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Autoshitist of the Year (Best Person)

Craig the Princess

Who has been Autoshitist of 2011  

55 members have voted

  1. 1. Who has been Autoshitist of 2011

    • Trigger
    • Vin
    • Wuvvum
    • Mr Bo110x
    • Cavette
    • Coalnotdole
    • Scooters - Do not bid - Autoshiter now sold!

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The rest will go up tomorrow night but get voting for Autoshitist of the Year (Best Person)

The nominees are (and another 3 can be added if you want to nominate anyone missed).


Trigger - excellent spots, roadtests scans and Sweeney screen grab thread and just about everything.

Vin - The master of a screen dump thread

Wuvvum - insane but shite quality purchases

Mr Bo110x - LOL worthy comments on the eBay thread

Cavette - The king of the Cavcraft empire, calendar hero and eBay spotter supreme

Coalnotdole - That (now those) Scimitar Saves Rebel explotes

Scooters - The quality, quantity and variety of his road trip reports.

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I want to withdraw from the list as I've not done any decent shite reviews for over a year, have clogged up the forum with desperate alternator assistance appeals, may have used bad language when describing the mechanical challenges of Yugos and PSA Chod and have been too bloody grumpy by half - in short 2011 has been a shocking year for shite despite the Sherpa and Yugo...


looking forward to 2012 which I suspect might be a truly shite year - I have an OVLOV BARGE appearing - potentially a ROVER 800 and I have a nasty case of the Dafs reappearing after a year, meanwhile the BX goes on and on and will benefit from a rebuilt carb and a new fuel pump in the new year and perhaps even some paint (if I can afford to do it). Holiday plans include a trip to Bulgshiteia to potentially collect a rather grim Mk 1 CX (if the flippin vendor ever returns my calls! - I suspect he might be a Nigerian gangsta)


- I would also like to see the much maligned OMG ITZ A SITRON SAXOW appearing in someone's fleet ideally in pov spec unbarried form.


I would like to say a big thanks to everyone who has shared their technical skills and advice on the site, it is invaluable to self taught spannerists like me and the sharing of that knowledge is what makes this a GR9 site

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Trigger, Cavette, Pete-M et al. Bastions of A-S. I'd just like to say a big THANK YOU to all Shiters for your support and good wishes in what has been a difficult year. I got PMs too (you know who you are) and all of you really cheered me up in a bad time. Trig, my missus read your PM to me, and it was the single most brilliant content, both reassuring and friendly. Cheers mate, that was like a million quid.


I tip my hat to you ALL - apologies first, I'm not terribly photogenic (and Kate was making me laugh):




Believe it or not, I'm not really that ugly.

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Actually, I miss Norm. Slightly mad, but an interesting counterpoint. He didn't annoy me, but I think he annoyed some of the others. Norm, if you're reading this, have a good American holiday thing and rue the fact that your lot left The Commonwealth. :D


Peace and love to all.

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I voted coalnotdole for the excellence of the Reliant rescues, and the speed at which his projects get turned around! Was a tricky call though - everyone in the list is worthy of mention, though others such as boobydoo have purchased some weapons grade shite this year.

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WOW!!! I've just realised I've been nominated. I'm certainly humbled as I love the Autoshite and it's community, but I certainly don't post as much as many others do. There are many more worthy than myself.


HereHareHere is one who hasn't been mentioned. He may only post in the Ebay Tat thread, but boy, does it make me laugh so loud it hurts :D:D:D

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Good call that Vin, HereHareHere is seriously funny and should post more often. Still ROFL when I recall how he described an eBay find as 'doesn't soap my pope'.

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