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Edd's Talbot Samba Thread


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News flash, king lead vaguely attached to distributor cap, plug lead 3 an 4 not attached to distributor cap.


Reattached everything, sparking on 4 plugs.


No go, I assume it's flooded. Will try in morning.


(yes I hoyyed some petrol down its throat!)

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The fuel down its throat will make it impossibly rich. So, no choke, fully open throttle will add way too much air, slowly weakening the rich mixture being sucked in until it finds the correct ratio, when it will cough into life - cleanest plugs first, grottier ones chiming in seconds later. If its got a workable spark -THIS MUST WORK.

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The fuel down its throat will make it impossibly rich. So, no choke, fully open throttle will add way too much air, slowly weakening the rich mixture being sucked in until it finds the correct ratio, when it will cough into life - cleanest plugs first, grottier ones chiming in seconds later. If its got a workable spark -THIS MUST WORK.


I've never understood why that was the way to do it until now, thanks Nigel.

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Nay worries. Glad to help


Its a quick way to tell you if that project is feasible, or sellers telling porkies etc.


Many's a time I've handed the wedge over & then proceeded to kick that sad wreck into life, sufficient to extract it from the dank hellhole (or Council lockup) its been festering in since decimalisation.  You'd be surprised just how many will run- given wiped points & clean fuel!

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Hi Samba S my Samba Style never starts very well if left for more than a week! I have found that after a lot of cranking and pedal to the floor it will start. I think the problem is the fuel pump not working very well. I am at some point going to get a new one for my car. But they are funny engines I have had a Renault 14 and it had the same suitcase engine and it was just the same some times did not want to start.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday my stars aligned, it all started with an unexpected neck massage from the girl in the barbers... everything went my way.


I though I'd turn my attention to the Samba Style, took the petrol pipe off and stuck it in a bottle, turned car over, plenty of petrol.


Took the dizzy cap off and inspected it, all contacts burned. Went upstairs for a similar one and tried it out. Got a few pops and bangs. Result!


Next went to my local motor factors to order a new cap for Monday but they had one on the shelf - what's the chances of that.


So I fitted it and despite my best efforts the HT leads got mixed up (I've been meaning to buy some of those little numbers that clip on).


Took out plug 1 found TDC and worked my way around the dizzy cap from there.


Hey presto car fires straight up.


Used it a couple of days, seems fine, better than before actually. I hope the MPG improves now. A friend has TAXed it and will borrow it for a while. Hopefully he doesn't crash it.



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I've had numerous problems with the weak fuel pumps over the years too. Bloody useless they are, mind you I've never bought a new one, so maybe I should do that !


I have issues with the pump on the LNA.  If I leave it for more than a few days all the fuel drains back to the tank, and the pump doesn't have enough go to pull it back up to the front.  I have to take the fuel pipe off and suck the fuel through - trying to time it so I stop after the petrol reaches the pump but before I get a gobful of it.  Doesn't always work.

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  • 6 months later...

The Style is sat outside alternatorless. The Cabriolet has just returned from the MOT station. I have some welding to do, I think it will be a days work, one track rod end, one rear wheel bearing, some wiring and a wiper to sort. Will post a few pics of the work, electric/ internet permitting, as soon as possible.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Track rod end was a piece of piss to remove once I could hold the tie rod still, remove nut, loosen other nut, twist n count, refit new track rod same turns old one took to take off for vaguely the same track.


Bearing casing needed whacking out with screwdriver and hammer, new casing needed tapping in using old casing and block of wood and hammer. Also greased everything, well. Most things not the shoes or owt :/





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And the rusty bit. MOT man put his hand through some chassis and floor. I wasn't at all supried as I noticed it last year while Steve was patchin her up.




£15 for new steel why did I ever go up the scrapyard for bonnets and shit to use!




Cut off the shit and even found a few spot welds to drill out to ease the panel off. This day I was late for work, my boss told me to sort myself out so I thought okay I will and quit my job there and then and feel much better and have my weekends free and walked straight into another job driving.




I then made a new chassis leg from sheet steel (Jesus Christ is this me talking, I think I have realised a dream here). Wasn't really sure what I was doing, not gonna lie a box of PG Tips aided this bit.



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Then I had a breakdown! No shit last week was not fun. I did manage to pull through, the weekend off really helped. Today I got back at it after the first day of my new job, which was enjoyable I suppose. Much less stress than fucking Pizza shop!




And this is it really, tomorrow I have to finish grinding down the welds to make it look pretty, fill a couple of pin holes I've uncovered grinding, not rust, not blown holes from too much heat. Just poor angle, or technique or loss of concentration or summit, fucking sue me.

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This thing is ace and I wouldn't want to weld with a normal one now. It's an auto darkening mask, I wanted the 3M one but Machine Mart only had Clarke. I initially declined to take it but relented in the end and with the £100 I saved in price bought myself a battery charger, that's already recovered every dead battery (4 so far) I've thrown at it.




Other MOT fail, pair of these £2 with my Halfords trade card



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And the alternator. Currently a real pain in the arse is being had with me and these. Had 3 fail in last, well not that long. Anyways this brand new one has been pissing me off since it arrived. But today I had the clear mind needed to fault find the fecker once and for all. I was expecting a higher voltage reading with the engine switched on than the 12.47v the battery was producing but nope. Anyway I had continuity and 0 resistance in the B+ 12v wire. The D+ wire I then had to trace, it was brown. So I was looking for a brown wire to the clocks but nope, at some point it became a white wire, and I had continuity. I had continuity from the D + all the way to the PCB where the bulb sat, the bulb wasn't blown, but the contacts on the PCB and bulb holder were corroded. Quick fix. Now with the engine running I have 13.5v at the battery meaning a working alternator. Who'd have thought it needed continuity in the warning circuit to actually function and charge the battery.





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Don't blow it up now!

To be safe when you're welding, disconnect those alternator wires, and the battery leads.


Do you have a re-test booked?

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Not yet I was gonna book it for either tomorrow afternoon or Wednesday morning depending if I finish it tomorrow. Jack will be pleased, he's taking it to London next week and aside from half of all the new stuff it's needed has already bought some replacement speakers to keep up with the sub in the boot and has demanded the indicator relay clicks when he is indicating, in fairness the indicators flash just however the fuck they feel like so a new relay is probably well overdue.

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Good work. I think I saw the floppy top heading North here on the Tuesday before the Tour de France came to Yorkshire. I smiled with my face.



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Ace you must have seen us the day we picked it up from Malham, we came back that way thinking there'd be less Police hassle. Even though it was booked in for test back home

Good work. I think I saw the floppy top heading North here on the Tuesday before the Tour de France came to Yorkshire. I smiled with my face.



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Nice work SambaS particularly on the welding. I myself have had the odd elephant mans testicle when welding up my cortina this week. (when you hit a bit of dirt and rust and the weld blows up to 4 times its size)

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That was short lived, just got a phone call, 'have you ever had a problem with the gearbox... It wont go into gear we're stuck in Deptford, got car park and flights booked and everything....' From the sounds of it he's tried to set off too fast and been a bit harsh with the gearbox, any how the gear link rod is now back on, and I've advised a cable tie if it does it again.

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