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That Victor is ace.  The little old lady that owns it has her son look after it and it's her only car.  She uses it for everything and has been using it if not from brand new then very nearly so.  Remarkable that it's survived really, I snap a picture of it whenever I see it because it's a proper little ray of sunshine.  The back window has the sorry remnants of one of those stick on square-spiral screen demisters, gently peeling off and presumably of no use any more.  It is, quite simply, the most Autoshite car I know of locally.

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There was also a lovely little Sunbeam (I did think it was a Hillman, but Sunbeam was on the boot).


Sunbeam Rapier, shares a floorpan with the Hillman Minx so you're correct on both points. There used to be one kicking around the bit of Liverpool that my mate's girlfriend/wife lived, but that was 10 years ago.

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  • 1 month later...

Spots time!  December was pretty good for quantity, January not so much, so I've bundled them together for this update.


A better look at that Nova.  At a quick glance they do look like a Kia Pride.



Floppytop and probably a soggy bottom.








Mk4 Fiesta, doom blue, BBS alloys, chav cannon... strangely not too offensive.



It's that Good Life spec Volvo estate and I have photographed it.



Here, I'll show you a close up to prove* it.



No?  Suit yourself.  Here's a very exciting spot in the form of a saloon Reliant.





North East Barbara Cartland impersonator sells Mitsubishis and is not endorsed by Cavcraft.



Range Rover P38 looking remarkably smart and just a little dated now.



Volvo 740 estate with limo-black windows.



Now for January.  We'll start with the most interesting spot in the form of this Toyota Avensis GS.



Tidy little Mk1 Clio.



And a late high trim level Corsa B






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  • 2 months later...

April spots time.


A lovely coach on the day that the Rover decided it wanted to shake a hub off very slowly.





Not very Autoshite, but worthy of  mention.  First time I've seen it not in motion.





Much more Autoshite was this spectacular Astra.  It appeared to have a whole garden in the back.  Best of all, the more you looked at it the worse you realised it was.  A thing of beauty.



While in the Corsa B on my way to get oil for the Renault 6 I found myself in traffic behind this Sera.  These Toyotas manage to look both strange and ordinary at the same time in modern traffic.



I may have photographed this before, it looks very smart.



Hyundai Lantra estate. Solid gold chunk of metallic blue budget motoring.



This Xantia was a chance spot, it's the really lovely one I've seen bombing around recently.  A closer look did not disappoint.  The colour and number plate were both very appealing, personally.






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Figaro with terrible wheels.



Ford Ka with spectacular door mirror repair of a sellotape bandage that has to have been about four rolls minimum.



Tidy little Fiesta with original trims and plain plastic bumpers.



You can just make out the bright yellow slidey-door Peugeot.



Spotted a gold Astra on its way to the bean tin factory.  Slightly sad sight that.



What I hadn't noticed when I took these pictures is that there was also a Mazda RX8, an MG ZT and a LWB Transit on the dolly behind the truck.  Spectacular.



Omega estate, I'd almost forgotten they made these.



Very appropriate plate on this Golf.



Check out the Land Rover in this picture.  Oh, and there's something pretty in the foreground too.


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Brown MGB rubber bumpers.



Can you tell what it is ye... oh, I can't say that any more can I?



Crusty Crapi



Something else interesting in the distance.



Nice old caravan ahead of it.



Racing 2CV with a muffin on the boot lid.



An old military thing, no idea what it was.  From behind in the dusk it was practically invisible, the rear lights were barely even shining.



I finally get a good picture of that Volvo and get photobombed by a Transit camper.






Burgundy metallic FTO, what a strange colour for one of these.  Amazingly, there was someone in the back too.


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I nearly forgot these!



Tidy Corolla with a very strange stripe of gaffer tape across the spoiler line.



That old Victor again.




I saw a turquoise Rover 600 while I was sat in my red Rover 400



Two munters for the price of one!  Multipla and Tacuma.


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  • 1 month later...

We're a week into June and I've forgotten to update with May.  Well here I am doing just that.  First two from the seaside when I went down to Maidstone.


This Nissan 300ZX eluded identification when I saw it, I just couldn't make my mind up with myself what it was even though the shape was familiar.



You can just make out the Jaguar XJS here.



Then, entirely by chance, I ended up spotting a Wartburg Knight of all things!  This was before I'd repaired the boot spoiler on the Rover.  I was so excited I took many pictures and even hung around a bit for the owner but they didn't appear and the beige lovely was still there after I'd returned from my own jobs.









I've got into the habit of photographing these Peugeot 1007s with the slidey doors.  I'm not sure it's a good habit but it's done me no harm so far.



Rad Mk2 Golf in not-pineapple shocker!  Neat graphics, dealer plates, factory ride height and hideous trims.



Volvo 740 I don't recall seeing before.



To finish off, a Triumph Sta(aaaaaa)g resplendant in purple.  You can see I got the boot spoiler repaired on the Rover too.




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  • 4 weeks later...

It's that time of the month again.  Let's kick things off with the weekend I was in Bourne.  Always fun figuring out what's actually going to come in for the classic car show and what's just an old car driving about.  Since it's farmer country you're going to see quite a few off roaders, like this unmolested Suzuki Vitara.



I'm delighted with this next one.  A Toyota Carina saloon with missing wheel trim, various bashes all over and a blue badge in the window.  Grade A stuff really.



Plymouth Roadrunner (or was it a Satellite?  I can't remember and don't know my Plymouths that well) and a Skoda Felicia pick-up truck.



On a different day that weekend we saw this small* Ford F150 trying to get out onto the main road.



Later on, I spotted this Xantia hatchback.



Back home and there's this Jag.  I've seen it since usually in the same spot so it could even be an Asda staff member's car.  I live in hope.  Of special note are the twin headlights and the single white lettered tyre.





Seen in traffic, just, is a Renault Clio sillybodykit (VR6?). Not seen one of these for a few years now.



Out in the Applause with Chompy and in the far distance you can't make out that there's a Mk1 Fiesta on that trailer with a brand new still-in-black-primer-stuff Mk1 tailgate on it.  Looked to be on its way for paint so probably a restoration job now these are actually worth something.



At Eurocarparts with Mike  on a day of errands and this little ray of sunshine was waiting for me.  One of those cars you never see out in the wild now, the humble Vauxhall Nova in standard trim with no add-ons.  Lovely.



Finally, a chance encounter on my way to the Post Orifice on a typical summer's day was this 2CV.  It's got everything.  The bungee holding the bonnet down/headlight bar on, the rusty windscreen vent, the missing door mirror, the headlight peaks.  Superb.


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Excellent. I'm late to this thread, but the Muffin 2CV racing car is the one I helped pit crew for at the 24hr last year - also spotted by Catsinthewelder on his way to Shitefest, proving that to do any form of motor racing, you need to do an awful lot of travelling! The car lives in Cheshire - and is now road legal!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update time, since it's now officially August.  Not a lot to report, I've been seeing a lot of the same cars about so there seemed little point photographing things you'd seen before.  Off to an interesting start though when I spotted a lowered Nissan Cube on Borbet A alloys, which is a combination of things I quite like.




Had to nip over to Darlington and spotted a Renault 5.  Then noticed they'd hydrodipped the whole bumpers, which was quite impressive.  So far, the largest thing I'd seen hydrodipped were 15" alloys.



Excellent early Clio complete with Reg Vardy sticker and illegible trim level tailgate sticker.



Out in the Applause with Chompy we spotted an MG F that looked to be sitting very high indeed.  Later research revealed that this was the stock height and that virtually every owner since has lowered them.



AAEIAHIAHANFAalhflaiewhntralwna!  As I pulled into a parking space this Cavalier that I have seen A THOUSAND TIMES WHEN I DIDN'T HAVE A CAMERA was pulling out!  It appears to just be a regular every day car judging by the lady driver of middling years and her lady passenger of considerably more advanced years.  Now, if I can just get a snapshot of the similarly clean and tidy drophead Cav of the same shape that I last saw transporting ladders, I'll be a happy man.



Finally, a stunning little German number in the form of this Mk2f Polo Coupé still on original height suspension with original alloys.  A really pleasing thing to see on what was a scorcher of a day.


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Good spots! 


The widebody Clio is a very good spot - not VR6, that's a VW thing about oddly angled cylinders.

It's the Renault Clio V6 RenaultSport - mid-engine, RWD, in the spirit of the 5 Turbo.

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Mk2 Cavalier a particularly good find, been a while since I've seen one in everyday use.


Looks to be a fairly basic model. 30 years ago (possibly to the day) my dad took us down to the South of France for a week in one. How can it be that long ago?......

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  • 1 month later...

It's September so time for me to dump another load of snapshots in here.  A nice doom blue Cortina in factory fresh condition kicks things off nicely.




At the lights I spotted this Jag.  He spotted me taking the photograph while I was sat at the red light too, most people don't notice.



In the distance you can just make out a Mk4 Escort.  My camera decided to be on a go slow when the Escort appeared so this was the best shot I managed.  It was wearing Ford alloys and looked to have perhaps been lowered but nothing silly.



One thing I didn't expect to see parked outside Lidl was this sparkling little happy car.



This Rav4 was much more usual for the location.  I thought this was the local one I'd seen on three spoke alloys but now I wonder if there are two.



To end this update, here's yet another tidy Xantia papped by Mike from the passenger seat of the Applause.  There's a lot of Xantias up here, not entirely sure why.


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  • 1 month later...

This month (September) I've spotted a couple of cars that I didn't pap.  Twice I've seen a Mk4 (or maybe 5) Cortina in metallic blue with a black vinyl roof.  Today I saw a tiny little pre-war car, looked rather like a little Standard Ten but I couldn't be sure, the grille was distinctive with it's chrome surround and single central vertical chrome bar.  I also saw a hot pink Mk1 Megane, which I had very mixed feelings about.


Here follows what I did get snaps off.  Let's start off with perhaps the largest, an American crew cab pick up, I'm going to guess 1981 Ford Ranger.



A rare thing now, these little Civics.





Safest van on the road.  Probably.



Miserable.  Wonderfully miserable.



That Dollywobbler spec 2CV again.



Quite an unexpected thing to find, I walked halfway across the car park to get these photographs for you so you'd better appreciate my dedication to shite.  Looks like an early one and is complete with headlight protectors and dealer plates, just a shame the wheel trims were missing.





Another Honda not so often seen is this Prelude.



Unexpected Sierra Sapphire.  Not sure if genuine Cosworth type thing or not.



Charming little Minor that just looked well worn rather than neglected or over restored.  Just lovely.



A terrible photograph of a pristine Camaro of 1989 vintage.  It was like someone had got a block of Shiny Red and perfectly cast this car in it.  I thought it was amazing, and still do.



Private plate that caught my attention in traffic.



Finally, a little present to me that appeared next door... I WISH.  I have a lot of time for Riley RMs and this one was just gorgeous.


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  • 1 month later...

November is over so here are the things I saw.


I don't know what this is beyond a Toyota, if the badge is to be believed.



HOT DAMN!  An actual Rebel out in the actual wild.





Obviously, the car you want to use when they've started putting salt down is a Frogeye Sprite on chromed wire wheels.  Who says you need a 4x4 for winter?



I almost liked this Mini, it was so close.   Colour and trim was appealing, I just wish it had been sporting steels and hubcaps.





Holden Monaro, the really very Australian one.



Another Toyota that I can't identify.



In the far distance to the left of the VW is a beige Renault camper.  This is the best shot I've managed so far, I want a face-on pic of it to show off the one rusty headlight.



Inoffensively modified Mk2 Golf.






That's your lot.  Not been a lot to see lately.

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  • 1 month later...

2016 has ENDED.  So here's the last few spots from that year.  There was only one item in October which was this spotless Sunny, I don't *think* I posted this one already.



December then, and the first thing was a little Porsche.



An old red Mercedes, quite a popular thing up here.



One of my favourite pictures of 2016 now.  Sad dog, bad parking, unwashed bonnet, gastropod trails.  It has it all.



It's not very Autoshite, but I do like this loopy Lupo.



Another sports* Volvo.



When I went down to The South I spotted a few things at the services.  Yet another Figaro, the first I've seen in the wild with a rusty chrome bumper, which was strangely comforting because I thought these were chromed plastic items.



Who orders a white Mustang with caramac leather interior and a tan mohair roof?



Who orders it and specifies wheels that look like they're from the cheap section of Halfords?



Delightfully knocked about Xantia in Maidstone centre.  There were quite a few elderly and interesting cars that I didn't have opportunity to photograph in addition to this, like the Mk2f Polo estate, the Berlin spec beige Mercedes 190 parked next to a Nightfire red 600 and the turquoise AX with grey plastic bumpers bombing along the M20 at warp speed 9.



To finish, here's a spot from Mike when a lovely little French number dropped in for some tinkering.  Not ashamed to admit I was envious not to be there when it was.  I am glad Mike got a couple of snaps of it for us to enjoy.








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  • 4 weeks later...

January ends tomorrow and since I'm unlikely to see anything else this month, and the last few updates have been a little late, this one can happen today.  So here we go.  I was about half way through the month and hadn't seen anything of note so took this feeble picture of a Daihatsu Cuore just in case nothing else appeared.

36104970174_4f879fc544_b.jpg20170130-01 by Angyl Roper, on Flickr


It was okay though, because the first local R8 club meet netted me some interesting spots.  Not one, but two Triumph Acclaims.

36799615031_5d007f9a91_b.jpg20170130-02 by Angyl Roper, on Flickr


36104969684_0cba1e0c9c_b.jpg20170130-03 by Angyl Roper, on Flickr


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Oh, and a very clean late model Rover 45.

36799614351_f0e071aa21_b.jpg20170130-04 by Angyl Roper, on Flickr


There were only two R8s there, I was in one of them.

36542947920_c448fb7421_b.jpg20170130-06 by Angyl Roper, on Flickr


I thought that might be it for the month until this afternoon at Tesco.

36542948420_c392c7bf1b_b.jpg20170130-07 by Angyl Roper, on Flickr


36104968234_99dabd8513_b.jpg20170130-08 by Angyl Roper, on Flickr


Lovely.  That's it, see you in a month.

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  • 7 months later...

Right... I'm going to have to do some housekeeping in here so bear with me.  The Photobucket fiasco has made a mess of things and I'm a few months behind on content.  EDIT BUTTON I CHOOSE YOU!

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