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OT Issue 2 is here...


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...fantastic, this has made my morning after returning to the house to find Mrs W is attempting to hasten destruction of the Ozone Layer by leaving on every light in the house when she goes shopping.Once again, Mr_B wins 'article of the mag' for his soliloquy on his 504 truck.Top work again Mr Peter!

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Mrs W is attempting to hasten destruction of the Ozone Layer by leaving on every light in the house when she goes shopping.

She must be punished! Force her to drive a b-reg cavalier 1300 auto until she 'repents'!!!
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Hah! Such are magazine lead times it's already out of date, as both my Senator and 405 have been sold :D It turns out I may not have an autoshite-free life until after my wedding - the value of my Accord continues to drop like a stone, so I will be trying to sell that ASAP, but before my company car arrives I'll need transportation...clunkerville here we come!!! :lol:

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Hurray mine landed up today! In fact I got 2 copies, and one of them had 2 front covers! Making a grand total of 3 front covers, if anyone needs a spare. Terrific!

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I've still got half a box of issue ones here.Incidentally, if anyone found more than five answers in the wordsearch, you're in for a good chance in the competition because I can't find my answer list.

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In fact I got 2 copies, and one of them had 2 front covers!

That's Original Tin double value!


PS: Mr Welfare - if you want a second free copy, send me an e-mail. I started giving all the contributors two when I realised just how many I had to shift! I can't promise you any more than one cover though.

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Incidentally, if anyone found more than five answers in the wordsearch, you're in for a good chance in the competition because I can't find my answer list.

Yay - up to about double figures - but there is a woryingly blank space in part of the grid... so far I cant think of any cars called the Xzwrkl.
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Yay - up to about double figures - but there is a woryingly blank space in part of the grid... so far I cant think of any cars called the Xzwrkl.

[Anorak mode on] isn't Xzwrkl the project name for the NSU prince? [Anorak mode off] :lol:
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In fact I got 2 copies, and one of them had 2 front covers!

That's Original Tin double value!


PS: Mr Welfare - if you want a second free copy, send me an e-mail. I started giving all the contributors two when I realised just how many I had to shift! I can't promise you any more than one cover though.

No worries - I might even splash out on a subby for my brother to keep him entertained when the electrics of his £112 Volvo crap out...again (took us 3hrs to change the alternator on Tuesday).


There could be another article coming your way, depending on what I get as my interim wreck twixt selling Accord and receiving company Saab (or, er, Accord, if the local dealer can actually find a diesel one for me to test-drive). Shortlist is a Mk1 Rover 820, D-plate Nissan Bluebird or G-reg Sierra 1600L.


I'm already bidding on the Rover, and that's my first choice (mainly because it's nearest...)

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Hey RW! That Rowva looks like a right pukka purchase!Lovely nick and sensible miles. Hope you can snaffle it!Those old 800's are so not my bag, but I know my old dad would be first in the queue for that one - just his cup of tea!!

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In for a late night tomorrow as that and the Bluey finish around midnight :shock: I'll only be running it for a coupla months, do you want to prime Pogweasel Snr if I win it? :lol:

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I shall certainly mention it. He would be stoked as he is currently subject to Peugeot 205 'peasant chariot'. Nice & frugal & cheap on the tax. But not the sort of mile-munching luxo-tank the olds are used to....

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The Blue one is not a million miles from my home 20 - but I much prefer the shape of the white one.

Im fairly sure I spied a totalled one on the bay for a quid the other day - had been gouged down the side but was a runner.

Good luck Mr. RW.


Here we be: Linky

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  • 11 months later...
  • 4 months later...

So is there going to be an issue three? Will my name ever be immortalised in print? Who knows? Well Peter obvioulsy, but who else?One thought I have though (given the horrific cost of printing and paper and distribution etc) is whether or not there would be any milage in a .PDF file magazine - downloadable from the OT site and available for a nominal charge to fund bandwidth costs perhaps. That way all the happy tales of motoring on a pedestrian budget need not vanish without a trace.Just a thought from somone who got an article acceptd by Joypal just before it folded :roll:

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Okay, I'll come clean. OT2 lost a colossal amount of money. Even OT1 lost a three figure sum and that was made on a photocopier. I'm not an astute businessman, as it turns out. Advertising and distribution cost considerably more than I had estimated, not to mention credit card processing fees etc.


The red ink on my bank statements should have been a warning that enough is enough - refund the subscribers and let it die - but people kept on buying them, and they kept telling me that they liked it. Instead of packing it in, it's taken me some time to secure financial backing and find a sustainable way of running this magazine. This way, it should be possible to put out four or five issues in 2008.


So, all the subscribers (and contributors) will be receiving a christmas card in the next few days containing my profuse apologies for selling them a subscription worth less than a Northern Rock share certificate, and including a password which can be used on the website to download the articles from OT3 in technicolor. A print issue will follow in January.


I think I said this in the last OT thread - I love old magazines. If I ever need a motivator, it's the thought that, in years to come, someone will cherish their pile of yellowed Original Tins in the way I cherish my stacks of Jalopy, Car, Autocar etc.

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Somebody clue me in on what you are all talking about? Is this some sort of 'Jalopy' replacement -and if so -where do I sign up?

See the linky for website at the bottom of Peters post above ^^^

If your quick / lucky he might still have a copy of OT 2 spare...... :lol:


I think I said this in the last OT thread - I love old magazines. If I ever need a motivator, it's the thought that, in years to come, someone will cherish their pile of yellowed Original Tins in the way I cherish my stacks of Jalopy, Car, Autocar etc.

I already have mine lovingly stored in individual plastic wallets in an A5 box file. My wife thinks I'm tapped in the heeeeed or something. Why can I smell burning toast???


No worries Peter, Having had stuff printed before I know how much it costs and how printers are reluctant to run for anything less than 50 Billion copies (which is why I thought about a .PDF style one) I just thought its sods Law, Paljoy folded just before my ADO16 article went in, and I though bo11ox, OT is gonna go the same way, the world will not know the Joy of BX.....

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