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Automotive idiot of the week?


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Any value in having an 'automotive idot of the week' nomination?


If so I'm going to vote for this berk...




I actually like the car, not too overdone, nice colour and arguably the best alloy wheels ever made. But read the advert text :roll:


Who could possibly be 'serious' when faced with type like that?

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Have you noticed in the ad that his location has been given as 'West Midlands'? I suspect the only reading material available to them as a child was Slade album covers - hence the spelin.

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Anybody else think his first language is txt spk?

Ethr tht or he is jst a prk.


Wndr how he wud fil in th V5 if yu bght th car?

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It's times like this where I feel the need to get some credit on my spare 'phone and send him random text messages at 3.00am on a Sunday.

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^ OI!



I sent that Calibra owner a message, which I hope will take him 2 hours to decipher:


Ow do m, sw u car n pstnhdz, no i thrggt YEAH, I WON IT!!! NO WO I MEAN M8? So snin mesig 2 U sn 1 wnni cum n av wit da WOSH WOOSH WOOSJ, as it got werkin dranfun box, n duz da six sped hear bok giv etr speed, duz u hn mi numbe n u cn see if i wan see exusast n m werkin 9 - 5 lk dl pat sng, so orll i ned iz a werkin car 2 geh m 2 werk n bk iow iz it 4 perol n iz da cra fassed? wo wil mi rinserins bee liek as i av got a Crosa 1.0 12v wish as a exusast dat i brought from peco n a trilld hairbox tha i trillld meselv so. f i kud ger rinserins iv foaned go cumper n the av sed dey wud rinser me turd partee for $7100 a yeer, do u fink dis is gud prise? wud u swop for Crosa wiv exasaut n modz n gv me too fousant as well as Croza iz fassed n as modz

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HOT NEWS JUST IN. We have a contender already...


http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1996-VAUXHALL-CAL ... HOP:GB:101




That is THE best excuse EVER for a car not having an MOT.

doesnt the v6 have the rare six speed box?


if so, that was a cheap car

I think only the C20LETs may have had the six speed boxes. Still a cheap car if only for the engine.

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^ OI!



I sent that Calibra owner a message, which I hope will take him 2 hours to decipher:


Ow do m, sw u car n pstnhdz, no i thrggt YEAH, I WON IT!!! NO WO I MEAN M8? So snin mesig 2 U sn 1 wnni cum n av wit da WOSH WOOSH WOOSJ, as it got werkin dranfun box, n duz da six sped hear bok giv etr speed, duz u hn mi numbe n u cn see if i wan see exusast n m werkin 9 - 5 lk dl pat sng, so orll i ned iz a werkin car 2 geh m 2 werk n bk iow iz it 4 perol n iz da cra fassed? wo wil mi rinserins bee liek as i av got a Crosa 1.0 12v wish as a exusast dat i brought from peco n a trilld hairbox tha i trillld meselv so. f i kud ger rinserins iv foaned go cumper n the av sed dey wud rinser me turd partee for $7100 a yeer, do u fink dis is gud prise? wud u swop for Crosa wiv exasaut n modz n gv me too fousant as well as Croza iz fassed n as modz

I like that. If I could be arsed I'd copy something similar and text it as well.

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I got a reply, he understood it!!!


aryt mate.. i cud undstand bits n bobz ov ur email... am nt up 4 any px... nd onli cash my friend... and if u r around i cn get u cheap incurance, u cn evenn drive a 6.0 liter car bh da incurance b still da same... i cn get u trade policy... wich will cocer u 4 ny car........up 2 50 thousand...



I don't understand his though!

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I got a reply, he understood it!!!


aryt mate.. i cud undstand bits n bobz ov ur email... am nt up 4 any px... nd onli cash my friend... and if u r around i cn get u cheap incurance, u cn evenn drive a 6.0 liter car bh da incurance b still da same... i cn get u trade policy... wich will cocer u 4 ny car........up 2 50 thousand...



I don't understand his though!

hes saying he's an insurance broker

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^ Presumably the vendor has contacts in credit hire / accident management too.


Minor bump to your K10 Micra bodykit? No problem Sir - the S Class will be with you in the morning :roll:

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doesnt the v6 have the rare six speed box?


if so, that was a cheap car

I think only the C20LETs may have had the six speed boxes. Still a cheap car if only for the engine.

Yeah, only C20LET cars had the F28's, this had the higher geared F25. I just bought a V6 engine for 200 quid which is really cheap, this was a bargain.

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Highlight of this one, for me, was the listing of 'Angel Eyes' as 'Safety Feature'. Closely followed by the passenger door issue. Top numpty-ism.


It is almost in legible English though. Almost.

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That Calibra seems to have gone for weigh in money due to a spider being there. I wish I`d known about it, a cheap Calibra PLUS a nice big spider to take home and get up to mischief with - offering it to grandma in a crisp packet, putting it in dad`s coat pocket so it goes onto him next time he puts it on, things like that.

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