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Tickman's stuff. Insight out.

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And the Picasso passed an MOT! 


I need to get to know that garage!


It was the guy that failed my Camper. He is usually Very thorough. Admittedly it didn't look too bad!


you didn't buy that cheap mazda then ?


I got no response at all, even from a reply crafted from reasonable English with actual sentences. Admittedly I didn't have a broken Xbox to offer so...


Last night was track night with the 182.


It was a little wet at times and the Clio was going quite well. As time went on gears were more difficult to get and a new noise could be heard.


A little investigation showed oil appearing from the rocker cover and a slightly* noisy engine.


A quick inlet manifold off to get access to the rocker cover and tighten up where necessary.




The noise has since been confirmed as a very fucked dephaser pulley


This means a park up and sorn shall be occuring with the Clio. 


I think some mojo for it will be required before I consider tackling the cambelt challenge.






Jag update, the MOT was due on the 22nd of August so yesterday I gave it a good* look over and noticed a headlight bulb out. 

New bulb purchased and fitted today so I went along to see my tester and came away with a Pass.


13 month MOT :)






I have a couple of bits to sort but once these are done it will be time for the next owner to step forward.


I haven't been using it much as it is too clean inside and I don't want to be the one who ruins all the work that Fat_Pirate put into making it so nice.


Can't you trick Dome into doing the cambelt for you?

  • Like 3

Can't you trick Dome into doing the cambelt for you?


That was suggested by the MOT tester today when I was talking about it :)

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More Jag stuff happening.


The MOT tester said the damper top bushes on the passenger side were a bit fucked so get them changed, the driver side are fine.


So coolant header tank out of the way, up in the air and wheel off.

Top nut undone and damper removed.

The four items involved:




Lower one fitted and damper back in place:




Top one on ready for tightening down:




The low coolant level sensor (I presume) wasn't in place properly and there was some residue on the socket which might have been glue. This was cleaned off and the sensor is held in by the socket:





I then proceeded to spend about an hour fucking about with the minor leak in the exhaust. At the end of play it was much better.


Just the rear drop links to fit when they arrive and then it is done.


I shall do a sale thread for it and I have been asked by a few for Roffle tickets so it is looking like going that way.


I'm not sure what I did with my old dephaser, you're welcome to it if it's knocking around though. I'll have a dig.





Oh and I'll have a random please...


So the Jag Roffle was a success and sold out quickly with SiC being the lucky number pulled out of Camelots hat.

Planning for a road trip is taking place.


In other car movements Schrodinger (the blue 182) has just left as well.

It had problems when bought for not a lot and was fun but it needed the dephaser pulley changing which is expensive enough for the parts and then the lack of access to do the job meant I was slightly put off.

Once fixed then there were still issues including the crunchy gearbox which had at least 2 litres less oil than it should have when purchased so I decided the sensible thing was to get rid.


So I am now two cars down and not actually looking to replace them.


But I have spent a couple of hours looking at Focus 170's because I'm a knob.

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So I have the Picasso in the workshop for sills.




The md sill had partly gone as well so that got replaced.




I needed a bit of access behind the wings.




I bought myself a present. It is a bit clearer.




Then I did some welding.


Mid sill attached, outer repair panel welded in and the bit in front under the wing was gone so that needed making.




I'm quite happy with that. a tiny bit of filler should sort it and then some paint.


Panels are from ebay and seem decent quality too.


That is the welding for the drivers side done, Passenger's side still to do but it is less fucked (by a small amount) so that will happen next week


Well if mine fails the MOT I know where to come:)

It is a bit like the Oxford, Worse than hoped and worse than expected!


Another few hours on the Picasso today.


Mid sill cut back to good metal.




The scabby bit in the centre of the picture was actually made of metal this side so was cleaned back and treated.




Mid sill metal back in.




Tack, wait, tack, wait, tack, wait....




Quite a bit extra needed putting in at the front of the sill.





No clean up was done today as another grinder died.


To be continued...


Today was get the Picasso (nearly) finished.



Starting where I left off.




But after the last casuality I would need this.




Getting there after a bit of primer and paint.




After the top coat.




That is a reflection near the B pillar, not a scabby mess.


The other side was also done as well as the bottom of one rear door as it was a bit fucked, now it is a bit fucked but with shiny paint.


Jobs left to do, the wings need bolted at the bottom and one hole each side no longer exists.


Also some rust prevention will be applied to inside the sills when I do the bolt hole.

  • Like 2

Oh, you do painting too?


*Notes this down...

No it was the Elves as they got pissed off with the shoe maker taking the piss.


Valuation question, I am not getting around to sorting Father Jack (Named because of the number plate) and have decided it is time for it to go.


Any ideas of what might be a realistic figure?



Registered October 1968.

2 1/4 Diesel.

Overdrive fitted.

Not hanging at all underneath.

Starts even if left for up to 18 months.

Does drive, change gear and stop.

Indicators are not wired up at the dash, this is what is stopping me giving it a try on the road to discover the rest of the fun that lies ahead.


I haven't got to this in too long so the decision has been made.

320touring has already offered to spend a weekend getting it sorted for the road but I have no motivation for it and would rather sit and drink beer!


















As can be seen it is in what I could call 'functional' state with it having a chassis, body, wheels and an engine.


It is a Land Rover so leaks oil.


Luckily for me the Land Rover market has picked up a bit while I have had him so I shouldn't be worried about loosing money and any money 'made' will hopefully be paying for a new driver insurance policy soon!


Probably only worth 50pence but I'm generous so i'll give you a pound.


Can collect at the weekend...

  • Like 3

Probably only worth 50pence but I'm generous so i'll give you a pound.


Can collect at the weekend...

Sorry, busy this weekend ;)


The market is a bit nuts, as you say, so I reckon you'd see £2k+ on Ebay, if you can be arsed with that.


The Series 2 owners forum also allows free ads, so you could always try it on there for £2k ish.


IMHO, on the bay

As is £2k, get an MoT on it £3k+

However you is in de wrong place to be selling de Land Rover!

Need to be down south along de Swanee River, south of Birmingham to get top dollar, as is fashionista item.


If sticking it on the S2 forum, expect some cunt to moan about the four headlights.

If selling on the bay, the advert must include the word Barnfind at least twice.

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If sticking it on the S2 forum, expect some cunt to moan about the four headlights.

If selling on the bay, the advert must include the word Barnfind at least twice.


Ain't that the truth. Both of them.


Yep, if you use the S2 forum you will get all your rivets counted to the nth degree, all minor revisions for that year spotted which yours mysteriously doesn't have, and maybe even be accused of it being a S3 in disguise if you're lucky! Just ignore them.


Thanks for the replies, that is roughly what I was thinking price wise so nice to see I wasn't totally off.


I may try the Series 2 club and see what happens.


Its current value is probably around £2k, but it would probably fetch closer to £4k with an MOT and some paint (based on me getting £3,450 for a freshly-painted and freshly MOT'd 1966 Series 2a 109 2.25 petrol with a Defender front end a couple of years ago)




If sticking it on the bay you must

- it is a new law*

- point out that it is Tax and MoT exempt...


First job today was to get the Picasso bolted back together. Some underseal was sprayed on the bits behind the wings and the wings fitted properly again.

Monday I will bring it home and give it back to the neighbour.





Next was to see if I could open the bonnet of the new steed.


Achievement unlocked.



This is how I managed to get enough power to the car yesterday to tow start it and drive it 20 miles 'home'




The drivers door sits about 3mm too far forward and fouls the front wing so that needs adjusted but after MOT.




This is how it is currently sitting with the front in the air.






All discs need cleaned up but I will start on that next week sometime, no more this week, hopefully!


Quick catch up.

With the Jag being won by SiC and the only car I have on the road being the Clio that I'm teaching Meg to drive in it decided to develop a strange noise and some vibration at times.

This decided to get worse on a drop off trip to Edinburgh Airport so it was taken up to the workshop for investigation. This explains why Simon and Steve were collected in Chuck's car. Thanks Chuck!


Up on stands and I couldn't find any play in bearings or anything really.

I took the wheels off and put it in 5th and let it run. The driveshafts were not necessarily quite so I had a look on the internet and J&R driveshafts had suitable for not very much. I have used their stuff before and was surprised how good it seemed for the price so and order went in on Monday afternoon.


Tuesday Morning DPD delivered them!


A bit of messing about, mostly catching the gearbox oil, and they were out.




New ones fitted and time to tidy up.





I must be getting too much practice as it took 2 hours to do both and filling the gearbox back up was about 20 minutes of that.


A quick test drive, dropping the tow rope back off after the Octavia collection, and all seems to be good.


Looks like it might be next week before Octavia work commences.

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