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Infamous Shite in History.

warren t claim

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^^^^ I think that P5b would of been Harold Wilsons choice.


Maggie was offered an SD1 and turned it down, opting to use the P5 instead. The Government had bought a load of them at the end of production in '73 and mothballed them in case they ever needed something suitably dignified for important occasions. Maggie rocked up at No10 in a 1972 P5B and only gave it up close to 10 years later.


After all, if you were battling with union pricks like Derek Robinson you wouldn't want to be depending on a Friday afternoon SD1 to get anywhere.

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This made me LOL a lot :lol::lol::lol:


And look what I'm getting next week!!





Nice that needs it's own thread!




Attempted London Car Bomb




Actual 1996 bus bomb where Mr IRA only killed himself (with bonus background Shite)

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[Harrods car bombers used one of these.


What was the IRAs vehicle of choice for car bombs and general terrorist activity?


The London lot, responsible for the 1973 bombing campaign, used alot of Cortinas IIRC, almost in a fetishistical (I think I just made that up) manner. They certainy used two stolen ones for bombing (including their first attempt at getting Harrods) and finally used a another one as there getaway car.


The old story goes that for driving around Belfast they used black cabs to blend in, although as the Shankill butchers proved it wasn't just the IRA that cottoned onto that one.

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Ian Gow was blown up by the IRA in 1990. He died in his Montego.





If you want an 'Infamous Shitefest' you should read the description of the Hungerford Massacre. Random deaths and shite aplenty :(

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Ian Gow was blown up by the IRA in 1990. He died in his Montego.





If you want an 'Infamous Shitefest' you should read the description of the Hungerford Massacre. Random deaths and shite aplenty :(


When I was a Met Police officer many years ago, I attended a lecture by the Bomb Squad during which I was shown pictures of the inside of Ian Gow's car after the bomb went off; not very pleasant viewing, especially considering that the bomb didn't kill him instantly :(


The Hungerford gunman Michael Ryan owned an Astra GTE, which he shot several times when it wouldn't start after he killed his mother and set her house alight. If it had started, the police think that he would have used it to escape the area and go to ground, meaning that many people in Hungerford would have escaped being shot that day.

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Myra Hindley had a pale blue Mini Traveller CNC 153C. My mum and dad lived on the same avenue as them. My mum fell pregnant with me at the time of the trial. BAD and Evil 'peaple'. We moved from the area in 1970.

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What makes me wonder is what happens to them afterwards......i mean nobody would want to own a car that had been involved in such terrible things. I read on the net that the rippers Rover was sold at a Leeds car auction in 81......dont know whats happend to it since though. I think they must just get crushed now as was Micheal Ryans Astra GTE.

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Apparently, the Range Rover Vogue involved in the Rettendon murders was cleaned-up by Essex Police and sold on to an unsuspecting member of the public. Here's a photo of it going past a speed camera in 2002:



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Peter Sutcliffe's Rover was was wearing the plates from a Skoda when he was arrested, in fact it was the theft of the plates from a scrapyard that he was initialy charged with.

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Timothy McVeigh, the bomber of the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City in 1995 used a yellow 1977 Mercury Marquis like this one to make his getaway after the bombing:




Fortunately, he was stopped by the State Police as the car didn't have a rear licence plate.

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Bruce Reynolds used his Lotus Cortina in the pre planning for the Great Train Robbery. This has recently sold and relates to a question above by Charlie Croker......

Lotus MK1 Cortina, Bruce Reynolds Great Train Robbery Car, BMK 723A. 3000 miles from new, impounded by the Metropolitan police until 1980.



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I recall an image of a mid-80s (possibly) East German terrorist group who got busted in some way, the footage was of a police taped off Mk1 BX with its bonnet and boot open. I always wanted to know what that was about.. Ring any bells with anybody?

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I recall an image of a mid-80s (possibly) East German terrorist group who got busted in some way, the footage was of a police taped off Mk1 BX with its bonnet and boot open. I always wanted to know what that was about.. Ring any bells with anybody?


I think that might have been something to do with the IRA.

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I recall an image of a mid-80s (possibly) East German terrorist group who got busted in some way, the footage was of a police taped off Mk1 BX with its bonnet and boot open. I always wanted to know what that was about.. Ring any bells with anybody?


I think that might have been something to do with the IRA.


Yes, that rings a tine bell with my already vague memory of this.. were IRA members in Germany for some reason and were caught perhaps?

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j-j: The provisional IRA murdered two London-based Australian solicitors in Holland in the early 1990s after they were mistaken for off-duty British military personnel, by virtue of the fact that they were driving a British-registered BX:


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Spano ... en_Melrose

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Apparently, the Range Rover Vogue involved in the Rettendon murders was cleaned-up by Essex Police and sold on to an unsuspecting member of the public. Here's a photo of it going past a speed camera in 2002:




You seen the other pics on that site? Bet the current owner wouldn't be eating his sandwiches in there if they knew!




You can find them yourselves as some are quite graphic. You have been warned.

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Apparently, the Range Rover Vogue involved in the Rettendon murders was cleaned-up by Essex Police and sold on to an unsuspecting member of the public. Here's a photo of it going past a speed camera in 2002:




You seen the other pics on that site? Bet the current owner wouldn't be eating his sandwiches in there if they knew!




You can find them yourselves as some are quite graphic. You have been warned.


Oh yes. It's interesting to note that whoever shot those guys was skilful enough not to get bullet holes in the RR...

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I'm not surprised Essex 5-0 sold that Range Rover on.


I've just looked through those pictures and been amazed by the condition of it, good tailgates, no rot, headlining still up and its an early SE (from the first 9 months of production) for collector value.

Then I found it was only 7 years old at the time of those pictures.

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If it was five to ten years older, it would no doubt have been fragged after the forensic people had finished with it, as it would have been worth peanuts... :roll:

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