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Shite We Keep


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stuff thats just you know .....


some random bits from the barn today as its starting to get frosty here decided to get all the mags etc out the barn (or they'll go mouldy and skank) and back into the house.. found these...aim was to frame them and they go into my office (garage, barn, portacabin, portaloo...)... :wink:


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anyone else got stuff they just dont have the heart to throw away (excluding cars, wifes etc)...




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I've got a lot of 60s mags and fragments that are already mouldy and stinky... but too nice to throw out, have to wash my hands twice after going through the stacks...

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I've got a lot of old car and Leyland Truck brochures from E-bay recently, and some more from Fiatdaft on here.But the one thing I sorely miss is an advert in a local Linlithgow tourist guide my folks got when we moved to the town in 1986. Its for the Bathgate Leyland Trucks range, which was just over the back at the time, and was to shut down that year. It still had wonderful relics such as the FG and EA advertised, so they must have been made at Bathgate right up until then. I wish I hadnt cut out the truck pictures then lost them I was only 7 though :cry:

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their stuck to your lolly under the sofa :lol: i still have all my VW brochures approx 80 or so some reasonable rare, plus tha haynes 80ish) and three massive folders of just random vw stuff adverts/reviews for stuff from about 85, it wasnt till i moved that actually i realised that i needed the truck just for my shite :lol::lol: not sure what i have in relation to trucks, do have a stack of french adverts from the 80's and 90's too, from a load of papers someone threw out their house when it was being done up.. great way to spend a lunchhour :roll:

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Cheap frames from Tesco + mag ads = class art for any wall. I have a couple of old Motor covers (from mags I bought in a job lot that were falling apart) framed up in my office. Also a couple of late 60's Cadillac ads from National Geographic that I really must get some frames for. I also have a reproduction dealer ad for the Mk2 Scrote RS1800 I bought from the Haynes museum, but it's a bit of an odd size and finding a frame to fit it is proving problematical...

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When I get my proper nice multi car garage sorted out (next year hopefully) then I'll be adoring the walls with plenty of old ads and car posters. I used to have zillions of old magazines but a while back I went through them and removed all the interesting bits and binned the rest. All the old ads and articles are now filed in clear plastic pockets awaiting the day when I have wall space for them. I've got some much car related junk I can barely keep it all under control :lol:

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I've been hoarding car related tat since I was young. Luckily the hundreds of magazines are safely stored. I can't bring myself to tear out pages out of them. I was lucky enough to pick up 95% of a collection of bound issues of 1970-79 'Motor' magazines from Wolverhampton Library a few years back and I recently picked up a batch of manky but intreaging 'What Car' magazines dating from 1975 to 1985 recently. I don't go out and get pissed these days, I sit in and read reviews of Simca 1501's and worry myself sick with what they think of the forthcoming Arna.

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Dropping those kids off at the school gates in a white Dacia Denem with a vinyl roof would probably be regarded as child abuse in these more enlightened times :shock:

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I'm another magazine hoarder, as well as brochures, kits, etc. That was how I met RW, having bought off him once or twice, and then indirectly I ended up here. As well as everything else I'd bought myself since the age of 11-12, I acquired a very big batch of old Motor mag's some years ago plus I'd also cleared someone's loft of issues of CCC, Hot Car and others. At that point I realised I had to do something along the same lines as Ratdat, with the aim of keeping all the Datsun/Nissan and other Japanese stuff.


Seemed a shame chucking the rest of the magazine away, so I started keeping road/group tests on a wide variety of things. Now got a nice little library for myself.


From that, I started thinking that I ought to keep the ad's and articles on other cars, with the prospect of selling them on. Done that a few times to people on here, relative to the time it takes to get them all together it's never going to make me rich but I like thinking that it's gone to somone likeminded on their chosen make/model.


I brought a load of stuff in from The Big Shed only a few days ago, which I'll be sorting and chucking on the 'bay in batches like this:


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Usually there's more than this, but Keef has bought the previous pile of ADO16 stuff. Anyone want anything?


Space isn't really the issue though any more...


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This is what's at the bottom of my garden. At this point it was unusually full, as most of our household stuff was in there too while we had the house rewired. It's gradually emptying out now as we get the house straight again, more shelves planned soon on the back wall and I'll be getting old ad's, centrespreads and posters up on the walls. It's a timber building, so dampness doesn't seem to be a problem though I'm not sure whether some rodent beasts have moved in :evil:

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^ want that hobby room ^Another guilty of compulsive mag hoarding. Bloody things are everywhere, a teetering mountain in the bedroom, plus several boxes perched on the wardrobes, mountains in the loft, various 'to do' boxes scattered about, and a huge 'to sort' pile in the cupboard under the stairs. Actually, it's a bit of a logistical nightmare, never quite enough time to be as thorough at catalogging (sp) as I'd like, as anything left out either causes domestic ructions or gets mauled by my savage dogs/kids. I guess there's thousands and thousands, every issue of Practical Classics, Hot Car, Street Machine, Custom Car, Retro Cars etc etc. And that's before you start on the brochures and other bits & bobs, some of which are probably worth a small fortune. Oh and then add in my 'ebay stock' which means having multiple 'Retro Cars', plus PPC & Retro Ford & whatnot which helps feed the habit..... Once in a while I have a big purge of stuff that seems not to be 'bayable' individually and that I have read, digested and tired of, but the total number seems to be in an ever upward spiral. Without these seasonal clearouts I wouldn't like to think where I'd be, though I regret clearing out a load of the stuff I accumulated in my youth.... I think I need professional help.

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Grr, the pesky critters are in there :x Hoping it's just the odd mouse, I hate rats. Just gone out there to bring some more stuff in to get listed, to see all the bait I've put down has gone. Now got the prospect of a dead beast in something...No damage yet evident to anything, and unlike in the pic's above at least the toaster, fridge and microwave are no longer out there :lol:

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Why would would you not want the catering facilities in there? Fridge stocked with Hen & rustlers microwaveable bilge, butter, plus a small cupboard for bread & marmite. All in a quiet, child- & wife-free space. Heaven.

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I used to have one - armchair, fridge, motorbike and telly - then the wife decided it would be more use as a bedroom and it became:

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Then some years later...

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All hope of it becoming a garage again now dashed...


Gutted. :(


Am so jealous of your shed.

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I'd love a room like that but alas our one bedroom flat doesn't allow for it... and any suggestion that we should move to a bigger flat/house results in the silent treatment. If we move at any point, I'm guessing it'll be kept & rented out or used as our holiday home!That hasn't stopped me from hoarding car related items (since the age of nine) however. My magazine collection has mostly been relegated to the garage & I'm doubtful that they'll survive if left there for evermore - what with the threat of mice & the elements. I sold some of them at an autojumble five or so years ago but I still have tons more.The flat is still full of car parts though which is a comfort.

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Why would would you not want the catering facilities in there? Fridge stocked with Hen & rustlers microwaveable bilge

Rustlers?! Does money grow on trees at your place? The Hirst fridge is usually packed with the Aldi alternative, Texas James. Though frustratingly all it contains at the moment is a red grapefruit and a 6-pack of Asda brand Cream Soda that was reduced to 20p on paupers row.Anyhow, I have a frustrating amount of tat I keep, brochures and the likes aren't too big a deal as I tend to keep them filed away in boxes and on shelves. It's more the general tat that causes problems, steering wheels, roof bars, boxed-up new old stock. I would say my worst habit is car radios, I think I have about 10 lying around at the moment. That's in addition to all the non-car tat I end up with, I'm a sucker for heavily discounted electrical goods as I tend to sniff around closing down sales and will buy anything if it lights up, seperates tape decks, Minidisc players, even more car radios, etc. Nothing wrong with a bit of hoarding!
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totally agree nothing wrong with it seems we all are at itSpottedlaurel thats a impressive joint that chap :DMr Average - Ta Chap i now know a Samba S has 4 more bhp than my polo - gutted :twisted: some good ad's coming out here :roll:

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Traps are the way to go. Mouse corpses stink to high heaven and they aren't always accessible.

Now I know for definite they're in there I shall invest in some :twisted: That fridge probably will end up back out there, it was a £10.50 eBay purchase to get us going when we moved house. It can be relegated to shed duties when the new fridge (which is in the garage, a different building) gets brought into the house once I've done the kitchen. As 'shiters who have visited will be able to testify, my house is something of a project and it doesn't leave a lot of time for car-related stuff right now.Current sorting of stuff for listing on eBay is more of a financial necessity, if I'm to get the new (old) car here anytime soon :roll:
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