. Hooray, better? Power sorted but sound gash on the digital radio again. I cannot communicate how much that pissed me off. So I ignored it for a week, then pushed the aux in Jack on the headunit fully home, and wadda you know, sorted. Ffs.

what a palaver.

cleaned the vacuum pump too, it was getting pretty lazy again.


And whilst dumping phone photos, have a shot of Tom the mechanics weekend toy.


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Wrong crank seal supplied. Correct one here first thing Tuesday. Bah, that means the Car is stuck on the ramp until then.

in other, hopefully better news, the mondeo replacement should appear on Tuesday too.


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I think I have a problem. But first, good news. Picked up my shiny new wheels.


and they look lovely, and also look as if they will look ok on the car. 

But look closely. Not that car, oh no. You see this is my problem,


I think I've become a volvo licker. It's a posh one too.


All the better for dragging tatania and her pony across that damp field. And known for being a touch problematical. For added explodey shite points its also the geartronic gearbox. Which has a judder in reverse and bangs and surges on changes going forwards.

Oh, and no service history for the last 65K. 

First thing I did was drive it into the centre of bristol and back to drop off the extremely nice vendor (this has been possibly the most civilised ebay motors transaction to date. Everyone lovely and helpful and had a wonderful time. Must be a certain type of person who owns these fine steeds). It made it fine, but the gearbox was awful. lumpy, grabby shite. Power steering was also pulsing hard on corners.

Second thing I did was to start trying to improve / fix it. Pela's are great. If you don't have one, get one. I didn't have one for about 30 years and thought that vac pumps were cool, but completely unnecessary. If it broke tomorrow, I'd replace it tomorrow. That good. Into the gearbox and suck suck


Headlight wipers are a first for me. Dead posh like. No idea if they work yet,

Dead ATF. Yuck. Smelt as bad as it looks. 


Just pour the new (mail ordered from germany cos thats cheapest?) shiny atf into that little hole there.


It is there, I promise you. A quick furtle in the crap cupboard gave up some beer line pipe, which when warmed allowed a little funnel to be wedged hard into it. Tada.


thats easier


And then I ran it, cycled the box and did it again. And it was as mucky again so I took no photos of that. Hmmm. I mail ordered 8 litres and have used most of it in this change. The theory is that the clean oil slowly washed the box back into life. If this improves it, I'm gonna need a good bit more oil.

Took it round the block.

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And you now what? it's a good bit better. I think I will persevere with this for a while.

Had a good prod around while the pela sucked out the (5 litres) of engine oil.


Life left in cambelt, but area covered in power steering fluid from the pump, which explains the pulsing steering, and may, or may not, explain the fluid collecting on top on the rocker cover.


I've not even sniffed it. That's for another day. Topped up the tank and will find a second hand pump unit on the bay.

Changed the air filter. Bad, but not 60,000 mile bad I would say. Optimistically.


Also had a brief nose up the inlet. Nothing too oily but I didn't look very far. Gave the air flow sensor a clean off with electrical contact cleaner cos it always helpsDSC_0199.thumb.JPG.5f206f9fe83e37e25857295e20a01b26.JPG

Lovely and clean now. Changed the oil filter, which rather quaintly is not a spin on type but a filter element only. Been a while. And put 6.5 litres of oil back in to bring it up to the mark. hmmm.

Noticed the complete absence of top engine stay 


and just as I was having to finish to go and actually go shopping as that was what i was meant to be doing and the poor wee bairns with no food in their bellies and you out there playing......

I noticed this


see it? (centre on RHS, to the right on the jubilee clip) A hefty split  in the rubber inlet hose where it goes onto the turbo. Right down the back then. That'll be fun.

And thats it for today. Plenty more to do later it seems. But so far so ok.

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Life has a sudden new difficulty. “I’m taking the Volvo” “which one?”

The Throbber has now become the de facto name for the old(er) one. It certainly has a certain ring to it.

Anyway, whilst I’ve been distracted with the new(er) one The Throbber was placated with a Super Tom fitted full belt, idler, crank puller kit. All Kwality Kit as well. Surely a good enough gift?

No. The Throbber was a total bellend about it and refused to time up so it didn’t sound like a skeleton wanking in a biscuit tin. Tom took it back apart, counted teeth, measured lengths, borrowed another set of locking pins incase his were somehow screwy. Totally threw him, until he got the dial gauge out and spent a few hours forensic mechanicing.

The Throbbers dark past has come back to haunt it. The engine is (to some extent) a bitsa. There is a mix of Volvo and VW pulleys on the camshaft. And contrary to popular belief we now know that they are not, quite, the same. The position of the timing mark relative to the pulley keyway is different between VAG and Volvo. You bitch.

Our assumption is that the old belt went on following a cambelt break / pump seize / head smashing episode. Any previous owners able to shed any light?

and speaking of previous owners, I paid sutty 600 quid for The Throbber...


Ouch. You bitch.

Still, now it’s good for a few years, and strong enough to support some tuning goodies. Happy days. 

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Thanks. ?. It’s a bit talking to the void, but a good way of keeping track of what’s been done. Nice to hear someone else is enjoying it.

Good news. New tyres for the new one have arrived. Currently it wears a different brand with different wear on each corner. I’m fussy about tyres so that’s a no from me. Did I mention I now have access to a tyre machine? Helloooo mail order. They were going to be rotellas as they were the cheapest thing that had decent wet grip rating, but, but no. Luckily I managed to fuck up the ordering so had time to experience buyers regret before having to cancel and reorder. So we fucked off the idea of slide masters and bought grown up tyres.


cost to uprate? A tenner a corner. What was I thinking of.

Popped on some company colours. Suits The Throbber particularly well.




and then, well, it all went horribly wrong.

yesterday we went to the zoo (with the dog. Her best day out EVER. Think it’s well cool they let them in, but anyway...) and in the words of sc the younger “this car is really not happy today is it.” Well, no it wasn’t. Skeleton was back and masterbating frantically. To the extent people were turning and looking as we cruised past.

so this morning pop down the unit with the child. Give her her bike, open the bonnet, start the car and go get my long screwdriver to start trying to trace noise and CLANK and the motor stops dead. Violently. Fuck. Followed immediately and completely unrelatedly by that horrible small child smearing to a stop on tarmac sound. Oh ffs.

so The Throbber was pushed into Super Toms parking space where it will be a nice* Monday morning surprise for him and I got all nursey.



Its a hard path growing up.


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So clearly something has let go, and the advantage of paying someone else is it’s his job now to tell me what... and it seems likely related to the belt swap. But it’s worth remembering it’s done near a quarter of a million miles, so something related or nearby that’s been disturbed is definitely still a possibility. None of that is a problem, all is amicable and friendly.

The thought nagging me is that if I had done it, would we have encountered this at all? It would definitely be right on the end of my ability (hence I gave it to Tom) so would have approached with fear and trepidation, marked everything everywhichway etc.

I’ll never know, cos I didn’t do it. Imagine if it was still as horrible and I had done it. I’d be so peed off with myself and yet it wouldn’t have been (necessarily) my fault.

on balance, thank fuck it’s a S.E.P.

And to give the Throbber her due, outside the mechanics garage is a jolly good place for a ftp. I had a Sierra td many moons ago that threw a rod through the block as it pulled into the pub parking space. That was nice* “Well, yes as it turns out, I will have a beer. Or four?


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